Chapter 50
Chapter 50- Rescue
"Go go! We'll handle the ones out here!" Ryukyu yelled out pushing down on the Yakuza thug under her claw. The heroes made it to the hide out of the Yakuza group, and Mirio, Izuku, Fatgum, Aizawa, Rick Lock, Amajiki, Hiccup, and more heroes ran.
"Quickest route! Let's go!" Fatgum and the other ran to the entrance.
'Eri, (Y/N), we're coming' Izuku thought with a serious look on him.
'This time will be different'
"This time we'll save you two!"
"Very good pet, now get up," Chisaki demanded as you slowly got up from the chair you were strapped in. Your legs were wobbly and your arms stinging. Eri was sitting in a chair too as you released her the best you can.
"We have enough bullets to stop an army of heroes permanently. Chronostasis, take Eri to her room," he said to the cloaked man.
He obeyed and picked her up from your arms. Eri held on tight, not wanting to let you go.
"I don't want to go mommy," she whimpered.
"Don't worry Eri, I'll be in the room soon," you comforted her. She hesitantly nodded and let go, leaving you and Chisaki.
"Come pet," he tugged at your chain. You followed as you both were walking down the halls in silence.
"So Eri calls you mommy," He said. You stuffed and nodded slowly.
"Is it a problem?" You asked a little scared, but he shook his head.
"No, frankly it'll work for us, her gaining your trust, makes her even more obedient," He explained putting his hands in his pockets.
You internally growled at him.
'You still haven't broke her yet, I bet if she was older she'll kick your a-'
"That also helps me personally," Chisaki interrupted your thoughts. You looked at him a little confused. He stopped a walking and turned to you.
"I say that she was my daughter, that I'm her dad, and of course she needs a mom," you drooped your ears as you walked back as he walked closer.
"You haven't noticed, but they way you hold her protectively," he stretched out his arms to you.
"The way you care for her," You hit a wall.
"The way you act like a mother," He hit his hands on both sides of your head.
"It's almost like you were made to be a mother," He took off his bird mask, showing his sadistic smirk with his wild eyes.
"I wonder," he caressed your cheek, but you turned your head.
"If it was like you were made to be a mother to my children," your eyes widen as he grabbed your wrists and held them above your head.
"W-what are you d-doing?" You shakes in fear as he pressed his body closer to yours, feeling the heat in his pants.
"I'm going to clean you, and make you bare my children," He simply said dragging one of his hands from your chest, to between your legs.
"S-Stop! Or e-else-"
"Or else what?" He asked in a amused tone.
"You can't exactly hurt me. I'm more powerful than you, and you're scared of me because I can kill you. Or something way worse," he said.
"No no no no please, leave me alone, I didn't disobey you! even your quirk is better than this! Please," you whimpered. He placed a gloved hand against your heat, and he then unzipped his pants.
"Don't worry," he said with his face close to yours.
"I'll cleanse you from the dirty heroes," he whispered. You closed your eyes tightly as kid kissed your neck. Fear washing over you completely as you were frozen.
'Please, help me'
"Overhaul, heroes are outside," Chronostasis said stopping what was happening. You internally thanked him for it as Chisaki sighed in annoyance, putting on his mask.
"Great," he grumbled leering go of you, causing you to collapse on the floor in tears.
"I sense they're coming in the same direction, no doubt that they know where we are." Chronostasis explained. Chisaki tugged on your chain and walked, you scrambling up to follow unwillingly.
"We can't afford to get caught, they attacked first. So we'll send them in," he said.
"The Eight Precepts of Death," Chronostasis said. Chisaki nodded and stopped at Eri's door.
"They'll fight while we get Eri and (Y/N), go get her pet," Chisaki let go of your chain as you quickly went inside.
"Let's go Eri, stay by my side," you mumbled picking her up.
"Okay," she said holding on to you.
"Let go quickly," he said pulling on the chain, tightly this time. You held onto Eri tightly as the four of you walked down the hallway. You then heard thuds, explosions, and yelling coming from somewhere.
"So loud, they better not screw this up," Chisaki scowled.
"I'm afraid to say it, but this may be the end of the Hassaikai," Chronostasis said.
"Maybe so, but as long as the boss and I live, we won't go down fully. And as long as we have the final product we won't go extinct. The heroes are going after the thing they fear." Chisaki said as you passed Toga and Twice.
They looked at you and nodded, you nodded back.
'Don't worry (Y/N), we have a plan'
'A plan that is dumb.— One that is dope!'
"Do your job Temps," he said. Chisaki pulled you close as Eri curled up tighter in your arms.
'Zuku-Kun, are you here? Please save us. Please' you had tears falling down as Eri tried to wipe them away, but stopped as she stared behind you.
"Excuse me gentlemen, we need to talk,"
You stopped as you heard the familiar voice of Mirio.
"You got some explaining to do, why don't we have a chat about those two girls," He said with a angered look.
"You shouldn't have gotten here this fast," Chisaki said holding your tail, making you whimper slightly.
"I took a detour, now give me the girls, I'm here to save them," Mirio said.
"Now you know the situation you decide to play hero eh? You were pretty ignorant when we first met. Unfortunately none of them want to come with you," Chisaki said as Chronostasis covered you two.
"You're not Hero to any one them,"
"That's why I'm here," He said.
"I'm going through to him, you're gonna die," Chisaki said turning back and walking with you three. Mirio tried to follow, but was held up by other villains.
"I won't stop, until I get them to see the light again!" Mirio yelled out, going through the floor, then turning in front of Chisaki.
He punched Chisaki and Chronostasis, picking up you and Eri, holding you tight.
"No please! Leave us!" Eri begged.
"Yeah, hell kill you!" You said through tears.
"I'm not letting you two go, I sear that I'll protect you guys!" Mirio said glaring at Chisaki.
"Come back you two, how many times I have to tell you Eri, it's your fault. You break people, that's just how you were born. And (Y/N), you're my pet, you belong to me forever," You shivered in fear as Eri tried to get Mirio to run.
"Don't listen to him you two," He reassured you guys.
"Every action you take results in people dying Eri," Chisaki showed his face that is was starting be covered in hives.
"You're a curse human. And you don't even belong here pet, you might as well be lucky I took an interest," He said darkly. Mirio clenched in teeth in anger.
"How could you say that to your daughter?! And to an innocent civilian?!" He shouted.
"Oh right, that's the story I told you," Chisaki took off her glove and glared at him.
"I don't have any children, but (Y/N) will soon bare them,"
He touched the ground and spikes shot out to attack the three of you. Mirio picked you up bridal style as you held Eri close.
"You two could've been hurt, but he doesn't care at all!" Mirio said dodging the spikes.
"Yeah, but I can just reassemble them back, even if they're not the same. Both of them already knows what I can do." Chisaki said casually.
He kept on shooting spike to you guys, and Mirio kept dodging them.
"What would you do? I am the only one that can heal the two of them in these conditions. And you can't use permeation while holding them. You're trapped," He said. Chronostasis got up and aimed the bullet towards Mirio.
The spikes in front of you disappeared so he'll get a shot. Mirio looked at you two and gave a smile.
"Hold on." He said blocking the bullets from you and covering you two with his cape, now ripped.
"Chrono!" Chisaki yelled as Mirio went up behind them and punched Chronostasis down. Chisaki tried to use his quirk to recieve the both of you, but Mirio punched him in the face.
"You know why heroes wear capes?! So they can cover the ones who are suffering!" He yelled.
You covered Eri with his cape as you struggled to get up.
"What are you doing?" She said scared.
"Going to help, kidnapped or not I'm still a hero" You said as your leg seethed with pain, but Eri grabbed the back of your tattered shirt.
"Don't remember what happened last time?" She pleaded. You sighed and sat down next to her, picking her up and hugged her as Mirio kept on fighting the two villains.
You both watched him, with wide eyes. He's doing everything he can to save the two of you.
"I'll take on anyone if that means saving those two!" He said.
'They're all fighting, just for Eri and I, no matter what' You thought. Through all the fighting, Eri pulled your shirt and looked to see one of the Eight Precepts of Death crawling out. Chisaki threw him a box, one with the erasing quirk bullets, or the poisoned bullets. He loaded in one, but you didn't see which one, and he pointed at the two of you
'Shit! I have to cover Eri! None of them can affect me, but if it hits Eri,' You used your right wing to cover the girl as he took a shot, but Mirio suddenly covered you, still with a smile.
"Mirio!" You yelled as he was shot with the bullet, worried of which type he took. He just crouched down next to the two of you, still looking okay.
'Thank Odin he took the erasing bullet, but now he lost his quirk' You thought.
"You're diseased. You think that with your quirks you'll dream to be something bigger. And one of those two have the quirk to erase all of that!" Chisaki said. Though even quirkless now, Mirio still fought Chisaki, still knowing what he can do, yet he still fought just for you two's safety.
Still bloodied and hurt, he still fought. Eri had tears in her eyes as she watched, and you were frozen holding her, you couldn't do anything, afraid that Chisaki will hurt the two of you. You let him break you.
"May be Powerless, but I'm still Lemillion!"
The fight lasted for who know how long, and Mirio was now trapped with a side sticking from his side and leg, Chisaki with his crazed look.
"You wanted to be a hero so badly, yet you couldn't save those two, you're filthy Lemillion. But I'll fix you all with her power!" Chisaki lifted a gun, and looking straight into your eyes, making them wide as you knew what bullets were in there.
"And wipe those out with my pet's blood," He aimed it at Mirio, who was still stuck, and he fired.
Everything was in slow motion, Eri looking away as you tried to get up and help, Chisaki dropping the gun and readied his quirk, Mirio closing his eyes to brace for impact, and a high pitch noise was heard.
'That noise, it couldn't be' Suddenly, the walls crashed, and You saw Izuku, a browned haired man, with a flaming sword, and a familiar black figure.
"Now bud!" The brown haired man said, and a blur of black covered Mirio, and the bullet hitting him. Your eyes widen with shock and happiness as you saw the familiar gummy smile.
Hahahaha I am here giving out more plot twists! So much twists that you'll be a slinky! Oh Odin I sound like my stepdad ;-; Well um, Stay tune!
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