Chapter 86
Chapter 86- Dragon Vs Hunter
"So you're working at a café here in the city to make money and get home?" You asked Kyoshi as you were all bunkered down for the moment.
"Yeah, I wonder if my parents are looking for me," She mumbled leaning on her palm and sighed sadly.
"Hey don't worry, I'm sure your parents are worried sick," She gave you a small smile, which you returned.
"Also, I just want to say that you're really nice, and I want to thank you for letting me stay around," You shrugged and put your arms around yourself.
"Eh, I can't let someone stay behind," You said as you got up to grab some paper to write down your plan.
"Hey (Y/N)? I don't mean to be rude, but how can you stand those people?" You look up at Kyoshi as you prepared your strategies.
"The only one who seems to tolerable are Tokoyami and you," She said, kinda shy as you thought for a moment, turning your head to see Bakugou and Mineta putting on their hero costume as Tokoyami watched over your kids with Dark Shadow. Endeavor is doing whatever.
"You want the truth?" Kyoshi nodded as you leaned closer.
"Truth is, I really care for them. Sure Kacchan and Endeavor needs to prove themselves, and Mineta really needs to prove himself, but other than that they aren't that bad," You paused for a moment.
"But they do make very bad decisions, and Kacchan made a huge one back then, but we're still working on that."
"And... I really love them. Not Mineta! He's got issues, but I feel a connection to them, my class and others. But right now," You stood up and held your hand to Kyoshi.
"We need to save the city and my friends from this ghost, so let's do it together," Kyoshi looked at you, before smiling and grabbing your hand. Bakugou watched on, growling at the touching you two made.
"Why is that mutt being so close to Lizard bastard?" He muttered to himself, Tokoyami noticing.
"While I appreciate the Calvary, I don't appreciate her being too fond with our queen," He glared at Kyoshi, who was just trying to vibe.
"Is Bakugou jealous?" Mineta teased. Sure he finds you hot, but he only sees you as a friend.
"Shut up pop off shit, or I'll feed you to those extras," Bakugou threatened.
"Enough you three, it does not matter who is close to who, right now we need focus on (Y- Rookie's plan," Endeavor interrupted them. They said nothing but walked away. Eri and Kota watched on.
"Should we tell them?" Eri asked.
"Nah, I like this," Kota grinned mischievously.
"Arlight you guys," You turned to them and rolled out a piece of paper.
"here's the plan,"
You and Endeavor walked around the school, making your way to the Principle's office. You looked around and saw the coast is clear. Endeavor watched by as you looked through Dad Nezu's cabinets to find an outline to the school.
"Do you remember what the school looked like?" Endeavor shook his head, then heard a noise coming from Nezu's desk.
You stood up straight and raised your arm, making purple around form and Endeavor glared at Grimmel, who turn with the chair to face you two,"
"Oh, I hope you don't mind if I help myself." Grimmel took a sip of Nezu's tea.
"This is quite good." He suddenly took a crossbow out and aimed it at Endeavor. He fires and something hit the flaming hero. He groaned in pain and fell to the floor.
"Endeavor!" you said in shock.
"Eh, nothing that he won't sleep off." He merely shrugged. You growled and turn back to him.
"Give it up Grimmel, what you're doing is wrong! Not only to us dragons, but to the human race too!" You scowled. He glared at you and leaned to you, setting down the tea.
"You wish dragons to live free among humans like equals? A toxic notion, my dear dragon. History has shown that we humans are the superior species. What if word of your misguided ideas were to spread? It would be the undoing of civilization as we know it." He sneered.
"Look around you Grimmel! They have more things more important to worry than dragons! If that's the case, we should join together and fight off worse threats!" You argued back.
"Listen Dragon, I am a dragon hunter, the Night Fury Killer, and I'm going to finish my job," He bluntly said. You narrowed your eyes as you quickly jumped and pounced on him. He merely stared at you as your arm was close to his face.
"You think you can come into my school, sit in my dad Nezu's chair, dirnk his tea, and threaten my kids and home? This is UA. And we have defended our way of life from far worse than you." You growled, holding your flaming arm at him. He simply laughed at you smirked.
"Oh. Haha. A fighting spirit, I love it! Only, I'm afraid you're mistaken."
He stared at you, making you droop your ears slightly.
"You've never seen anything like me," He gave a whistle and immediately you heard sizzling. You looked up to see Death Grippers making a hole through the ceiling, but they were faded and pupils white. You dodged the acid they spat out and made noises at them, trying to make them stop.
"No use Night Fury, the only alpha they listen to is me," Grimmel smirked as a Death Gripper landed next to him.
"Why are you doing this?" You asked as you were surrounded by the ghost dragons.
"Hmm, this feels familiar, but I'll tell you why." Grimmel shrugged.
"Well, unlike your rider, when I was a boy and I came up on a Night Fury, I killed it where it slept!" Your eyes widen at his words as he kept going.
"That simple act of courage made me a hero in my village. So, I decided to kill every last one, bringing real peace to the people of this world. Until you decided to be pesky and kill me! And make children of your own with that Light Fury! That nonsense dies now. Starting with you." He explained. You were confused until you realized something.
He thinks you're the Night Fury, but the only Night Fury left was your dad.
Your dad, mom, and Uncle Hiccup killed Grimmel.
You're a dumbass.
"But you have Death Grippers, they're dragons." You retorted, but you already know what kind of dragon they are.
"These? They're dragon killers, drugged into obedience with their own venom. Not even you could control them. They serve me," He grinned darkly. He snapped his fingers and the Death Grippers were on the hunt again. You turned into your dragon form and grabbed Endeavor onto your back.
You swiped them with your tail and ran though the window, crashing it and flying off.
"Don't let them get away!!" He yelled out, getting on a Death Gripper, and flying to chase you.
"Mineta!! Kacchan!! Now!!" You roared. Bakugou jumped out with a rope covered in the balls Mineta made.
"Go to hell Ghost bitch!!" He screamed as he threw it at the Death Grippers. Some got trapped as other dodged. Grimmer hopped off and grabbed another dart, but his hand got stuck with one of the balls. He turn to see Mineta with a bleeding head.
"Take that you ghost!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.
"Get down!" Kyoshi grabbed him as a dart was shot at him.
The possessed people came out to try and charge at them, but Tokoyami had them busy with Dark Shadow.
"(Y/N)!!" Kyoshi yelled out. You landed near them as you set Endeavor down. Eri and Kota ran to hug you.
"It's okay kids, the battle is not over yet," You said, spreading your wings to fight Grimmel.
"You..." Kyoshi turned to see Koda, with a stern glare and animals around him.
"You stay away from my (Y/N) and her kids!!" He raised his hand and the animals jumped at her. Kyoshi quickly ducked and had her claws out.
"Oh my Irene, this is getting annoying," Kyoshi hissed and swiped at the animals.
Kota was holding onto Eri, trying to make sure her quirk is not activated, until a Death Gripper landed behind them. They screamed as Mineta tried to help, but he fainted due to blood lost.
"Mommy!!" Eri yelled out as Kota started to cry.
"Mama!!" The Death Gripper got closer to them, raising its stinger at them. You tried to get to them, but you felt the other dragon killers on top of you. Kyoshi was fending off classmates and the villains and saw what's happening, her ears perked and she felt herself growling. You spotted her and managed to yell out.
"KYOSHI!!" She immediately saw red and felt herself grow bigger into her wolf size, She ran towards the Death Gripper and bit into its neck. It roared as Kyoshi kept biting and pushing it away from the kids. That was your cue to hold in a plasma blast, lighting formed around you, and a big blast was seen as you made the Death Grippers fall dead again.
"Kyoshi watch out!" You shouted. She turned to see some of your classmates charging at her. Your kids held on tight as she ran to get away from them. You felt Grimmel on your back. You saw a dart in his hands, so you twist and turn, trying to shake him off.
"Is this your plan dragon?! To get your friends killed?!" He yelled in a mocking tone. You furrowed your eyebrows, looking around and looked back at him.
"No, this is," You immediately stopped flapping your wings, and started to fall. Grimmel's eyes widen as you both fell. Bakugou and Tokoyami's shouted your name, as Eri and Kota watched on with tears in their eyes, Kyoshi let out a howl, and Mineta was in shock.
Your possessed classmates still trying to get Kyoshi. Grimmel clinged on to you, trying to stab you.
Then you saw the familiar red flame and you turn to blast Grimmel off. He let go you were quickly caught in the arms of Endeavor with his fire boots. You saw as Grimmel fell into the ocean, a red ring of dust blasted out and hit everyone.
You both fell onto the grass and saw the possessed people collapse on the floor, unconscious. You sighed as you laid on your back.
"This... was... a good Halloween,"
This has been seriously fun to do, because the third movie made me cry.
I made a art cover for this special, so enjoy it!
Stay healthy and stay tune!
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