Chapter 35
Chapter 35- Angry Dragon Parents Are As Scary As Angry Hispanic Parents
"It's love!" Ashido shouted excitedly. The girls were inside sitting on the couches as you were outside training with Izuku. Uraraka explodes in a blush, beginning to panic a little.
"Wh...What? Glove? Shove? Dove?" She waved her arms around the place.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said defensively.
"Is it Midoryia or Iida? You're always with them!" Ashido asked grinning.
"N-No!" Ashido gave her a look. Uraraka doesn't reply, instead she grabbed her face and caused herself to float.
"She's floating.." they mumbled.
"That's not it, really! I don't know much about this stuff anyways!" She yelled
"It's not good to force an investigation, you know." Asui quickly interjects, having a feeling that her crush could be you.
"That's right." Jiro adds.
"Yes, and we also have to get up early tomorrow. So, we should turn in now, immediately." Yaoyorozu stands up, getting ready for bed.
"What? No way, I wanna hear more!" Ashido whined, but secretly hoping that it wasn't you. Uraraka floats over to the window, looking out she sees that you're with Midoriya. She can hear you outside with your siblings and Izuku through the closed window.
She was a little jealous towards Izuku at first, but then her focus goes onto your smiling face and sister like actions to your siblings. She let out a dreamy sigh, hoping that one day she would kiss you.
It has been a couple of days after your date with Kaminari, and you've been training really hard for the Hero License Exams. Not only that, but you have been watching over your siblings too, and you're worried about your parents finding out where they were. And currently, you're on top of a tree branch, with your hoodie tied around the branch and the trio were on the ground talking.
"Do the dragon rage thing (Y/N)!" Dart shouted excitedly as Izuku was struggling to climb up the tree.
'Zuku-kun can defeat a muscly sadistic villain, but can't climb a tree?' You thought as he finally got up to your branch.
"So, I'm gonna..." he trailed off.
"Ride me," you smiled. He blushed and stammered.
"Someone riding me is a great way to practice my weight pressure and move more if I have any weight on me," you explained turning into your dragon form and waiting for him to get on. He shyly got on your back and you readied yourself.
"Don't fall Midoriya human! Tuck in your shoulders and grasp on!" Ruffrunner shouted at you two.
He did just that as you began to jump off the branch and try to fly, key word TRY. You ended up falling due to Izuku not getting up properly, and you fell covering Izuku so he won't get hurt.
"(Y/N)!!" Your siblings ran to check if your ok, and apparently you had your hoodie was wrapped around your head.
You tried to make a noise, but it was muffled and you were pawing at the hoodie.
"Hold on (Y/N), I'll help you," Izuku grabbed your head and tried to push it off.
"Owowowowow!' You groan in pain and tried to pull away from him.
"Please stay still (Y/N) I got this," he turned to the trio.
"Can you three try and pull your sister's as I pull the hoodie," they nodded and grabbed your leg and started to pull. Izuku tugged so hard that you yelped.
"Sorry-" a sudden high pitch noise was heard as you and your siblings froze.
"What is that?" Izuku asked curiously.
"That noise..." Dart mumbled.
"It can't be," Pouncer shivered in fear.
"It might be..." Ruffrunner listened in closely.
Your eyes widen as you see familiar white scales and a blast aiming your way.
"GET DOWN!!" Izuku yelled, immediately pushing your siblings away as you shielded them from the plasma blast. Two large figures landing down and giving a roar, waking up the class.
"What was that?" Sero asked.
"Was it (Y/N)?" Kirishima wondered.
"No, it was deeper and louder than hers," Torodoki looked out the window and his eyes slightly grew wide.
"Woah!! What is-" Izuku got cut off as one of the figures charged at him, grabbing his leg and swinging him away from you guys, having the other figure pinning him down. The one who swung Izuku came towards you four, you covering your siblings as you already knew who it was.
"(Y/N)," their gruff voice growled as you gulped nervously, turning into your human form.
"Hey dad..." you said.
"DAD?!" Izuku shouted, making your mom growl at him.
"Mom wait I-" you were stopped by your dad.
"Where are your siblings?" He asked with a stern expression. You stared at him before removing your wing to reveal them, who looked guilty.
"What did I say about leaving and going after your sister?! You disobeyed me once, I let it slide, but a second time you knew that we told you there will be punishment!" He growled, causing them to flinch.
"(Y/N), don't get in this conversation," he cut you off, making you a little mad.
"You will come with us back and leave your sister alone, and we get back home you'll never step foot outside the entrance again or you'll never see your sister again!" The trio's eyes widen and you finally spoke up again.
"Dad stop! It wasn't their fault that they wanted to see if I was fine! You would've done that too if I didn't tell you not to! They're still little and you can't say anything like that to them!" You shouted, a purple glow inside you and you glared at him.
He stopped as stared at you in slight shock.
"You..." you nodded.
"I know how to use my powers, I know how to fight, and I do it because for them," you motioned to the trio.
"Dad I may not be alpha, but I took my responsibility to protect them, and besides they came all this way to protect me, and without any troubles finding me," you smiled.
"That's pretty good alpha material don't you think?" He sighed deeply as he nodded slightly.
"Light you can let that human go," your mom got off of Izuku, who scrambled up and ran to you. Your dad turn to your siblings and he kneeled down.
"I'm sorry kids, my anger got the better of me, we just want you safe. I was already hesitant for (Y/N) to leave, imagine your mom and I being distraught for seeing you no longer there," he said.
"We know that you love your sister, but please, tell us next time," your mom pleaded. The trio had tears and hugged them, making you smile and hug them too.
"Aw..." Izuku mumbled, making you look at him and stood up.
"Oh yeah! Um, mom dad this is Izuku Midoriya, my best friend," you smiled at him.
You dad cautiously looked at him and nodded.
"Hmm," you sighed as your mom smiled at him.
"Ooo! Are you by any chance (Y/N)'s mate?" She grinned mischievously, making the both of you blush.
"N-no no that's not i-it at all!" He stuttered saving his hands around as you nodded furiously.
"Well look at the time guys! You better go!" You pushed them away, but they were suddenly caught in a familiar cloth. Your parents growled but you stopped them from doing anything else.
"Aizawa..." you said as the tired hero stood there with a glare and the other classmates standing there with confused and jealous stares towards Izuku.
"(Y/N), you better start explaining,"
"Thank you for talking to us sir, we never wanted this trouble for you," your dad bowed at your teacher as they sat at a table.
"No need for apologies, your daughter took care of them with our help as much as possible, she's a great student," Aizawa said to them, looking at you talking with your classmates and your siblings sleeping closet to you.
"She's been through a lot when she got here, Villains, exhaustion, kidnapping and more. But she never gave up and was happy all through it, she's one of a kind," Aizawa gave them a small smile thinking about you.
"Well, if she's happy then we can't exactly take it away now would we honey?" Your mom turn to your dad, who nodded.
"I guess. You can continue teaching our daughter, but as long as we get to see her preform in action, the Hero License Exam?" He asked, and Aizawa nodded.
"I'll ask Nezu, I'll take you to a spare room or do you sleep outside?" Your dad told them a spare was nice and he walked to you.
"(Y/N)," you turn to him.
"We'll be waiting for your skills in action," you grinned widely and hugged him, which he hugged back. But as he did he felt your fake wing. He paused and turn you around to inspect it.
'Welp, we're dead' you thought as you literally felt his anger grow.
"What. Happened?" You motioned your class to run, and they did as you nervously looked at him.
"A human did this, bye!" You picked up your siblings and books it to your dorm room, as you hear your dad yelling.
"Toothless please..."
Oh look at that! Parents can be scary when angry. And trust me I'm Hispanic, they're as scary as angry dragons ;—; here's some art I made. Stay tune!
Edit: it appears that some people couldn't see the picture here, so I'm trying to repost it. •/\•
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