Chapter 47
Chapter 47- Eri
"Deku it is. But my real name is Izuku Midoryia, what's yours?"
Help me
"Don't apologize (L/N)! You really are strong, and I respect that!!"
Help me
"Thank you for believing in me (Y/N),"
Help me
"Be careful (Y/N), for me,"
You snapped your eyes wide open as you tried to lift your head wanting to look around, but was restrained by something on her neck.
'What the Hela?' You tried to speak, but something was covering your mouth, it was a muzzle. You lifted your shaky hand prying the muzzle off, but it was no use.
"So you're awake," you froze at a voice and huddled to a corner in fear. You looked to see the mask man with another man in a white cloak.
"You're really hard to find, considering your blood doesn't connect to anyone in the world, but," he walked closer to you, you had nowhere to go as he crouched down and tugged at a chain, which was connected around you neck and was pulled closer to him.
"We finally found out who you really are, (Y/N) (L/N)," your eyes pricked with tears as he grabbed your chin, making you look straight into his yellow piercing eyes.
"Don't try using your powers, I can't tale you out in an instant, and flying isn't an option either," He ripped your fake wing off of you, making you curl back again.
"If you didn't mind, we collected something from you for something big," he let go and grabbed both of your arms, which you didn't know were bandaged. Your legs were also bandaged too.
'That's why I feel really weak,' you thought
"Your blood is disgusting, yet it's useful for us, getting rid of heroes and quirks from the world, but there was something extraordinary," he tilted his head.
"You don't have a quirk," your throat went dry and your eyes widen.
"No quirk, yet so much power, what exactly are you?" He asked. You said nothing as tears finally fell from your face.
"Oh, right, where are my manner? I'm Kai Chisaki, over there is Chronostasis, and you're now our little pet," he caressed you gave, but you jerked away.
"Oh you're gonna be a wonderful pet,"
"Keep up the pace pet," Chronostasis pulled on the chain, which you winced are and walked a little faster through the halls, but you were really weak. At least they took off the muzzle, but you still wouldn't talk.
"Your blood can help us (Y/N), it can go through any material, solids, fabric, plants, and now," Chisaki turned his head to shake a small vial of your blood.
"It can go through human skin and bones," you looked down in fear. Your blood can really kill someone? You knew your blood is acidic to solids, but humans? You didn't know that, even when fighting Stain you were just bluffing. How could you hurt people?
"I'm going to give you a task (Y/N)," Chisaki said stopping. You stopped two and looked at him with small fear.
"W-what is it?" That was barely a whisper, but Chisaki heard it.
"Since one of my crew is being incompetent with his job, I'm making you have the job of taking care of my daughter,"
Your ears twitched when he said that.
"Yeah, her name is Eri, and I think it's better for you to make her trust you since your another female," he explained opening a door. The room was pitch black and the light from the hallway showed a bed with a little girl laying on it.
The same little girl you saw in the alleyway.
Your heart felt tight as you wanted to destroy these humans and save her, but right now, you're at their mercy. And you hated it. You just wanted to escape with the small girl.
"Talk to her, gain her trust, or else punishment will happen," he threatened, unlocking the chain from your neck, grabbing your arm and throwing you into the room, shutting it. You laid there staring the ceiling in silence as the lights in the room lite up.
'Am I ever going to escape? Will the other know that I'm here? Of course, Aizawa knows, but will he find me in time?' More tears fell on the floor as you heard shuffling on the bed.
"Hello?" You heard a small and timid voice asked. You slowly sat up and wiped your tears away.
"Hi," you whispered. She had long, white, messy hair, a long gown and bandages on her arms and legs too. She also had a small horn on her right side of her head. Her red eyes filled with fear.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you," you got up to walk over, but your legs bucked up and you fell on your knees.
The girl named Eri quickly crawled over to check if you're ok.
"I'm fine Eri," you said pushing yourself up and sitting at the edge of the bed. She hugged her knees close to her as she stared at you.
"Um, hi Eri, m-my name is (Y/N)," you said trying to make conversation. She nodded and hugged her knees tighter.
"Hi (Y/N), y-you're bleeding," she pointed out to your arms. You just nodded and caressed them.
"Hm, but it's okay, I'm tough. And I know you are too," you said trying to comfort the poor girl.
"Are you here... to help me?" She asked looking down.
You said nothing as you thought for a moment.
'Am I here to help her? Or am I just as trapped as her? No, I'll save her, like I saved Kota, and my friends, and teachers.'
"Yeah... but right now, I'm staying low," you said. Eri's eyes widen a little.
"Are you... a hero?" She asked. You try and give out your best smile.
"Yeah, I'm the dragon hero apparently, my hero name is Toothless," you said rubbing your arm.
"The dragon hero? The one that Chisaki is talking about?" She said tilting her head, the fear in her eyes no longer there, but warmth.
"He talks about me?" You asked, little scared about that.
"Mhm, he said that you'll soon belong to him, that you'll be a part of him," she said shivering. You shivered too at the thought.
'Be part of him? Like Hela I will, over my dead body,'
"Well, he can go suck on an eel, I won't let him break me," you said.
"Looks like he didn't break you yet," you smiled softly at her.
"Break?" She asked.
"He may have scared you, but I sense that I'm your heart," you pointed to her chest, which she flinched a little at.
"You're a fighter, he may have hid you here, but you're a seeker. You're strong," you said slowly petting her hair, which she leaned in to.
"Say, Eri?" She looked up.
"Is that horn, part of your quirk?" She flinched and covered it with her hands.
"Oh! Sorry for asking, I was wondering, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable," you apologized, but she just shook her head.
"It is my quirk, but it's cursed," you tilted your head in confusion.
"My quirk kills people, I'm a monster, Chisaki said so, and I'm a curse human," she said through tears.
You felt anger bubble in you. How could he say that to a child?! More or less his daughter, or maybe... she isn't his daughter at all. Is she the one he uses the blood of to get rid of quirks? Is her quirk some kind of erasing? Or maybe taking it away completely.
"You're not cursed Eri," she looked up at you.
"You're not a monster, your quirk doesn't kill. Chisaki doesn't know what he's talking about," you scooted closer and wrapped your arms around her.
She stuffed up, but then soon melted I'm your embrace, hugging you tightly and crying in your torso.
"In any case, your quirk is beautiful," you mumbled petting her hair. She continued to cry as you just let her hug you.
"Such a gentle quirk, for a gentle soul," you said closing your eyes.
Eventually she stopped crying and wiped her tears away.
"Can I tell something?" You asked. She hesitated, but nodded.
"The real monster is Chisaki because of his weird bird mask, he looks like some weird ugly fish," you slightly chuckled, making Eri confused.
"So, he's a blobby fish?" She asked. You nodded smiling a little brighter.
"A HUGE blobby fish, with flimsy fins and short legs," Eri's lip twitched a little, and she let out a small noise.
"Short legs, and balding hair," she raised her arms a little.
"And random spots on his weird face," you giggled a little, making Eri let out a tiny laugh.
She paused.
"What was that?" She asked putting her hand on her mouth. You smiled softly at her and rested your head on hers.
"That was a laugh, it's great to laugh Eri, and when we get out I'll make you laugh again," you whispered.
Eri felt something in her.
'(Y/N)'s smile, her laugh, her hugs, they were warm. I feel... safe with her. Like that hero I met, she's caring,' she looked closely at your figure. You had your fake wing ripped off, your arms and legs bandaged like hers, but yet your smile stayed on.
"Don't worry Eri," you looked at her with a determined look and your best smile.
"I'll be your hero"
"So you're a dragon?" Eri asked with stars in her eyes, making you nod.
"I come from a far away place called the Hidden World, with other dragons like me, with my parents, siblings, and aunts and uncles," you explained. It's been at least an hour and you and Eri were talking about your home.
"I can become a big dragon, but since this room is too small I can't transform, plus I don't want to make the blobby fish angry right?" Eri let out a small laugh again and laid against you.
"Thank you (Y/N)," she mumbled closing her eyes and fell asleep. You gave a smile and petted her, until the door opened.
"Time to go pet," you shivered at his tone, setting Eri down you got up from the bed and walked with him out of the room.
"How was the talk with her?" He asked putting the chain back on your neck. You just nodded as the two of you walked down the hall.
"You know, I heard that you're not human either. No quirk, and not human, you're a real dragon huh?" He asked stopping you. You said nothing.
"Answer me pet," he scowled.
"Y-yeah..." you muttered, making him nod.
"If that's the case, you won't mind if I just take a closer look at you, and see how strong just a drop of blood can do," He looked at you with a crazed look in his eyes, walking closer to you. You tried to back off, but you hit a wall.
"W-what are you-" you got cut off.
"Fear is something great (Y/N), you just need to feel it," he took off his glove, making you back away in fear.
"No no no no no no, please no, not this," you whimpered as he stretched out his hand, and touched you.
One that moment, you felt two things.
One was that you couldn't escape from him ever.
And the other, was finally knowing what death felt like.
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