Dawns POV:
Dawn stopped looking over the edge and she turned around. A dragon was staring at her. She stared at the dragon, the dragon stared back. She looked into the dragons eyes and carefully walked back to the makeshift bed. The dragon looked at ahead and then flew out of the carefully carved entrance. The dragons wing beats were soon unheard as it flew into the distance. She sighed a sigh of relief and got out of the bed again. She saw another room in front of her and there was a sign above it written in dragon. It read, Diner room. It wasn't very creative. She carefully walked into the room as she pressed herself against the stone walls. She looked into the room and saw more dragons. Dawn felt herself get nervous as she walked into the room. She guessed that none of the dragons were paying attention to her. She saw some food crumbs dropping beneath the dragons as they ate. She saw an empty chair with a plate of berries and she quickly ran towards the chair. She grabbed the leg of the chair and began to climb it. By the time she got to the cushion of the chair she was exhausted. She sat on the cushion for a for minutes before she gained her stamina back. The chair had been pushed in and she guessed that whoever this was, they were very polite. Dawn began to back of the chair and she had successfully made it onto the table. She looked at the berries a bit shocked. She reached towards the berries and took small chunks out of them. The berries were full of flavor. They had a bit of juice in them and she continued eating the berries. Once she was full she began to climb down the chair and walked out the room. Dawn was stopped when she saw the same dragon fly back into the entrance. It didn't seem to spot her and she quietly snuck back to the makeshift bed. She heard some noises a few rooms down and she heard a dragon speaking. She could only hear a few words. "Darkthought!, Get in here!". She heard a dragon from a room next to the Diner room. She looked up and saw another sign above the door. It read Conference room. She saw the dragon from earlier run into the room. They had begun speaking about something but she could only pick out a few words. "What can we do with the (Unknown word)". A dragon growled to the one that went into the room. She wasn't listening that well so she only heard Dark. She guessed that its name was probably Darkscales or something like that. "We can turn it into a dragon with (unknown word) magic?". The dragon called Dark told the other one. "(Unknown word), But how?, what about your soul?". The other dragon asked Dark. She stopped listening to the conversation. That wasn't until she heard a loud BANG!. A dragon began yelling. "I WONT DO IT UNLESS ITS IMPORTANT!, ENCHANTING A RANDOM BRACELET WONT WORK!". She could hear things falling onto the stone floor, it was silent for a while. "Starwatcher, What if you use one spell on me". The dragon named Dark told the other one. She could make out the word Star but she didn't hear the other half. She wasn't that good of a listener. It was probably Starcatcher or something. She could hear it go silent and she saw one of the dragon come out of the room. It was the same dragon, the one called Dark. He seemed about seventeen feet tall. He was a Dark Grey with a light Grey underbelly. He was fading into purple by his hind legs. He had Turquoise eyes and horns that were an even darker Grey. He had a small scar on the right side of his face, near his lower jaw. Dark began to walk towards her and she stepped back. He shook his head and continued walking towards her. Dawn closed her eyes and she felt his claws wrap around her. She felt herself being moved and she slowly opened her eyes. She was in a room that seemed empty until she turned around. There was a large bed with a small bedside table. There was a double door and she heard a loud creak as they closed. She looked at Dark. "Where are we?". Dawn asked in dragon. Dark seemed shocked because he quickly turned around and stared at her. She could see him hide his wrists as he faced them away from her. "Thats not important". Dark told her as she stepped towards her. She noticed that he had on a bracelet. She wondered what going on until a purple smoke almost filled the room.She tried using her shirt to not inhale the smoke but it was too late. She felt tired and she felt like passing out. She tried resisting it but soon all she saw was darkness. Black was all she saw when she passed out. She didn't really know what was going on until she woke up. Dawn looked down at her talons. She felt strange like somethings as wrong and she had to remember. She pushed the feeling aside and she looked at Dark. "H-how did I get here?". Dawn asked Dark in more fluent dragon. She felt as if she was forgetting something. She felt like speaking dragon was a new language to her but she also felt like she had been speaking it her whole life. Dark seemed like he was reading a scroll and he looked up from reading it. "Oh, you're awake!, Do you remember anything?". Dark asked her. Dawn was confused. She didn't feel like she forgot anything, did she?. She tilted her head at Dark. "What do you mean Dark?, I don't feel like I forgot anything?". Dawn told Dark as she got off of the bed. She stood up carefully and she almost fell over when she did. She saw Dark her up and try to help her. "Be careful, one leg in front of the other". Dark told her as she began to walk forwards. She kept walking around the room until she got used to the hang of walking. She felt her wings get closer to her body. Dawn looked at her back and she watched as her wings moved up and down. To her it was like an extra set of arms but on her back. "Would you like to learn how to fly?, Also how do you know my nickname?". Dark asked her. Dawn looked at Dark and she continued moving her wings up and down. Dark walked towards the door and opened it. She felt cool air hit her chest and she looked down at the moons on her chest. They were glowing a soft Pearl white color. "I... overheard it from someone, What's your real name?". Dawn asked Dark as they both walked out of the door together.
The both walked to the entrance of the cave and walked down the carved pathway. The hallway was really big, about three fully grown dragons could fit in the hallway. They both reached the entrance. It was late in the evening. The rocks were now cold to the touch and so was the grass. Dark led her through the grass for a while before she came across a small sandy beach. The sand was a bit sparkly with waves crashing down on it every so often. The waves were calming to her. There were some rocks scattered around the beach which she guessed were from the falling rocks that came from the mountain. She saw Dark stop near the water but he wasn't too close. "My actual name is Darkthought, Now if you want to learn to fly you must be careful". He told her. He carefully spread his wings and she could see stars sparkling on his wings. Some of them were lightly colored if she looked close enough. He spread his wings outwards and he flapped them gently. "To start flying you need to think of your wings as extra arms, they also need to be constantly moving to keep you in the air". Darkthought told her as he jumped off the ground and beat his wings. He continued hovering in the air. Dawn nodded to Darkthought and she jumped off of the ground. She immediately started flapping her wings and she found herself hovering above the ground. She looked at Darkthought and she smiled. "I did it!, but I'm only hovering". Dawn told Darkthought as she saw him fly upwards. He looked down at her and nodded to her. Like a signal that he would help her if she messed up. She felt breath quiver and she started flapping her wings a bit faster as she began to fly upwards. She felt herself flying upwards with Darkthought. Dawn felt happy as she flew through the air. They both flew back to the entrance. She saw Darkthought look at an object on the ceiling. It was a round circle that had a triangle on it. There was a small jar with fireflies above it. The shadow on it was on a small line and he sighed. "It must be about nine at night, we should get some sleep". Darkthought told her. He began leading Dawn down the hallway and they stopped at a bedroom. It was the bedroom that they had previously come out of. They had walked into the bedroom and climbed into the bed. Dawn didn't know what she dreamt of that night. She kept seeing the same things. An island, a dragon and some stars. Dawn didn't know what that meant. She awoke the next day and she looked at Darkthought. He seemed to be reading a scroll about history. He put the scroll down and looked at her. He seemed nervous about something. "How was your sleep?, Did you sleep well?...". Darkthought asked her as he laid the scroll on the ground and got up. Dawn rubbed her head a bit as she got up. She blinked the sleep from her eyes as she looked at Darkthought. She felt the room get a bit warmer as she saw the door open. A dragon stood in the doorway as he looked at Darkthought. He sighed as he looked at Darkthought. "Did you show her the crystal yet?". The dragon asked him. The dragon was a Dark Grey with a Darker Grey underbelly. He had Dark Brown eyes and Dark Blue wing membranes. He also had on horn rings that were connected with a cloth of red fabric. He stared at Darkthought. "Not yet.. your majesty, I will later...". He told the dragon. The dragon walked out of the door with a huff and closed the door behind him. When the door closed Darkthought looked at a bit annoyed. "That was our King, Starwatcher, he usually checks in on other dragons often when they come here". Darkthought told her as she heard talonsteps walk away from the door. Dawn looked at Darkthought and she nodded. He got up and walked towards the door. When he did she got the flashes again. The island was made of grass and had many trees. White flashed. A dragon who looked like Darkthought but they had different wings and underbelly, they had stars on them. The flashes ended and she blinked rapidly. She looked at Darkthought as she walked to the door with him. "Where are we going?. Is it to see the crystal that Starwatcher mentioned?". Dawn asked him. He closed the door behind them and they started walking down the hallway together. Darkthought seemed focused on something, she didn't know what it was. "Yes, we might as well get it over with now rather than later...". He told her as they walked down the hallway. They had passed a couple of rooms and one of them was interesting. It had multiple shelves like a library and she could see some dragons sleeping in them. They seemed to be wearing armor but she couldn't tell. She saw most of them covered with blankets. She continued walking and she soon saw an actual library. There seemed to be scrolls on every shelf except for a few dragons that were reading some. Some dragons even had their dragonet with them. Dawn continued walking with Darkthought and they approached a room with a large door. There were two guards in front of it. They straightened their posture and looked at Darkthought. "Do you have any orders?". One of the guards asked him and he stepped forwards. "Yes I do, from King Starwatcher to show her the crystal". Darkthought told the guard as he pointed to her and stepped forwards. The guard quickly nodded and they both opened the doors. The double doors opened to reveal a purple crystal ball glowing dimly. She could see small stars swirling inside of the crystal. She looked at Darkthought for a moment as she looked at the crystal. "What does the crystal do?". Dawn asked him as she stared at the crystal. She could see some small constellations in it like the Big Dipper and Scorpio. Even though it was Purple it seemed to have other shades of Purple within it. Darkthought looked at her and back at the crystal. "Put your talons on it and if you can see the future say Look into the Stars". He told her. Dawn did as she was told and she put her talons lay on the cold crystal. The crystal glowed a bit brighter and a mist appeared around it. It glowed a brighter Purple and she saw the flashes again but this time they were more obvious. Dawn saw Darkthought flying with her and a dragonet. She didn't know whose but they were flying to the island. White flashed. The same dragon appeared again but she could see more features. They looked a bit like Darkthought but they had more features. They still had the galaxy in their wings and they also had stars on their underbelly. White flashed again. She could see another dragon with Light Grey and they had Yellow eyes. The vision ended and she quickly took her talons away from the crystal. Dawn looked at Darkthought and she blinked a bit. She slowly backed away from it. Darkthought looked at her a bit worried and he walked towards her. "Are you alright?, What did you see?". He asked her. Dawn looked at him and nodded to him. "I'm alright..., the things I saw were... strange". Dawn told Darkthought as she walked towards the door. Darkthought nodded as he opened the door for her. She thanked Darkthought and they walked to the bedroom that they had come out of earlier. The bed seemed to have been made by someone. She guessed that it was Starwatcher who did it. She looked at Darkthought and went over to the bed. Darkthought walked over to her and sat down beside her. "So what did you see?". He asked her as he opened a scroll. She glanced at the scroll he was reading, it seemed to be about the history of how Queens or Kings got their weapons. "There was an island... and then a dragon?. But she was different, like you but she had a Galaxy in her wings and then there was us?. We were also different, there was a dragonet with us and then it ended..". Dawn told Darkthought as she looked away from him. Darkthought seemed a bit nervous. Why was he nervous?. Did he know something she didn't?. Darkthought sighed as he looked at her. He scooted closer to her. He didn't know what she talking about, did he?. "You can see the future..., so can I but not like you. I've only been seeing the island and an egg?. I don't know whose egg it is but I guess we'll see in the future". Darkthought told her. Dawn laughed a bit. She looked towards the door and she kept thinking about the library she saw. I wonder what's in the library..., maybe there's some interesting scrolls in there. Maybe I can ask him... Dawn thought as she looked at him. "I saw a library on the way to the crystal, can we there?. I want to read about the powers we have..". Dawn told Darkthought. He looked at her and put down his scroll. He looked at her and opened the doors to the bedroom. They both began walking down the hallway. The hallways were a bit warmer and she could see the torches lighting the dimly lit hallway. The hallways were mostly clean except for the dust that cling to the firefly globes on the ceiling. The firefly globes were unlit and they had soon reached the library. They looked into the library and she could see a librarian using a stamp on a scroll. The librarian looked at them and smiled. "Hello Darkthought!, What brings you here today?". The librarian asked Darkthought as they walked into the library. Dawn looked around and she saw most of the dragons were reading quietly and some of them were reading different scrolls to their dragonets. She saw multiple signs hanging from the ceiling. One of them read, Knowledge is key!. Another one read, Open your wings and learn!. Dawn looked at the shelves and she could see labels on them. One of them read History. She went towards the history section and she scanned through the scrolls. She heard Darkthought follow her. She could see him looking through the scrolls with her. She came across a scroll that read, Powers from the Moons. She picked up the scroll and opened it. It had multiple things explaining where the powers came from. Dawn nodded to him and they went to the counter. There were about Three dragons waiting in line. One of them that was waiting turned to her and smiled. "Oh!, Hello Darkthought!. It's been a long time since we've met!..., Who is this?". The dragon asked quietly as she turned around. "Hello Swift!, I didn't expect to see you here. This is Dawn, she's a friend of mine.., What scroll are you checking out today?". Darkthought told Swift. Swift seemed to blush a bit as she held her scroll. "Hello Dawn!, It's a pleasure to meet you!... I'm buying this scrolls because I..I'm expecting an egg!". Darkthought and Dawn looked at her and smiled. The line moved up and she could hear a dragon in front of them checking out a scroll about how to tell apart different herbs. Swift seemed about ready to burst into tears but she kept herself together. She could see a small bump and at first glance it wasn't noticeable. "That's wonderful Swift!, Who's the father and how far along are you?". Darkthought asked Swift. Swift seemed to blush a bit more in embarrassment. She seemed happy. "The father is Strongsight..., I'm thinking of naming him Starshifter!. I'm about six months along!". Swift told Darkthought. They heard a dragon say the word and Swift moved up a place and began talking to the librarian. While they were waiting Dark looked at her. "Swift was nice!, How did you meet her?". Dawn asked Darkthought. She heard the sound of a stamp being placed on paper and it was finally their turn. The librarian looked at her for a moment looking at the scroll. She placed the scroll on the counter. The librarian looked at her again. "You seem new here?, You are new here!... Hello Darkthought, I'm going to tell her how scrolls work here". The librarian said to Darkthought. He nodded and the librarian looked at Dawn. "His name is Ink...., He know you're new because I told him..". Darkthought told her and she saw him open the scroll. He scanned through it before nodding and looked under the desk for something. Ink came out from under the desk and he handed her a wooden library card. It had four numbers written on it. Dawn was a bit freaked out about how Ink knew her name. She took the card from him and he smiled at her. "This helps me remember which scroll you've taken and I have to stamp the scroll to see if the scroll had been checked out or not!. You have to return this scroll in five days!". Ink told her as she took the scroll from him. She could see that he had two teardrop scales by his eyes and they looked shiny. He had Ebony Black scales and a Grey underbelly. He had small markings on one of his talons that made it looked like he wore a ring. His horns looked strange. It looked as if they were made of metal. She was sure they were. He had small clips on his natural horns. His spikes were a deep Purple. Dawn noticed that he stared at Darkthought and nodded to something. What was he doing?. Dawn nodded to Ink and they both walked out of the library. "Come again soon!". Ink called out to them. They walked down the hallway and the firefly globes were now active. That must've meant it was nighttime. She heard the double door to the room open and she walked inside with Darkthought. Dawn sat down on the bed and opened her scroll. She began scanning through the scroll. Most of it was about how the eggs needed to hatch under the moons to gain their powers. She then got to the interesting part. It read, Most dragonets are lucky to have powers. They get their powers from the moons. One moon gives them either prophecy telling or mind reading. Two moons gives them both powers. Mind readers have a small teardrop scales next to their eyes. Future seers have two teardrop scales next to their eyes. When a Moonwing can see the future they stare at something and don't move. Three moons is very rare but this makes their powers stronger and they have three teardrop scales by their eyes. If a Moonwing dragonet is born on a lunar eclipse they have the power to see all natural disasters and project their thoughts into every dragon, not just mind readers. This is very rare. Dawn stopped reading and put the scroll down. She began to get a bit tired. She laid her head down on the pillow. She felt someone cover her with a soft blanket and she slowly went to sleep.
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