Chapter 78
Chapter 78- The Rise And Fall Of A Dragon
The Dragons leaving Berk
"Go on, bud. Lead them to the Hidden World. You'll be safe there. Safer than you could ever be with me. It's okay," Toothless looks at Hiccup with sadness in his eyes. He pushes his head against the Viking's chest, wanting to stay. He turned human and touched Hiccup's face with his clawed hand.
"I don't want to leave, we want to stay here with you all. we can stay hidden, away from everything, please," Toothless hesitated.
"We love you," Light drooped her ears and turned in her human form.
"I love you too. And I want you to be free. Our world doesn't deserve you...yet." Hiccup kissed Toothless on the forehead and smiled softly. Toothless drooped his ears as Light gently touched his shoulder.
"Honey, as much as I don't want to leave either, we must go," She pleaded. He slowly nodded and took a step back.
"Go, Toothless, go." Hiccup said with a sad smile. Toothless let out a roar and fly up in the air, followed by all the dragons on the island. Stormfly, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, and Hookfang in the lead and Light and Toothless looked back one more time. Astrid and Hiccup nodded and the two dragons flew off with the rest.
Astrid held Hiccup's arm and lean against him.
"What do you think they'll do?" She asked. Hiccup shrugged and kissed her cheek.
"Not sure, but what I do know, is that their next generation, will be an incredible alpha,"
Birth reveal
"Toothless! Honey, it's hatching!" Toothless dropped the fish he was holding quickly flew over to Light's side, other dragons surrounding them in excitement.
"Oh Odin, this is it. What if they don't like me? What if they get hurt while hatching? Do they need to eat right away? What if they aren't-" Toothless got cut off.
"Toothless, it'll be alright, as long as they live a wonderful life," Light reassured him.
"Yeah, you're right," He smiled as the shell of the egg broke. Every dragon looked in awe as a small paw came out, and a small dragon head popped out.
"Oh, oh my Odin," Toothless hesitantly leaned his head towards the baby dragon, they looked at him, made a small noise and licked his nose.
Immediately, Toothless started to tear up and covered his face.
"I can't do this, they're so cute. It's a trick," He muffled. Light laughed and brought the baby dragon closer.
"Let's see," Light looked the baby in their eyes and smiled.
"What shall we name her?" She asked Toothless as he basically sobbed on the floor.
"Right, naming!" He looked at the baby dragon and tilted his head.
"I don't know, I'm terrible at naming things, remember that time I named an island?" He scratched his neck.
"Alright I'll name her, what about... (Y/N)?" She asked.
Toothless looked at the baby dragon, who was quietly sleeping.
"I love it, welcome to the Hidden World (Y/N)." He looked back to the other dragons.
"Welcome to our future Alpha! (Y/N) (L/N)!" The dragons roared and cheered. Light licked your head and leaned her head against you.
"Our little (Y/N),"
(Y/N) at age 4,000
"Mama! Look what I did!" You hopped excitedly and pointed to the sand. Light flew over and looked at the little drawing you did with a stick. It was you with your parents and aunts and uncles.
"So cute (Y/N)," She cooed petting your head, making you purr. You heard a roar and you smiled looking up to see your dad.
"Papa!" You yelled as he landed and picked you up.
"Hello my little Nightlight!" He smiled.
"Look what I did papa! It's our family!" He looked at the drawing and covered his mouth.
"So cute, what did we do to deserve you?" He choked out.
"Papa, you protected us! That's what you did!" You giggled while flapping your little wings.
"She's right you know, you did all those years ago," Light smiles softly.
"Look what I also did!" You jumped out of your dad's arms and started to flap your wings. They watched in awe as you started to get off the ground and you began to fly. You giggled as your dad clutched his heart.
"She's flying! You see that Light? Our baby is flying!" He sobbed clutching her arm.
"I see that Toothless," She sweat dropped and wiping a tear from her eyes.
"Are you proud mama? Papa?" You asked shyly.
"Of course honey! We were proud from the start!" They smiled. You beamed proudly and flew around, the dragons watching cheering you on. You laughed as you flew all over your home.
Your ears twitched as you heard a small cry in a cave. You got curious as you flew closer. You crouched down and peaked to see other kid dragons surrounding something.
"You best leave this spot alone! This is our territory and if I see you here again I'll bite your neck!" One young dragon threatened.
"I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't know! Please let m-me go!" The cornered dragon whimpered.
"Awww what? Are you gonna cry?" They teased and grabbed his wings forcibly. You snarled and finally hopped over.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" You showed your baby fangs as the other dragons stopped.
"What are you" They stopped scowling and froze as they realized it was you.
"What do you think you're doing picking on someone smaller than you? You must feel pathetic if you decide to push down younger dragons," You angrily said flying over.
"Sorry (Y/N)," One said ashamed.
"You guys go and don't mess with him, or else I'll tell your parents!" You threatened. They looked scared and they flew away. You smiled and ran over to the dragon they were picking on.
"Hey, are you ok?" He looked up and wiped his tears away. He had blue hair with blue scales on his arm. His yellow eyes widen as he saw you.
"O-oh! Yeah! I'm sorry for bothering you! You're the future alpha, you shouldn't talk to me," He said sadly.
"No! Being the next alpha means to protect our kind! And I'm protecting you right?" You asked him.
"I guess..." He trailed off grabbing your hand and lifting himself up.
"I think you already know my name, what's yours?" You asked him. He gave you a fanged smile and rubbed his neck.
"My name is Winger,"
(Y/N) at age 14,000
"Come on (Y/N), no one that you like?" Your mom asked you.
"Nope, I don't need anyone, no girl or boy, I'm a strong dragon that can fight anyone!" You grin as you posed.
"Oh yeah? How about now?!" You heard Dart running and jumping on your back.
"You can never defeat me!" You laughed and pulled her back with your tail.
"Ok ok you two, stop playing like that you're gonna pole someone's eye." Your mom pushed Dart off of you.
"I'm going with your father to hunt for more fish, you watch your siblings (Y/N)," You nodded and gave her a big smile as she flew off with your aunts and uncles.
"Dart I'm going to see Winger for a moment, go play with Ruffrunner and Pouncer," You told your sister.
"Winger? But he's creepy!" She whined leaning against you. You paused and hummed at her words. It's been thousands of years since you met Winger, and you've been best friends ever since. But over time as you both got older, he became... well more possessive over you. But you thought it was because he was your only friend.
"It's only going to be a few minutes, I promise you Winger is a good friend, okay?" She hesitantly looked at you before nodding and flying over to your brothers. You smile and flew up to the Coral Pool, where you saw Winger anxiously pacing back and fourth.
"Hey Winger!" The SwiftWing looked up and grinned as you landed next to him.
"Hi (Y/N)! I was worried that you wouldn't come! Of course I trust you to come, but just in case I was gonna look for you!" He smiled widely. You nervously chuckled at that.
"So, what do you want to show me here?" You asked looking around. He began to rub his neck and cleared his throat.
"Um, I wanted to talk to you about a dragon, that I wish to court. And, I want to tell her that I love her, but I feel nervous," He admitted.
"Oh?" You tilted your head. A small pit in your stomach was telling you to leave, but you wanted to be polite since he was your friend.
"But now, I think it's time to tell her, since it's almost time for her to court someone," You slowly stood up as he looked at you and held your paws.
"(Y/N), I love you, and I wish to court you! We can become the next alphas and have kids! We'll be happy!" Your eyes widen as he started to lean in, so you immediately flew back.
"Woah woah! Winger! I... uh, I don't like you like that!" You quickly said backing away.
He paused for a moment before standing up too.
"Oh... ok then... I see," You drooped your ears.
"I'm sorry, but I only see you as a friend, a brother even, but nothing more." You sighed. He simply nodded, turn and flew away, making you feel guilty, but shook it away.
'I hope this doesn't hurt our friendship,'
(Y/N) at age 15,000
You and Winger started to drift away each year that passed by, but you felt like it was for the best, you really did care for him, but he wanted to be in a relationship with you, that's something you couldn't handle. He even tried to ask you if you were in heat!
It was night time, and you were huddled together with your siblings and sleeping. You were snuggled up until you heard someone or something moving. You yawned and lifted your head groggily trying to see what it was. You counted head only to see Pouncer was missing. You panicked and slowly got up trying not to wake up the others.
You flew around trying to find with with echolocation, and saw something moving at the Training Base. You flew down and saw Pouncer, which made you sigh in relief.
"Pouncer, what are you doing?" You asked him. He turn his head and it looked like he was crying.
"Hey hey, what happened?" You asked as he ran to you and starting to cry.
"W-winger said, that y-you'll be his, a-and we'll never s-see you again, a-and when I tried t-to argue with him, h-he said that I'll die t-trying to d-defend you!" He said through sobs. Your heart broke at what he said, but you felt anger as what Winger told him.
"That eel," You growled, but it soften as Pouncer hugged you tighter.
"Shhh, it's okay Pouncer, look at me," You wiped his tears away and smiled softly at him.
"Nothing is gonna happen to me, and if he even tried to lay a claw at you, I promise you that he'll be out of orbit when I'm done with him," You joked, making his laugh softly.
"Dragon promise?" You kissed his forehead and nodded,
"Dragon promise,"
"(Y/N)! Are you coming? Aizawa-Sensei said to hurry up!" You heard Izuku shouted as you looked up from your photo of baby you and Winger.
"Yeah! I'm coming!" You laid it on your nightstand and grabbed your bag, before running out of your room and closing it behind.
'I told you he wasn't gonna lay a claw on you,'
This went way off track on what I want it to become ;—;
Also I literally made Winger into a nice guy I-
Anyways, I got fanart!
Got more Dragon form art
Now I can run children over-
Nah I'm kidding.
Stay safe and stay tune!
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