♡ Storm the Castle ♡
Tw: F slur cuz the Queen's a bitch
They were all huddled in the basement of the bakery, now that the corner was unaccessable.
"So, Scott and Xornoth will go in through here," Jimmy drew on a map of the castle "and find their Mum. Cleo, Etho, and I will sneak in and follow them, knives ready. We then kill the Queen and boom! Scott rules and makes us legal." He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek, flustering the cyanette slightly.
"And he'll let me into the castle again." Xornoth piped up.
"I will do all those things, including making all of you my official royal helper people, so you can live in the castle!" Scott smiled. "Now let's go."
Eighteen homosexuals, walking towards a castle to kill the queen. What a sight. They reached the gates, and split up. Xornoth and Scott led, and the three assassins followed behind. The others staued outside.
"Ready to see Mum?" Scott asked Xornoth.
"Ready as I'll ever be to see that motherfucker." The purple haired man responded. They walked up to the doors and came face-to-face with two guards.
"Let us through." Xornoth ordered.
"I'm afraid I can't, you aren't royalty anymore-"
"Let us through." Scott ordered instead.
"Yes, my prince." The guard bowed. The brothers walked through and into the throne room, Cleo, Etho and Jimmy not far behind but out of sight. They looked around.
"MUM?" Scott shouted.
"You." The boys heard from behind them. They turned to see the Queen, scowling.
"You," she pointed a finger into Xornoth's chest "You faggot. How dare you step foot in here." She turned to Scott. "And YOU, you little bitch. You turned out just like your failure of a brother. How dare you leave your room!" Scott stepped backwards two steps, away from his mother. Then he stod his ground and made an angry face.
"No. Don't YOU dare. You can't just kick us out for being in love with people. You like men, why can't we!? I'm sorry that you're so homophobic that you decided to make your sons illegal." The cyanette was steaming with rage. He subtly made eye contact with Jimmy and nodded. The three assassins snuck up behind the Queen.
"Mum. I want you to know that I despise you with every cell in my body. And that if anyone's going to hell," he smiled bitterly "it's you."
The Queen cried out in pain and slumped to the floor, eyes rolled back into her skull. Blood dripped down a deep slice in her neck.
She was dead.
Cleo stood over her, bloody knife in hand, smiling the most sadistic smile possible. Jimmy went up to Scott and kissed him, embracing his boyfriend. Scott looked at the guards walking to them and put out his hand.
"Stop. As the new ruler of Rivendell I command you to let this go by. She was a horrible ruler and person." The guards nodded in response.
"I call the left arm!" Cleo said while slicing the limb off the dead body. The cyanette took the crown off his mother's head and stared at it before putting it on himself. He took a knife from Cleo, who had an extra on her, looked back at the blood pooling around the dead queen's neck. With one swoop, he sliced the head clean off and held it up by the hair.
"THE QUEEN IS DEAD! LONG LOVE THE KING!" He shouted to the air. The others from the corner ran in, cheering. They kissed and they hugged and they yelled.
And they lived happily ever after. Right?
~601 words~
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