Chapter 83
Chapter 83- The Halloween To Remember! Part 1
It wasn't everyday to see weird decorations everywhere you go. Spiderwebs, skeletons, ghosts, and pumpkins.
"What's all this?" You asked Principal Nezu as you both were sitting on a bench in a park for bonding time.
"Oh, it's just decorations humans put up for the spirit of Halloween," Nezu happily said while eating a cheese block.
"What's Halloween dad Nezu?" You asked him as he ate the cheese block.
"Halloween is a holiday humans like to celebrate by dressing up in costumes of their own desire and go around knocking on doors asking for candy dear (Y/N)," Nezu explained.
"Not hero costumes?" You asked more curious.
"Some do dress up as their heroes, some dress up as creatures of fable," He shrugged leaning against you and yawning.
"That sounds awesome, can I dress up?" You wondered.
"Why of course my dear, anything for my adoptive daughter," Nezu smiled at you, making you laugh.
"I got the perfect costume,"
"Happy Hallow's Eve everyone!" Mina shouted with a smile. She was dressed up as a Wild Wild Pussycat. Uraraka and Asui were witches, Jiro and Todoroki were vampires, Kaminari was a demon, Bakugo was a werewolf, Kirishima was Red Riding Hood, Yaoyorozu was an empress, Iida was Frankenstein's monster, Sero was Spider-Man, Izuku was a ghost, Aoyama was a knight, Shoji was... well whatever Shoji was, Tokoyami was in his hero suit.
Everyone else were in typical monster costumes, except Koda, he was the brother from Full Metal Alchemist.
"Not going to lie Zuku-kun, I was pretty fairs tou were going as Allmight," You smiled.
"Well, maybe I wanted to change it up!" He blushed and scratched his neck.
"What are you (Y/N)?" He pondered.
"I'm Ryukyu!" You said with a bright smile. You really admired her and her work, so you decided to dress up like her. You were wondering to dress up like your dad, but you already feel like you are already like him.
"Well you look awesome!" Kaminari smirked.
"So manly to go out like your hero (Y/N)!" Kirishima said with a manly tear.
"It's also manly to break gender stereotypes!" You said waving at his red riding dress and hood.
"Alright everyone! Sit down, because Tokoyami would like to tell a story, for Halloween was away from his birthday," Yoayorozu said.
"Why couldn't mother hold it in for one more day," He sulked quietly, making you snort and pat his back.
"Don't worry Fumikage, I'm sure your story will make it up," You smiled softly. He nodded and stood up, the main room was dark with only candles lighting it up. The entire class sat down as Tokoyami began his story.
"Long ago, there once was a man who was a famous poacher that captures and kills the most rarest and endangered creatures all over. Though everyone knew his name, no one could ever catch him and put him to justice, not even the strongest of heroes. Once the man had his eye in a target, there was nothing that could stop him from killing his prey. Because to him, it was all a game," Tokoyami said with a dark expression on his face.
You felt Asui grasp your hand, making you wrap your tail around her. Izuku noticed and silently glared at her.
"One day, he started to hunt down a rare species, on the brink to extinction, with only one left. But, little did the Poacher know, that the creature was one of the most intelligent creatures in the world, and knew what he was up to. Each trap and weapons the Poacher used, the creature was one step ahead, and never got caught by him."
"He never seen anything like the creature before, and never stopped hunting it down. But as time goes by, he became more obsessed with killing it, and would actually kill anyone who would try to find it too. Researchers, scientists, explorers, and shut everyone out, for the Poacher only wanted was the creature's head."
"It all stopped when the creature finally fought back, and caused an sent the Poacher to his death, but promised that he'll find it again, and this time, he'll have it in his grasp. No one knew what the creature looked like, but legend has it, that somewhere in Musutafu city, his ghost looms, trapped in a tombstone."
"And at a full moon, the Poacher will break free, and hunt for his prey. And if anyone even resembles the creature, he'll drag you into the underworld with him, so he'll have your head forever, and he'll do anything to have them. Even if it means possessing anyone in order to kill the creature." Dark Shadow came out and gave out a roar, making the girls and some boys (meaning Kaminari and Sero) scream.
"And the Poacher's name, was Grimmel the Grisly,"
Tokoyami whispered, blowing out the candle. You glowed to make some light and chuckled a little.
"That was quite a story Fumikage, it chilled me," You praised him, making his blush slightly.
"Whatever Lizard Bastard, it wasn't that scary." Bakugo tsked.
"I quite enjoyed it Tokyami," Iida chopped his hand as Shoji nodded.
"Oh man! Don't scare us with Dark Shadow like that man!" Kaminari whined.
"I thought it was manly," Kirishima smiled.
"Alrighty! Now that the story spooked us, let's go trick or treating!" Uraraka said excitedly.
"Go on ahead of me, I need to get Eri and Kota," You told them as you grabbed two trick or treat bags and ran off to Eri's room. You knocked on the door and Mirio opened it. You chuckled as he was dress up as Winnie the Pooh.
"Hey (Y/N)! You here for Eri and Kota?" He asked with a smile.
"Yep, has Nejire been good with them?" You asked jokingly.
"Just finished Eri's costume," He opened the door fully, and you saw Nejire and Tamaki in Tigger and Eyore onesies.
"Hi mama!" Kota waved. Your eyes teared up as you saw the two children in dragon costumes.
"Mommy! We're dress like you!" Eri said pointing at her fake ears. You hugged both of them and silently cried.
'Is this what dad felt like?' You thought.
"They're all ready to go! And look at that, it's a full moon too!" Mirio pointed out to the window.
"Are you guys going with us?" You asked.
"Unfortunately no, Tamaki doesn't like going out, so we'll stay giving candy for other kids," Nejire explained, as Tamaki shivered at the thought of seeing a bunch of people.
"Don't worry you three, after getting candy I'll come back so we can have a movie night, just the four... six of us," You motioned at the kids.
"Yeah! It'll be fun!" Nejire cooed, Mirio gave thumbs up, as Tamaki merely nodded.
"See you guys later!" You ushered the kids down the hall, not knowing that the moon slowly turned red, and the tension in the air thickened.
"My prey... my kill..."
"This Halloween is going to be awesome!" Kota grinned. Eri simply nodded, trying to still understand Halloween like you.
"We're going to get so much candy it'll put us to rest for months!" You said excitedly. Just then, the lights went out. Eri squeaked and hugged you, making you glow to light the hallway.
"That's strange," You mumbled as you led them to the main room, seeing Ojiro near the kitchen counter, back facing you.
"Mashirao, I thought everyone went out to trick or treat?" You asked walking towards him, but stopped as you felt something off. He turned, and he had a look on his face, a look of obsession with red glowing eyes.
"(Y/N)... you need to be safe... you need a brother to protect you..." He mumbled walking in a off manner.
"Mama?" Kota asked scared. You pushed them back and furrowed your eyebrows.
"Mashirao I don't understand, what's going on?" He said nothing as he quickly jumped at you.
You used your tail to wack him, giving him you time you pick up Kota and Eri up.
"We need to find Aizawa," You said as you ran down the hall, turning the corner to see Aoyama.
"Yuga!" You said a little relieved, but stopped as you noticed his eyes were glowing red too.
"Mon ami... a princess should need a knight... and moi will be the knight and friend to protect you..." He mumbled too.
"Yuga not you too," You said as you turn to run again, this time outside.
"Mommy what's going on?" Eri asked scared.
"I'm not sure, but we need to find out what," You said walking out of the gate way, and seeing the streets empty. You decided to turn into your dragon form and have the two kids on your back in order to fly.
'Oh Odin's beard,' You though at you saw the city empty.
"Woah..." Kota said.
'This is not good,'
OOOOOOOKAY I got a probably three parter Halloween special for y'all! And I'll be making Halloween art for all of you guys!
Also fanart!
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