Movie Chapter 2
Movie Chapter 2- Classmates In The Wild!
You three followed Melissa into a building and into a lab. Allmight opened the door and started to pose.
"Yes! I am here! Shaking with emotions for our heartfelt reunion!" He laughed. He hugged his old friend as you and Izuku just stood there, dumbfounded.
"Midoriya! (Y/N)! I would like for you to meet my old friend, David Shield," He said.
"Oh I know him! Professor David Shield! A top scientist that won a noble quirk prize! He also was Allmight's partner when he lived in America, and a genius when is comes to costumes! Allmight's young age, bronze age, silver age, and the golden age! He was the one who made those iconic looks! I never thought I'll meet him in real life!!" Izuku ran up to David and started to ramble as were very confused.
"Um...Nice to meet you?" You said in a questioning tone.
"Nice to meet both of you, can you leave Allmight and I here so we can catch up?" The two of you nodded as David turned to Melissa.
"Hey Melissa, can you take out visitors around the island?" He asked.
"No problem, I would always like to show future heroes all our hard work, right this way you two," You and Izuku followed.
"So, you guys have any hero names you want me to call you? Or just your real names?" She asked.
"Call me Deku," Izuku said.
"And call me Toothless," You smiled at her.
"Deku and Toothless, strange names, but you can just call me Melissa," She smiled, making you flushed and Izuku looking at you with worry.
'Does (Y/N) like Melissa? No that can't be she only met her. I have to rise up to be a hero for (Y/N), then she'll fall in love with me!'
"Woah, can you believe that this island was man-made?" Izuku asked you as the three of you walked around looking at the tech.
"Really? That's so cool, but this technology confuses me," You rubbed your head.
"We also have normal city things too. The downside is that we can't travel," Melissa said.
"Yeah, the families here can't leave because the scientists' work is extremely secret and we can't risk it." Melissa explained as you and Izuku were wide eyed at the giant monster in front of you.
"It's the Monster Hero: Godzillo!!" He yelled. You flew up to look at him as you were so happy.
"Another reptilian!" You said with a big smiled.
"I-Island bring heroes here to show off new gear and sign autographs. Pretty insane. And the pro heroes will be at the party tonight," Melissa said.
'Is that why Allmight and Zuku-kun took me out to shop for new clothes?' You thought.
"Hey over here! You have to check this place out!" you followed the girl into a building with so many machines inside. Izuku fanboyed as Melissa was naming out some of the machines and what they can do. You just felt your soul leave from your body at the complex machines as the two were geeking out about tech.
"What's up with Toothless?" Melissa asked Izuku while she was looking at you swaying to the machines poking them.
"Oh! We forgot to mention that she doesn't have a quirk, but she's a real dragon." Melissa's eyes widen.
"She's been living in isolation for about 1,600 years, and doesn't know a thing about any technology at all, she doesn't even know read perfectly yet," Izuku explained.
"Reallly?! Toothless!" You turn to see Melissa grabbing your arms.
"Toothless you're really an actual dragon?! And better yet, you don't know the first thing about any of this! You must follow me to my lab so I can show you everything!" She said excitedly.
"U-Uh o-okay!" You stammered as she kept shaking you.
"It looks like you're having fun, Deku, (Y/N)," You and Izuku jumped and turn to see Uraraka with a smile, but there was something wrong with it.
"O-Ochaco! What are you doing here?" You asked.
"It looks like you're having fun," She repeated.
"You said that," Izuku said. you heard a throat being cleared and turn to see Yaoyorozu and Jiro.
"Yaoyorozu?!" Izuku said.
"You two appear to have a good time," she said with a blank expression on her face.
"Midoriya, (Y/N), I heard everything," Jiro piped in with her earjacks being shown, making you gulp.
"Jiro's earphone jack, the ultimate spy tech," Izuku said, but quickly composing himself.
"Are these your friends?" Melissa asked letting you go, making you nod.
"Yeah, also our classmates. And we didn't tell them we'll be here on the island," You said rubbing your neck.
"Guys! This is Melissa! She was showing us around the island for a little bit," Izuku introduced her.
"Well nice to meet you. My dad and Uncle Might are really good-" You quickly covered her mouth with your tail.
"Please don't tell them that we were invited here as Allmight's guests it's a big secret." Izuku whispered to her.
"There are reasons here but let me think of ones, but please don't tell them," You pleaded.
"Okay then," Melissa nodded and turned to the three of them.
"Why don't we get some tea?" She asked them, making you and Izuku sigh in relief, but one thought went through the girls' minds.
'What was she doing to (Y/N)?'
You sat next to slurping a smoothie instead due to you not liking tea.
'Looks like they're warming up to Melissa now, that's good. But why are they here?' You thought.
"At least they aren't questioning anything," Izuku mumbled to you.
"Thank you for waiting! And here's an extra smoothie for a cute dragon!" You perked up at that familiar voice.
"Denki!" You smiled at the electric human.
"And Mineta?" Uraraka said.
"What are you two doing here?" Jiro asked.
"They were hiring some wait staff, and since that meant free vacation we applied!" Kaminari explained.
"We explore the Expo on our break and we earn some money! Plus we get to get a chance to meet a pretty girl!" Mineta spotter Melissa and asked about her.
"Are they also your classmates?" Melissa asked.
"Yep that's us!" Kaminari said with a grin, making you laugh.
"Why are you two slacking off?! You wanted to earn money don't you?! And you're not working hard!!" You felt a sudden breeze as Iida ran pass you guys to berate Kaminari and Mineta.
"Tenya! You're here too?" You asked him.
"From a family of heroes, it's expected for an invitation, unfortunately my family couldn't come so I came here alone (Y/N)," Iida said chopping his arms again.
"That's amazing, my family got an invitation because my father worked with the promos here. I also got to pick plus ones," Yaoyorozu explained.
"Yeah, so we gambled for it. The two of us won that battle," Jiro grinned.
"The other girls are here they just can't see the preview," Uraraka said to you.
"That's cool," you smiled.
"How about this? I can show you all the sights," Melissa offered. The girls were happy and Kaminari and Mineta pleaded to come too.
Just then, and explosion was heard and you jumped because of the noise.
"What was that?!" Izuku said worriedly.
"It came from over there, let's go Zuku-kun!" You said getting up and flying over to the sounds, the others following behind.
You ran to the railing to see dust and mountains of rock.
"A clearance time of 33 seconds! 8th place!" The dust settled and you saw Kirishima on the mountains.
"Eijiro!" You said smiling.
"Another one of your classmate?" Melissa asked.
"That's so weird, like big plot convenience in a movie!" You said. Izuku sweat dropped as a girl announcer spoke up.
"Now give it up to our next contestant!" You both froze as you saw Bakugou walking up.
"Kacchan?!" You both said shocked. The thing started and Bakugou crushed all of the robots.
"Wow! 15 seconds! 1st place!" You were impressed at his speed.
"Hey! It's Midoriya and (Y/N)!" Kirishima waved at you, at which you waved back. Suddenly Bakugo jumped and grasped on the railing, so close to your face.
"THE HEL ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!" He shouted. You blushed a little and backed off, mentally groaning.
"This is going to be a long vacation,"
Y'all check out coco-light's little animation! It's really funny and accurate! Also check your father figures.
Also more fanart!
From Fanemogi21 So cute!
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