Chapter 67
Chapter 67- The Heir Has Returned
"An entrance to the longing home," Tokoyami mumbled as you flew over the waterfall.
"So beautiful! Ribbit," Asui said with excitement.
"Hold on!" You told them as you stopped flying and dove down inside. Your aunts and uncles dove down too and you five made it inside the cave.
"Is this the Hidden World?" Uraraka asked.
"Looks too small to fit dragons," Bakugou commented. You smiled and flew deeper into the cave, where glowing blue dragons appeared.
"Woah..." Shoto mumbled as they group saw glowing green, purple, and blue towers. Your aunts and uncles' scales glowed and you glossed purple too.
"(Y/N)! You're glowing!" Izuku said.
"Bioluminescent scales!" You laughed. You flew over a next of eggs and they glowed to see the embryos. Koda was in awe, Tokoyami said nothing but Dark Shadow was shaking him excitedly, Todoroki was staring with wide eyes, Iida had a small smile on his face, Bakugou was finally speechless for once, Izuku and Uraraka has starry eyes, and Asui and Eri was looking everywhere.
Then, a swarm of Fireworm dragons flew above you all.
"(Y/N)!! You're back!" One of them said.
"Hela yeah I'm back!" You told them. You and your aunts and uncles flew towards the giant crystal.
"This is where I live you guys, and the throne to the Alphas," You said, spotting your parents and siblings playing. You set Eri and Asui down as the rest of the group laid low so not other dragons spot them.
"Mom!! Dad!!" You roared out. They stopped and looked up, eyes widening and tears forming.
"(Y/N)!" You mom cried as you flew into her for a hug.
"Oh my sweet little nightlight, look at you!" She said hugging you tightly.
"(Y/N), why are you here?" Your dad asked with happiness and shock.
"Dad Nezu gave me a pass that I can go visit, and-"
"(Y/N)!!" Your three siblings tackled you and they didn't let go.
"Hey you three, I'm back," You smiled at them.
"We never thought you'll come back home!"
"When we left, Pouncer cried."
"I did not!"
"You did!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
Ruffrunner and Pouncer started to attack each as Dart just hugged you.
"I'm happy you're here, but what about your classmates?" She asked tilting her head.
"Well surprised! They're here secret-"
"INTRUDER!! INTRUDER!! CREATURES FOUND AT CRYSTAL BAY!!" You heard a Terrible Terror say flying above you all.
Your eyes widen as you saw an explosion over at the bay.
"Honey is that-" Your dad saw you stand up with terror in your eyes.
"Oh Odin's beard, KACCHAN!!" You quickly jumped off the throne and flew over fast to see the group huddled in a circle, Eri in the middle so she won't get hurt, and Kacchan having explosions in his hands scowling at Rumblehorns.
"Get the hell away from us you bastards!!" He shouted blocking the armored dragons from attacking the others as Izuku, Todoroki, and Iida were ready to attack too.
"STOP!!" You roared at the Rumblehorns, landing in front of the group. They stopped and looked at you, bowing as they saw you.
"They're guests on my behalf, treat them as an equal, an order from the alpha," You said in a stern voice.
"Yes lady (Y/N)," The armored dragons nodded and flew off. The other dragons stared in awe as the group cautiously disperse.
"Who approached first?" You asked them without looking at them.
"U-um, your aunts and uncles left to inform others, when a small dragon spotted us and started to call out for others," Izuku spoke up.
"I can confirm this, bigger dragons arrived and started to attack us, so we tried to protect Eri," Iida explained. You sighed and rubbed your face.
"I'm sorry, it's the duty of Rumblehorns to guard the inner caves. Now they know you're guests, they won't attack you," You said as Eri ran up to you.
"It's okay honey, you're save with me now," You comforted her. Your parents and siblings flew over and apologized.
"Let's tell the clan that you're here (Y/N), so all of the dragons will be noticed," Your mom explained.
"And Kacchan, don't attack my clan, you'll be eaten no matter what," You said. Bakugou tsked and crossed his arms.
Your dad landed on the throne and gave out a loud roar, having the dragons' attention.
"I am proud to announce to every dragon, that my daughter has return for a visit!!" He shouted happily. The dragons gave out cheers and roars. You smiled and flapped your wings at them.
"And you'll be noticed that there are a group of humans here, they're (Y/N)'s allies and will be treated with respect, and they'll treat you with respect," Your mother piped in.
You flew over to your friends and rubbed your neck.
"So, what do you guys want to see? We have crystal bay, bio spiral, my sunspot," You named out many other places as Eri was in awe with your siblings.
"Hello, you must me Eri, I'm Dart, I'm so happy to have a sister! Niece? Family members are confusing, but know that I'm the best dragon here!" Dart smiled.
"No you're not! Just because your the oldest by 1 minute doesn't mean you're the best! I'm Pouncer!" Pouncer pushed Dart away and rubbed his head against Eri, which she giggled.
"Hey you Eel!" Dart tackled him away and they started to fight, as Ruffrunner just smiled at Eri.
"I'm Ruffrunner, (Y/N) is the best carer you'll ever meet," He said.
"I know," Eri smiled, making Ruffrunner wag his tail.
"Ooo! I want to see the Coral pool!" Uraraka said happily.
"Shadow Gateway," Tokoyami mumbled.
"I want to see the training base! The place where you learn how to fight!" Izuku said with starry eyes.
"Um, the infirmary!" Koda shyly said fumbling his fingers.
"I want to see the training base so I can fight!" Bakugou smirked.
"The Coral pool sounds exciting, ribbit," Asui said. The others were talking about the places they want to see, when a shadow was watching you guys. It moved away and your ears twitched at the noise.
"(Y/N)!" A figure tackled you and you made an 'oof' sound.
The group jumped and readied themselves to fight, but Izuku paused to see a blue dragon with a smirk. You boredly looked at him as he was on top of you.
"Winger," You said pushing him off.
"Aw come on," He whined.
"Who's that (Y/N)?" Asui asked with her finger on her chin.
Winger stared at them with slight blank look and jumped off of you, turning into his human form and wrapped an arm around you.
"I'm Winger, (Y/N)'s fiancé" He smirked.
. .
. . .
Uh oh
"WHAT THE HELL LIZARD BASTARD?!" Bakugou shouted with anger, sadness, and jealousy. Izuku and Uraraka looked at each other with silently agreed to strangle him, Todoroki looked down shaking and feeling his left side burn, Iida was looking away in shame that he loved someone who had a fiancé, Tokoyami and Koda was silent with wide eyes, Asui was sad and felt her heart break.
"No! We're not! Winger was trying to court me, but I don't like him like that," You quickly reassured them, glaring at Winger. The group silently were relieved and glared at him too.
"Aw (Y/N), you know you love me," He cooed, making you growl.
"After what you did? Never in a century," You said picking up Eri and pushing the group and your siblings away.
"Mommy who was that?" Eri asked clutching you.
"Someone not important," You told her rubbing her head. As you all left, Winger's smirk faded and was confused and a little angry.
Woooooooooo another chapter done, and I finished the first chapter for the Beastars book.
Aannnnddddd since my camera ain't working I can't post any art yet, ;—; Stay tune!
Also what do you think will happen?
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