Dawns POV:
Dawn awoke in a panic to her alarm clock ringing and quickly jumped out of bed. The time on her clock read 6:57. She was late for school. She looked at her White closet and opened the drawers. She found some jeans and a Light Gray sweatshirt. She quickly put it on and ran out of her bedroom, down the stairs. She grabbed her backpack and found her mom waiting for her. "If you don't hurry up we'll be even more late than we are now". Her mom warned her while holding the keys to her Chevrolet Impala. She looked towards the kitchen which had Light Gray walls with a brick pattern. She grabbed a granola bar from the counter top and ran out of the door with her mom. They ran down the gravel driveway and went into the car. She quickly hopped into the passenger seat and they took of towards the school. The school she went to wasn't very big. It was a large brick building with about fifteen kids in each class. Even though the classes were small there were still a large number of kids in the school. She looked at her mom and realized that her mom had a necklace on which was strange considering the only jewelry she wore were her earrings and her wedding ring. The necklace her mom wore was a Blue and Green gem embedded into the necklace. There were swirls of Yellow in it as well. She heard a noise above her and her mom did as well. There was a dragon that flew above the forest and flew somewhere else. The dragon she saw was Black but it faded into Purple near its hind legs. The car stopped as they arrived at the school. Her and her mom walked up the sidewalk to the school. They had reached the doors of the school which were painted Black with wooden handles. She couldn't forget the dragon that flew over the car earlier. She knew it was a Moon dragon because that had moons on them that would glow at nighttime. She also had another secret. She knew how to speak a small amount of dragon. There were legends that another human before her time knew how to speak dragon. What was their name again?. Wind?. She tried hard to remember their name. Wren, was their name. She was known to have spoken to dragons and she even kept one as a pet. That sounded fun but scary at the same time. Imagine having a giant dragon living with someone. Dawn wondered how Wren learned Dragon. Did she speak English one day and then, Bam! Start speaking Dragon?. Did she speak both languages at once?. She didn't want to think about it for too long. While her mom explained why they were late she looked out of the window in the door. Her eyes widened as she looked outside. There standing behind a tree, that wasn't very well hidden, was a dragon. It looked to be the same dragon that had flown over their car. She looked back at the hallway that led to her classes. She thought about all of the other dragons that existed. For now she named the ones she knew. There were Moon Dragons, which were either Black, Dark Gray or Grey with stars on their wings and sometimes she saw some with teardrop scales by their eyes. Water Dragons, They lived in the water and she rarely saw them. Except for that one time she snuck out of her home at night and went to the river with Red Grass. One of them she saw was really pretty. It was a Dark Turquoise color with Black spots on it. It had glowing spots on it and it seemed to have a small bottle of something in its hands. Inside the glass bottle it looked to be purple but she couldn't see well that night because all she had was a candle. She knew they could swim because they had small sails on them. For some reason their wings were smaller than the other dragons. Sun dragons were known for living in the sandy place across the river. They liked the heat for some reason and they had horns on their heads. They'd reminded her of Unicorns in a way. But Unicorns wouldn't try to eat you and zap you to death. Then there were Space dragons, They had Galaxies in their wings and for some reason instead of breathing fire they breathed this weird gas. She'd seen what it could do to animals and it was terrifying. One Time she was out gathering fire for the fireplace and she'd seen one looking at a wandering bird. It breathed a small fume of blue gas and the bird had breathed it in. The bird had looked upwards and died on the spot. Dawn didn't even want to know what it could do to humans. There were Rock Dragons, They lived in the mountains near the other side of the river. She knew about them because she had only seen one for a spilt second. Dawn thought they would be either Pearl White or Tan. She was a bit disappointed when she saw that one of them was Dark Grey and Light Grey. Those were all of the dragons she knew so far. She felt as her Mom tapped her shoulder. "I hope you have a good day, sweetie". Her mom told her. She smiled at her mom. "You too, Mom!". She yelled as she ran down the hallway to her English class. Me. Oak was her English teacher. He was kind of boring and did lectures a lot which was why most of the time she daydreamed about things when she was in his class.
She had the piece of paper ready in her hand for when she got in. She stopped in front of Mr. Oaks' door and went into the classroom. "So, When you read the description in a book and it's very, very detailed. You can feel yourself in that situation... Oh, hello Dawn, would you care to join us?". He asked her as she walked into the room. She handed him the small price of paper in her hand and sat down in her seat. Unfortunately her seat was next to one of those bratty girls who had the urge to know everything that happened. "So, like... What happened?, Why are you late?, Being late isn't going to help you in your studies Dawn". She told her. "Chelsie, I was late because I slept in and I know that, I'm not doing it on purpose". She told Chelsie. Although Chelsie was a popular girl and wanted to know everything. She was a good friend to her at least. Whenever other people tried to talk to her, Chelsie would scare them away. She didn't mind but she did have other friends. Like her friends Dorothy, James and Mary. Those were some of her good friends. She liked them because they were funny and made her laugh a lot also because they cared about her and helped her with things if she didn't understand. The English teacher rambled on about English things but mentioned something that interested her. "Today we will be practicing a Fire Drill in case a Fire does actually happen. In which every class will go to the soccer field until the drill is over, We will resume classes like normal and you will go to your other classes". Mr. Oak told the class. She listened intently as he spoke about the Fire Drill. He continued on with his lesson and soon the Fire drill went off. The loud sound was blaring into her ears as she quickly headed out of the door down the hallway to her right. Everyone was almost crowded together and she could barely see where she was walking. She went up some stairs that were to her left and went to the soccer field as instructed by her English teacher. The grass was warm and soft. There was a fence around the soccer field which was made with metal. There was also a gravel parking lot with White lines to separate cars. The air had been warm and it had been a few minutes. Usually she was excited for Fire drills because she would miss Mr. Oaks' class. She heard the trees shake and to her it seemed normal. "Hey are you okay Dawn?". James asked her. She looked back at him. "Y-yea, I'm ok, It's... a bit cold outside that's all". She told James while looking ahead. She thought she saw a speck of Black move through the trees but she was probably imagining it. She felt goosebumps crawl on her arms. It felt like something was watching her. Suddenly a Black dragon came from the trees and flew towards her. Everyone tried running back to the school but most of them fell over each other. She tried to run but something had grabbed her. It was the Black Dragon who had grabbed her. "HEY!, Let me go!, put me down you-". She was cut off as she was put into a bag. It was really Dark. She felt something underneath herself. She quickly got up and felt the thing she was sitting on. It felt like flowers. Why would a dragon need flowers?. They did smell nice. They did smell nice. Why did the dragon take me!, I want to go back on the ground and be with my mom!. How did this happen... Was it my own fault that this happened?. She thought while she sat down in the bag. She felt calm now. She also felt like she hadn't slept. She slowly closed her eyes and welcomed the sleep. She suddenly awoke and felt something hard underneath her. She sat up and looked around. She was on a rock and there was a sheet of silk over her. She slowly got out of the bed. Dawn looked around to make sure nothing was coming. She heard nothing so she crept over the edge. It was really high up. She couldn't get down. Even if she was really careful she wouldn't be able to get down. She looked around and saw a large walkway down. It seemed as if it had been made for something larger. She realized that the larger thing was a dragon or dragons. She knew there were more of them. She didn't know how many dragons there were but there were probably hundreds of them. She would know about that soon. For now she needed to find out where she was. The other thing she had to do was make a decision.
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