Chapter 81
Chapter 81- Trapped With An Annoying Little Eel
You groaned in pain, switching to your other side to sleep better, but then you noticed that you felt grass underneath you. You also felt someone hugging you, which you immediately didn't like since you only let your siblings and your children sleep with you. You sleepily opened your eyes, only to be face to face with Monoma. You instantly woke up fast and yelled. Monoma opened his eyes and started to yell too.
You groaned and ran your hands through your hair, tail swaying in frustration.
"Do you remember what exactly happened?" You asked him.
"All I remember was that was a villain during a training course, we were fighting them, then they were about to hit me with their quirk, then you came to block it," He explained rubbing his chin.
"Their quirk made me loose focus and vision temporarily, and when I tried to fly with you on my back, I lost conscious and fell who knows where." You finished looking around to see that you're both in a forest.
"Doesn't matter now, dragon hero or not, I don't want to be with a class 1-A student, where are we exactly?" You both looked around, and you spreading your wings to fly. But when you did, you felt immense pain and you hissed.
"What the..." You turn your head to see your wing twisted in a odd angle.
You dislocated your wing blade.
Well at least it wasn't ripped off b a k u g o u.
"Aw what a shame, looks like the one thing to make you powerful is the thing that is making you powerless! You must feel so embarrassed!" Monoma laughed, making you roll your eyes and wack his head with your tail.
"I don't see you doing anything useful genius, considering you need to have someone else's quirk to be useful," You smirked at him, making his eye twitch in anger.
"I'll show you who's useful, I'll use your quirk then!" He grabbed your arm as you were confused.
'Wait only class 1-A and the teachers know about my powers,' You thought.
"Neito, that won't work," You tried to explain, but he was ignoring you.
"Why? Because you're afraid that I'll have an upper hand?" He grinned smugly as he stretched his arms out to use your 'quirk', and there was silence. He looked confused as to why nothing was happening.
"I need to tell you that... I don't have a quirk," He looked at you as if you grew two heads.
"I am a real dragon, and those powers are from my parents," You kicked the dirt from under you and you pressed your fingers together. He simply laughed and crossed his arms.
"Great! I'm stuck with a class 1-A student who can't fly, has no quirk, and right now I don't have the upper hand!" He said rubbing his face.
"How about instead of complaining, let's go and try to find a way out of here, here," You winced at the pain as you lifted your wing.
"Help me put it back in place," Monoma had a disgusted face.
"I am not going to help a class-"
"Say class 1-A again and I swear I will break your neck in one bite," You threatened, briefly showing your teeth. He opened his mouth to retort, but then shut it realizing you weren't kidding.
"Fine," He carefully grabbed your wing, making you shiver.
"On the count of three, you pull okay?" Monoma nodded as you got ready and bit down on a branch.
"One... two... three!" He quickly pulled your wing and you let out a loud roar at the pain, but then it went away as quick as the snap.
"Ow... I hate it when that happens," You grumbled fluttering your wings.
"Okay, now what?" He asked. You turned into your dragon form and sniffed the air.
'The scent of anyone is very faint, but maybe if I cant get a clear area, I can send a beacon.' You thought. You made a noise to indicate Monoma to follow you. He hesitated, but reluctantly followed you, as he kept making remarks and comments about your class, which made you want to bury your head, after burying his body.
You both stopped at a clearing in the forest. You turned back in your human form and sent out a plasma blast, making Monoma jump slightly.
"Since my wing is still a little injured, lets stay here for a while. That blast should try and signal anyone in a 10 mile radius," You explained. Monoma sat down and huffed, looking away from you.
"Wonderful, stuck with a class 1-A student, and now we have to wait for someone to find us. Such luck," He laughed bitterly.
You looked at Monoma as the forest was now silent.
"How about a song? It always makes me feel calm?" You offered with a small smile.
"How would a class 1-A student know any good songs?" He scoffed.
"Well, I know a song that my dad sang to my mom years ago, he said it was from an old friend he knew, and that he sang it to his wife when he was alive."
You said looking at the sky.
Monoma stared at you for a moment, until he leaned against his arm.
"Alright then, this will sure amuse me," He smugly said. You rolled your eyes and started to whistled softly.
I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
His eyes widen slightly at your tone of voice. It was soft, and gentle. You had a smile that can cancel the sun.
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you would marry me
You blushed at those words. You never thought of the idea of marriage ever since Winger asked you to court. Ever since you were so busy with these hero stuff and being a single parent that you were barely even thinking about love.
No scorching sun nor freezing cold
Will stop me on my journey
You stood up and turn to Monoma, the wind blowing through both of your hairs. You gave him a smile and a hand, and him hesitatingly grabbing it. You lifted him up as your tail wagged a little.
If you will promise me your heart
And love
And love me for eternity
Your eyes widen at him knowing the words.
"How do you know it?" You asked in wonder.
"I-I'm not sure," He muttered, but then gave you a small smile, making you smile in return.
My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me
He took a step forward and spun you around. You squeaked a little, then laughed at his actions, making him breathe out a laugh.
But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me
You both danced around each other and laughed at your dancing and dorkiness.
I have no use for rings of gold
I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold
I only want you near me
To love and kiss to sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Monoma dipped you as you stood back up and spun him around too. The sun going down and fireflies coming out.
Through all life's sorrows
And delights
I'll keep your laugh inside me
I'll swim and sail a savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
I'd gladly ride the waves so white
And you will marry me!
Monoma gave out a genuine laugh you were still holding a note.
"Eeeeeeeeee, I'm still gooooiiiiing, and I'm done," You smiled at him.
"For a hero who has dragon legs, you're pretty good at dancing," He smirked, making you punch his arm playfully.
"I learned it from the oh so terrible class 1-A," He rolled his eyes at your mockery and sat down at a tree, you following with him.
"You know, you're not as bad as I thought you were," He mumbled leaning against the wood.
"Oh? And you're not as annoying as I thought you were pretty blue eyes," You grinned at his stammering.
"Don't make me change my mind," He threatened, but his smile betrayed him. You looked up and fired another plasma blast, hoping that can get someone's attention.
"Hey (Y/N)?" You hummed at his voice.
"Lets stay like this forever," You leaned your head up at him, a little shocked, but smiled softly. You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"Sure," You mumbled.
The heroes found the both of you asleep against the tree and cuddled together.
Okay I just wanted to find an excuse to put this song in this book, I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND I CRIED WHEN STOIK DIED MY HEART COULDN'T TAKE IT!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!?!
Also, my phone is broken, battery itself died, so I have it in repair and that means no art from me for a while. ;-;
Edit: Hey y'all! I gotten a temporary phone so I can edit this chapter, nothing major just fixed grammar. Next chapter will be out soon!
So stay healthy, and stay tune!
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