Chapter 32
Chapter 32- New Wing
You sat in class as Aizawa and Midnight, Cementos, and Ectoplasm were standing near and talking about creating hero moves and pro hero license.
'I already have my Lighting Dragon Rage, maybe I can make another move. Also, since only a small amount of people get licenses, I better check on advantages' You thought leaning your head against your arm.
"The job of a hero is to save people from all sorts of dangers. Crime, accidents, and natural or man-made disasters. Of course, the licensing exam analyzes how you're able to deal with such things. It won't just be fighting. Your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged. In addition to how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others." Aizawa explained.
"Now that you're caught up- you'll be working hard to develop powerful moves of your own for the next ten days or so. This is how you will spend the remainder of your summer vacation."
"Yes sir!" The class yelled out.
"Now go out your costumes on and go to gym Gama,"
"LIGHTING DRAGON RAGE!!" You sent out a blast and hit an Ectoplasm clone.
"Excellent move, now try doing another move with your dragon form," Ectoplasm said. You nodded and turned into a dragon. You started to glow and try to release a plasma blast, but Ectoplasm hit you in the hit, making you groan.
"No no, you rely on your blasts too much, try enhancing your senses in dragon form, here" he lifted his leg to give you a blindfold.
"Cover your eyes and listen to your surroundings," you nodded and covered your eyes. You only saw darkness as you listened in as to where Ectoplasm was.
You got hit multiple times, but then you heard his swing and you bit down on his wooden leg.
"Not bad," he said. You let go and turned back into your human form.
"Now, is there any other power we don't know," you were about to speak but heard someone call out.
"Young (Y/N)!" You turned around and see Allmight.
"Hi Allmight, hows it going?" You mumbled.
"I'm doing great! It looks like you're having a great time training for a hero move" You nodded, still a bit awkward being around All Might.
"I guess, my plasma and fire blasts are strong, and my Lighting Dragon Rage can be fixed on, but..." you turn your head and looked at your left wing.
"I just want to fly, Y'know?" Allmight nodded, feeling sympathy for you.
"That's also what I came here to tell you," you tilted your head.
"After this training, follow young Midoriya to the development studio, UA has something for you and Power Loader has it," he explained. You nodded and gave him thumbs up.
"Thank you Allmight!" You smiled, making him flustered.
"Y-your welcome..."
"So you want to get some kind of brace to your hand so it won't get more injured?" You asked Izuku as you two stood in front of the door.
"Yeah, I need to use One for All at maximum power, and try to use it on my power move," he explained.
"Deku! (Y/N)!" You turn to see Uraraka and Iida walking towards us.
"Hey Ochaco, Ten-" you try to open the door, but a huge explosion hit both you and Izuku, knocking you guys to the floor and weight laying on you, and on your face.
"Hatsume, try not to explode everything in the Studio" Power Loader scolded.
"Failure is not an option Power Loader! I have to use every problem I can find to improve!" A voice said. The dust settled and Izuku, Uraraka, and Iida saw Hatsume laying on you, her breasts on your face. You immediately became red and stuttered.
"H-ha-Hatsume?" You said trying to push her off. She gasped and hugged you, still on top of you.
"Dragon of beauty!! Oh how I miss you!! It must me fate for us to meet!" She said dramatically. The trio silently glared daggers at her as Power Loader sighed.
"Come in everyone," you four walked in and you were amazed at the gadgets here.
"If you want improvements on your costume, give me your instructions that came with your costume," He explained. Izuku and Uraraka were being bombarded by Hatsume and Izuku almost being crushed by a suit. Iida slowly came near to Power Loader and whispered to him.
"Sir, would you mind making me a cooler for my engine legs?" Unfortunately, Hatsume heard him and gave him this weird arm blasters, which caused him to fall all over. You sweat dropped at the scene in front of you.
"Um, Power Loader, sir," he hummed.
"Allmight told me to go here?" You sheepishly asked.
"Oh right! We got a present for you," he leaned over to grab a big box.
"Ever since the Sports Festival, Principal Nezu felt like you weren't happy at all ever since the accident," you nodded touching the tip of your right wing.
"So, while you were unconscious after the battle, he told me to take measurements on your still fixed wing and took down notes of how you move with them," he explained.
"From your dragon form to your human form, after a couple of weeks, we finally got how your wings worked and Hatsume and I were in charge of making this," he opened the box and gave you something covered in a blanket. You looked at him in disbelief.
"You don't mean that this-"
"Is your new wing," he continued. The four in the background stopped what they were doing and started. Your eyes started to water, letting tears drop you hugged him.
"Thank you thank you thank you so much," you choked out.
"Well don't thank me, thank Nezu for thinking about it, and Hatsume for designing it," he chuckled.
"Thank you Mei, thank you very much," you said hugging her.
"It wasn't a hassle Dragon of beauty, I want you to fly again, with my invention, you'll be free!" She laughed. Izuku, Iida, and Uraraka were smiling widely at your gift.
"I'm so happy for you (Y/N)! You finally have your wing!" Izuku said.
"We all are happy, you've suffered enough!" Iida chopped the air while smiling.
"Try it on!" You nodded and unwrapped the blanket, seeing a black fiber wing, with even purple color on it.
"It allows you to fly with prevail, and it even shifts during transformation!" Hatsume said grabbing it and putting it on.
"We did had trouble of finding out the correct texture for your wing, but we made a decision of making it a fiber-based material, allowing quick glide and swooping down," Power Loader piped up.
"So cool!" Uraraka said.
"Aaaaannnnd, done!" The wing was comfortable, and light like your right wing.
"Give it a stretch!" You spread your wings, seeing it move with your right wing. You smiled and clapped it around.
"Woah there, don't do that! You'll crush things!" You sheepishly blushed and tucked your wings in.
"Oooooo, I love it! Now when you become a Pro, make sure to credit me Dragon of Beauty!" Hatsume hugged you, making the others jealous and hugging you too.
"I'm going to say it again, thank you," you said.
"Also, Ochaco, what part of your costume you want to change?" You asked the Kirby girl.
"Oh! I just want to see how I wouldn't make myself sick," she said, making Hastume have a glint in her eyes.
"Oh I have a perfect thing for you!" She held up a barrel, making the four of you scared.
"Is that going to explode?" you asked. Sure enough, it did.
You took in a deep breath and closed your eyes. You and your class were currently outside after it was class 1-B's turn to train.
"Be careful (Y/N), if you fall we have support for you," Aizawa said motioning you Sero's tape. You nodded and walked back to get a head start. You ran and jumped off, the class anxiously watching as you started to fall, then opening your wings.
You opened your eyes and saw the ground getting smaller, and seeing the clouds up close again. Your eyes lit up and you grinned as you turn to steer around the sky.
"She's doing it! She's finally flying!" Sero yelled out. The class started to cheer, even Todoroki smiling softly at you.
Bakugou's only stared as he remembered what happened back.
'Lizard bastard.... glad you're happy,' he thought as he tsked and turned away.
"Go (Y/N)! You can do it!" Ashido and Kaminari cheered on as you did a loop.
'I can finally fly without any assistance! I'm free again! I could finally fly back to home and see my family! Well, after I'm done with this hero stuff' you thought excitedly. You then heard a voice.
You paused, stilling flying, and looked around.
"What was that?" You asked to yourself.
You turn all around but didn't see anything as it was too cloudy.
"What in Odin-!" you turn your head quickly to see something hitting your stomach, causing you to loose control and fall.
"(Y/N)!!" Jiro yelled as the class watched in horror as you were falling. Aizawa quickly went into action.
"Sero! Get your tape and help me catch her!" Sero nodded and ran to shoot out tape, making a bet and you falling into it.
"Oof-" you landed on the tape as the class ran to see if your ok.
"What happened (Y/N)?!" Hagakure asked worriedly as you sat up in the tape nest.
"I don't know, I was doing fine until I heard a voice," you said getting off and looking around.
"A voice?" Izuku asked.
"Yeah, it sounded familiar," you suddenly heard a snap in the forest. You turn and growled. The class stayed together and readied themselves to fight as Aizawa activated his quirk.
"What is it?" Todoroki asked.
"Villains?!" Mineta said in fear. You took a step closer as you see shadows in there.
"(Y/N), stay back," Aizawa demanded, but you didn't listen and took another step.
"Hello-?" You were suddenly tackled to the floor again but three figures.
"(Y/N)!!" Aizawa was about to attack, but Izuku stopped him.
"Wait," he said as you opened your eyes to see familiar blue eyes, and two pairs of green eyes behind them.
"(Y/N)! We finally found you!" They said. Your eyes widen as you recognized them.
Also I want to explain about your new wing. I took inspiration from Toothless' tail wing in the 3rd movie. It moves whenever the other wing moves and its strapped around your chest so you'll have to remove it so it won't hurt. Also, filler next chapter.
And. Y'all got fanart?
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