Chapter 8
Chapter 8- Backup Arriving
You all froze and you looked up to see Allmight, but he wasn't smiling like he always did. You quickly swiped Izuku with your tail and barely managed to run away.
"I've been waiting for the symbol of peace, you worthless piece of tra-" Tomura stopped as charged very quickly as threw a punch, making his severed hand fall off his face. He retrieved Asui and Mineta from him and placed them next to Eraserhead.
"Aizawa, you're okay," Allmight said in relief.
"Yeah, I was seriously hurt, but the dragon healed me so fast," he explained tiredly laying on the floor. Asui and Mineta helped up stand up and lead him away as Allmight turned to face the villains. You and Izuku fell next to the hero, exhausted and worried.
"Allmight wait, it's no use! That brain villain, One For- I mean, my quirk wasn't strong enough to even make it flinch!!" He said, hands shaking slightly.
"It's body can regenerate quickly and withstand shock power! And (Y- the dragon hero is critically injured! Up against that, you-" he was interrupted.
"Fear not young Midoriya! Just get to safer land and take the dragon with you!" He gave you two a reassuring smile and rushed off to attack the villains. Izuku tried to help, but stopped when he heard you groan.
"(Y/N), you're bleeding severely.." he reached to touch your blood, but you quickly growled at him, making him back off and you shaking your head.
"What's wrong? Can you feel anything? Is your blood dangerous?" You nodded at the last part, licking at your wounded wings. They glowed and were fine, but still stinging.
'Damn, I'm using too much of my healing powers, I feel dehydrated' you thought.
"Don't worry (Y/N), just stay here, I'll go and help Allmight," Izuku said, giving you a quick hug and running off. You slowly stood up, wings still aching, and turn to see Kacchan, another human with red spiky hair, and a human with one side white and the other red.
"Hey dragon!! You were pretty awesome trying to fight off that bird villain, really manly!" The red head human said.
You stared at him and grunted in response.
"Listen here lizard, we don't trust you at all, so don't try and do anything shitty" Kacchan threatened you. You ignored him and saw that half colored human ran to freeze Nomu.
'He must have a quirk that can freeze things' you noted.
"HEY DONT IGNORE ME BASTARD!!" Kacchan screamed. You stared at him bluntly and sighed, spreading your wings to try and help them, but Kacchan used his explosions to damage your wings again.
"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?! DONT TRY AND RUN YOU EXTRA!!" You try and shake him off by swiping him away with your tail, and booking it towards Allmight and Izuku.
"Bakugo wait! They weren't attacking us, I saw them protecting Aizawa- Sensei from that bird villain, let's go try and stop that mist guy," Kirishima pleaded. Kacchan tsked and ran to attack Kurogiri.
The three students attacked them, Todoroki freezing Nomu, Bakugou attacking Kurogiri, and Kirishima standing next to Izuku.
"Kids these days really make the League of Villains look weak, can't have that." Tomura turned to Nomu, who was stuck through the portal half frozen.
"Nomu" as if on cue, he got out of the portal, breaking the icy parts, and regenerating his arm and legs.
"Get our exit back," All you could see was a blur, charging at Bakugou, and smoke erupted.
"Kacchan!!" Izuku yelled. They turned to see Bakugou sitting next to them.
"Woah, that was fast. Did you dodged that?!" Izuku asked.
"Shut up Deku I didn't dodge that," The smoked cleared and you stood there, all bruised up and one eye a little swollen, but still standing firm.
"Incredible speed..." Allmight mumbled.
"Why do you still stand beside them dragon? You're not an official hero, come be on our side and show those heroes true power," Tomura said, handing out his hand, just like Izuku did when you first met him. Silence was all around. Allmight cautiously looking at you, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugou readying their quirks just in case, and Izuku staring at you with disbelief.
'Is (Y/N) really gonna join them? After everything we've been through?' Izuku thought sadly. You stared at Tomura and growled, backing next to Allmight and the others.
"Very well. Nomu, attack Allmight, I'll handle the lizard and the kids," He said.
"Dragon hero," you turn to face Allmight. He looked at you and gave you a smile.
"Protect these kids and lead them away" He trusted you with this, he doesn't even know if you're good or bad and yet he trusts you. You nodded and he charged to fight the Nomu. The punches were so fast that it produced wind.
You used your claws to withstand the wind. You held up a wing so the others won't fly away. Allmight kept punching until he managed to take the Nomu down.
The Nomu crashed into the ceiling of the dome, flying off to who knows where. You stared on in amazement.
'So strong for a human, so strong for a pro hero' you thought.
"No.... No!! He cheated!! I was told he was weak!! I was lied to!" Tomura shouted scratching his neck furiously.
"What's wrong, didn't you say you were going to kill me? Then bring it on!" Allmight said, his smile never leaving and smoke coming from his body.
'Isn't that smoke comes out when he turns into skeleton human? He doesn't have enough to use his quirk again' Izuku must've felt true same way as he looked on worriedly.
"Scared villains?" Allmight asked. Tomura continued to scratch his neck until Kurogiri spoke up.
"Tomura Shigaraki, look at him, he's weakened, Nomu completed successfully. The students are frozen in fear, the dragon is injured, and out comrades are getting up. We still have a chance to kill Allmight" he said to him.
"Yeah.. you're right... the final boss is right in front of us," the other villains around you got up and are ready to attack. You growled and readied yourself just in case.
"Looks like Allmight's got those two, let get these ones" Kirishima said activating his quirk. Tomura and Kurogiri charged at Allmight, and in a split second, Izuku was gone. You turn to see him attacking the villains, his legs broken and arm flowing with purple electricity.
'Damn it Zuku-kun! You're gonna get killed!!' You turn to stop him, when in the purple mist came out a hand, Tomura's hand. You knew that it can disintegrate things, so you readied a lighting blast. Holding up the plasma is your mouth, lighting surrounded you, ready to blow them up, when-
Tomura's hand was shot by something. You stopped your lighting blast and turn to see other heroes already here.
'Took them long enough,' you thought. One hero kept shooting Tomura while the other fought the other villains. Kurogiri was being sucked in by something, before covering Tomura and disappearing.
You ran over to Izuku, using whatever saliva you have left to heal Izuku's legs and hand.
"(Y-Y/N)... you have to go.. b-before they get you..." he whispered. Your eyes widen in realization and tried to use your wings to fly out of there, but was unable to because you finally used up your energy.
You collapsed to the floor and your vision became blurry, but you heard Izuku yelling you name and saw pairs of feet walking towards you before passing out.
Outside of the USJ, police cars and the other students were outside.
"Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, everyone should be fine except for the boy who past out." A man named Tsukauchi told them. The student were talking about how they fought the villains and their advantages.
"Take the kids back to campus, we'll question them later" he told an officer.
"Hey detective, what about Aizawa?" Asui hopped over asked him.
"Surprisingly, all he has are only bruises and a scratch under his eye," He told them.
"Well that's surprising considering what happened, ribbit," she put her gloves hand on her chin.
"Just as long he's ok." Mineta sighed in relief.
"Sir what about Thirteen?" Mina walked up.
"No worries there, despite the damage from behind, Thirteen is gonna pull through," that made Ochaco and Mina smile.
"And Allmight is gonna be fine too, so don't worry about him. Recovery girl's got him," he told the rest.
"Wait what about Midoriya?" Iida asked.
"Midoriya? Oh, just like Aizawa, he only suffered small bruises and he'll be okay," he replied.
"Wait... what about the dragon?" Kirishima asked.
"Wait you saw the dragon hero too? That's so cool!" Kaminari said.
"About that, we don't know if they are a hero or not either," that made everyone confused, except for Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki.
"They contained serious damage above all of the injured, wings internally bleeding, broke legs, and in a temporary coma, but we'll try and heal them," Koda looked on worriedly at the mention of a coma. It could be because of his quirk, but he felt compelled to know about your injury.
"Now you guys go back to campus now," they agreed and left. Bakugou stares at the USJ, remembering how Izuku was so fast, and him yelling out a name to the dragon, then he left
Back inside Nezu, Midnight, And Snipe looked upon the mess.
"We will need to have more security improvements," Nezu explained. The two nodded.
"It's scary to see that such a warping quirk a villain has" Midnight says. They left the building to see Tsukauchi waiting.
"Principal, I would like to investigate the school for safety if you don't mind" he said.
"Of course! You have full access!" Nezu happily said. They turn to see you being hulled in a large stretcher, you peacefully sleeping.
"And I would like to see if I can have a word with that dragon hero," he said looking at you.
"Us too, find out who they really are," Nezu said.
"Don't worry, we'll see who or what the dragon really is"
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