The Final Fight
Chapter Eight
Dawns POV:
Dawn looked around and she realized what was happening. Her vision was coming true. A horn sounded as a shout was heard throughout the prison. Bronze flew into the prison and shouted. "Don't let them escape!. Don't-!". Bronzes' voice was cut off as he hit the stone floor. Five Webwings were holding him down. About twenty other Webwings flooded the prison. Many different colors of Blue, Lights Blue an a few Greens shoved their way into the prison. "FOR QUEEN WAVE!". They shouted almost in unison as they ran through the stone prison and unlocked different cells. Most of them had amor on, a smart decision. Maybe they planned this. They unlocked Prince Seaweeds' cell first. He nodded to the Webwings that freed him and went over to some other cells. There were many dragons that got freed.
She couldn't count them all but she saw a few. One or two Moonwings, Three Webwings, Five Galaxywings and Eight Solarwings. From what she had counted. There might've been some Candlewings in there, but she couldn't tell them apart from the Solarwings. There were possibly more but she didn't count them all. She saw a Webwing come over to her cell and quickly unlock it. Bronze was still struggling on the ground. He was struggling to get free. "Go fly!. Hurry, get them out!". The Webwing that freed her shouted as he handed a dragon next to him the key. She quickly ran out of prison and spread her wings. She flew through the air as fast as she could. The cool night air felt nice against her wings and body. Her body somehow ached from sleeping on the hard ground. She was excited and happy to get home. As she looked back at the chaotic place she saw many dragons flying out of the prison and flying home. There were about five other Moonwings following her. She could see the Webwings slowly retreating into blobs of Blue, Light Blues and Greens. She continued flying. She felt strange, Like she was wide awake. As she got closer to her territory, she got tired. That was weird. I wonder what that was about. She thought. The other Moonwings behind her had sped up and gone past her. Dawn caught up to them and she looked at the moons in the sky. One of them was out and the second was halfway out. The moons were beautiful. They were like glowing eyes that were watching them and guiding them on their journey. Her Dark Grey scales gleamed in the moonlight. Almost like an egg in the hatchery that glowed when the moon touched it with its careful hands. They flew into the entrance of their home and King Starwatcher was talking to some armored dragons. Possibly the guards and they walked down the sloped hallway. He turned to the returned Moonwings and was surprised a bit. "You're all back!. I was just about to send guards to infiltrate the Boulderwings prison!. But I can see that you are all here. Hm?". King Starwatcher turned to a Moonwing who looked really messed up. He had claw marks on his underbelly and wings. He was doing some strange motions with his talons. Sigh language if she remembered correctly. His name was Taboo and he was deaf. He has weak mind reading. He was signing very quickly, she didn't know what he was saying. Another dragon looked almost like Taboo. Maybe they were related. "He's saying that all of us have gone through terrible things!. We all were treated terribly!". Her name was Omen. She had Mind reading and false visions. She had heard of her a few times. Omen was an astronomer. She must be Taboo's mom. King Starwatcher nodded to Omen and stared at Taboo for a while. Taboo had Eggplant Purple scales with a Lighter Purple underbelly. His eyes were a Jasmine Yellow and his spike were Lavender. They both went down the hallway and other dragons had followed them. Dawn was about to follow them when she heard talonsteps coming from the hallway.
Her three daughters and Darkthought had come from the hallway. Dark Sunset had hugged her first, Violet second and Midnight soft of lightly hugged her. Darkthought waited until her three daughter stopped hugged her gently. He was worried about her. She could tell. What had his made him see?. Violet seemed calmer than Midnight. "How are you so... calm?. Mother came back from prison!". Midnight asked Violet. Violet was silent for a while. "I knew it would happen. But what happens next is a bit... blurry". Violet told Midnight. Midnights future sight was a bit weaker than Violets. She always found it strange. How Violets future sight was stronger than Midnights. She hadn't heard of dragons' visions getting blurry, but only when that didn't know what would happen. Maybe that's what was happening with Violet. Usually her visions her clear, so what was stopped them from seeing the problem. Was it the same for Midnight?. "Is it the same for you Midnight?". Violet asked Midnight as she nodded. "Mine are blurry too". Midnight told Violet. Midnight didn't really see what Violet saw. Then again. They didn't tell her about their visions. It was their business and they didn't have to share if they didn't want to. The sky's clouds turned grey as the wind picked up speed. It got foggy as well. The entrance was getting flooded with raindrops each second. It got foggy as well. "We should take you to the doctors in case something gets infected". Darkthought told her as he pointed to something on her leg. It was a mark from something. Probably a spear. How had she not noticed it before?. "I didn't know that was there..". Dawn told Darkthought as they walked to the entrance and flew out. The rain was cold and made her wings feel like mini swimming pools. It made it a bit hard to fly. Whenever she clapped her wings went everywhere. It was one of the reasons she disliked the rain. I don't like how cold the rain is. How do Webwings like it when it's cold?. I'll never know. The white flag was hard to see in the fog that had happened because of the rain. They carefully landed at the entrance and walked into the doctors office. A doctor approached them and led them over to a metal table. "What are you here for?. Would you like a blanket?". Dawn smiled. "I... got poked by something and I want to know if it's infected?. Yes please". She asked the doctor. I hope she knows what it is. I think it's a spear. It kind of hurts. The doctor grabbed a blanket and smiled as she handed it to her. She had a round magnifying glass and introduced herself. "Alright. I'm Ms. Relict and..". Ms. Relict turned around and paused. Maybe she was a future seer like her. She grabbed something from a wooden drawer. She handed her a bag of Echinacea leaves in a tea bag. She took the bag from Ms. Relict and nodded. Dawn got off of the table and handed the blanket back to Ms. Relict. Ms. Relict took the blanket from them and waved to them as they left. Dawn and Darkthought flew in the rain again. The rain was a bit lighter than when they flew to the doctors. Her wings didn't feel like mini pools anymore. Thank goddess the rain died down a bit. My wings feel lighter now. I feel like something is going to happen. My visions haven't been happening so they haven't been much help. She spoke too soon. As they landed a flash of Yellow eyes, a spear and Black scales appeared. The rain was still landing on them and getting beneath their scales. She knew that the freakish Yellow were Bronzes'. She didn't know where the spear came from. She knew her daughters scales enough to know that Midnight was involved in her vision.
Dawn watched as Darkthought and their three daughters went down the slope. Darkthought and Midnight suddenly turned around. Violet has whispered something to Dark Sunset and they both ran down the slope. "Mom!. Duck!". Midnight yelled to her. She could hear the aggressive flapping of wings. Then silence. She almost ducked down but not fast enough. Her body hit the ground with a thump. She knew who was holding her down. Bronze held her down with one of his talons. He held her tail down with his right back talons. Even though her tail wasn't dangerous, maybe he did that to make sure she wouldn't secretly stab him. He laughed a bit. "Ha Ha Ha!. Did you really think I would let you and the others escape from me?. If you did, then you thought wrong!. I'm going to get every single one of them back!". Bronze yelled as guards came from behind him and tried to drag him away. Dawn quickly got up and turned around. She went beside Darkthought and watched as Bronze fought the guards. He charged some plasma and aimed it at them. One of the guards tried to close his mouth shut and it hit the stone a few feet in front of her. It left a dent in the wall. Starwatcher would be mad at that. He kicked one of them in the gut and they fell to the ground. The other guard saw this and let go of him. Her daughters were probably planning something. He flew back o to the ground before more guards surrounded him. They all grabbed different parts of him. One of them grabbed his arms. Another grabbed his wings. Another grabbed his tail. They were all about to drag him away and into the prison. But something stopped them. They let go of his talons as if they were on fire. He turned back to them and they were ready. He lunged towards Darkthought and he dived out of the way. He almost fell over. He whirled around and lunged at Dawn.
Dawn ducked but not quick enough and he started to claw at her. She felt them start to tumble down the slope. As she tumbled down the slope. She heard Bronze chasing after her down the slope. She finally got up when she stopped tumbling and stared to face Bronze. She didn't see or hear him. She turned around quickly and Bronze charged into her. She almost got the wind knocked out of her. She scratched near his left eye. He quickly let go and dropped her. She lunged at his neck and bit him hard. She stopped when she felt the taste of Iron in her mouth. She kicked him in the underbelly and he landed a few feet away from her. She quickly got to her feet and went for his back. Dawn clawed his back and wings pretty good. There were small tears in his wings and blood was dripping down his wings. She had gotten a lot of scales off of him and they were falling into the floor with small tinks. She continued fighting him and Darkthought had eventually come down the ramp. He had thrown her off of him and she fell to the ground. A fume of fire hit Bronze in the back of his neck. It smelt like burnt coal and burnt wax. He turned around and Darkthought had whacked him in the face with tail. A small cut started to form and blood dropped down his face. He went to turn his face to Darkthought, but Dawn jumped on him and started to claw at his underbelly hard. She left many scratches which bled. He grabbed her arms and rolled her over and started to claw at her deeply. Dawn screamed in pain. "AH!. Ah!. E-Even your fighting is worse than the guards!". She yelled to Bronze. He stopped for a second and Darkthought rammed into him. She tried to get up and saw the Darkthoughts moons glowed a light blue. He's using his other power!. She thought as blue flames hit Bronze in his right shoulder. The scales on his shoulder looked like they were melting off of his skin. He yelled in pain as he laid on the ground. She tried to get up but she couldn't. Was she enchanted?. She knew that once he was dead she wouldn't be. He struggled to get up from the ground. He suddenly charged towards Darkthought who was looking at her. He knocked him into the wall and knocked him out. She slowly started to crawl over to him. She felt Bronze on her back and slowly trailed marks across her back. "Why?. Why are you doing this?". Dawn asked Bronze in a voice below a whisper. He seemed interested for a second. He leaned towards her ear. "I'm doing this because I am King. I will get everyone back, STARTING WITH YOU!". Bronze yelled into her ear. She flinched away from him. He was about to reach his talons around her neck but it didn't come. She felt dizzy and was about to pass out. She saw her three daughters standing in the hallway of the Theater room. It was used for a lot of things but that's mostly what it was called. Midnight looked... scared, angry and determined. She raised the spear above her head and shouted words she never thought she would hear, but she suspected she would sometime in her life.
"I enchant this spear to stab Bronze, King of the Boulderwings!". Midnight shouted as the spear shot out of her talons and Bronzes' chest. Blood poured out of the wound and onto her back. He fell to the left and hit the ground. He went limp. She now had her answer. Midnight was an Animus.
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