Chapter 28
Chapter 28- The Battle Was Lost
You three hid behind bushes and trees as you watch Dark Shadow thrashing around.
"How did this happen?" Izuku asked.
"After Mandalay announces villains were attacking, we were on high alert. Unfortunately a villain ambushed us, but we managed to hide even after my arm was cut," Shoji showed you a bleeding part of his arms.
"Tokoyami apparently couldn't stand that his friend was hurt, and Dark Shadow took over him," You looked worried as Tokoyami yelled.
"LEAVE ME!! GO FIND THE OTHERS!!" Your ears drooped as Shoji continued to talk.
"We need to get some light to weaken Dark Shadow, at least lead him to at least Todoroki, but how?" You and Izuku looked at each other and immediately thought of a plan.
"Shoji, we have a plan. It may be a long shot, but we can lure Tokoyami and Dark Shadow with your tentacle arms," He said.
"I'll lead the way. He'll follow me if I make enough noise," you also said stretching your wings out.
"Ok," Shoji nodded and you ran to face Dark Shadow.
"Dark Shadow! Tokoyami! It's me (Y/N)!" You shouted. They turn and roared out.
"(YYYYYY/NNNNN)!! STAY WITH ME PLEASE!!" He reached out, but you quickly ran, Shoji and Izuku right behind you.
"Come on Tokoyami! Let Dark Shadow control for a moment trust me!" You said turning your head.
"DONT LEAVE!! YOURE MY NIGHTLIGHT!!" Dark Shadow roared. You shut your eyes trying to wipe your tears.
"Ice!! Todoroki's nearby!" Izuku yelled. You saw more clearly that it was, and Bakugou and another kid too.
"Kacchan!! Shoto!! We need light!!" You shouted at them. They had fought a villain nearby and attacked Dark Shadow, but he quickly defeated him.
"NOT ENOUGH, NOT ENOUGH!! (YYY/NNN)!!" As he was about to grab you, Bakugou and Todoroki made light with their quirks, immediately bringing back Tokoyami.
"Tokoyami, I'm glad you're okay," you hugged him tightly, he was trembling.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't control Dark Shadow" he mumbled.
"You controlled him well, now we have to make it back with (Y/N) and Kacchan," Izuku said. They started to explain their plan of protecting you and Bakugou, while you two just stood there confused of what they're saying.
"I don't need protection dammit!! I can handle things myself!!" He shouted.
"I think I can too, but it's better safe than sorry Kacchan," you said as the group started walking. He kept shouting until you guys see Uraraka and Asui with another villain running off.
"Who the heck was that?" You asked as you guys ran to catch with them.
"A villain, a very crazy one, ribbit," Asui said.
"Aren't all of them we met crazy?" You mumbled.
"We need to protect Kacchan and (Y/N) until we make it back to camp, where Aizawa and Vlad are," Izuku said.
"If you're protecting Bakugou, where is he?" Asui asked worriedly.
Your eyes widen as you turn to see both Bakugou and Tokoyami gone.
"Fascinating isn't it?" You guys looked up to see someone with a mask on a tree.
"My quirk caught them with your notice, though I don't have (L/N). But don't worry, we'll show those two the other futures we can give," The villain explained quickly jumping away.
"After him!" The group ran after the villain.
"Ochaco I have an idea! Use your quirk on us so we can get him faster!" You told her. She nodded and touched you guys, making you float. You, Izuku, Shoji, Todoroki all jumped with Uraraka's quirk, and tackled him. You all fell down and saw more villains.
"What the heck?! Oh I know those kids!! Who are you?!" A half villain said.
"Long time no see (Y/N)" you recognized that voice, turning and saw Dabi smirking.
"Oh no..." you mumbled as he activated his quirk.
"Out of the way Compress," he attacked, burning you, Shoji and Izuku. As you got out of the way, a needle flew past you. the villain that was with Uraraka and Asui charged at you.
"Hi there (Y/N)! My name is Toga!" She tackled you and held a knife.
"You're really pretty! But you'll be prettier covered in blood!" She jabbed the knife in you leg, making you roar in pain and the others looking in shock and horror.
"(Y/N)!" Shoji threw her off, your blood sizzling on the ground and on her knife.
"Your blood is special, that makes me even want it more!" She giggled maniacally.
"(Y/N)! Are you ok?" Todoroki helped you up, but obviously, your leg was pleading heavily.
"Obviously not," you bluntly said as he sighed.
"Compress you have the kids?" Dabi asked.
"We already have (L/N) here, and I got the other in here," he rewatched for his pocket but didn't feel anything.
"While you were distracted, I found where you kept our friends," Shoji held up two marbles. You smiled as Compress chuckled.
"Well color me impress, just as expected from someone with so many limbs," he said. You felt woozy as you kept losing blood, and it burning the ground.
"We have to go now!" Todoroki carried you as the group ran, but saw a Nomu coming out of the forest.
"A Nomu!" They stopped.
"This way!" They turned to run again, but was stopped by a familiar misty sight.
"Not this villain!"
"He's from the USJ!"
"The warp villain!"
"It's been five minutes after the signal. We should go now," Kurogiri opened up portals, Toga and Twice jumping in, but Dabi stayed.
"We're not leaving without those kids," he said.
"Don't worry, I let those kids gloat about them saving their friends," Compress said. The four of you looked at him confused.
"Let me tell you a thing about magic, if I'm flaunting something shiny, then I'm hiding something bigger," he stuck out his tongue to show Tokoyami and Bakugou. The marbles that Shoji had turned back into ice.
"Dammit!" Izuku and Shoji ran after them, as Todoroki set you down.
"Stay here (Y/N)," you nodded weakly as he charged after them too.
"But what about (Y/N)?" Dabi asked.
"Don't worry about that too, as long as we have Bakugou we'll get her too-" he was cut off by a sparkling bean hitting his face, crushing the mask too.
"Aoyama!" Izuku said in surprised seeing the sparkling French boy in the bushes. Compress spat out the marbles, Shoji grabbing Tokoyami and Todoroki grabbing Bakugou.
"We got them!" Shoji shouted. Dabi smirked as Compress stood up.
"You got your friends, but aren't you forgetting a certain dragon friend?" Their eyes widen as they turn to see the Nomu grabbing you, picking you up as you laid there unconscious. You finally lost blood to pass out.
"(Y/N)!" Todoroki tried to attack the Nomu, but Dabi blasting him with fire.
"It's too late, Shoto Todoroki," he said, snapping his fingers and the Nomu quickly running fast and at their side in seconds.
"We have what we truly wanted, keep your friends," Compress snapped his fingers and Tokoyami and Bakugou being released.
"GET BACK HERE BASTARDS!!" Izuku yelled as Dabi picked you up bridal style. Caressing your face. Izuku screamed out.
"(Y/N)!!!" Dabi smirked and looked at them.
"Check mate," he said as you weakly opened your eyes for a moment and turn to Izuku.
"Please... stay here.... Zuku-kun..." you finally said disappearing in the portal, and leaving the group laying there in shock, horror, and sadness as they realized that you were gone.
'No... No... I was supposed to be her hero, but she's gone because of me' Izuku thought as he screamed in pain for you.
At that day, you were aiming to the top, but this time, the villains won the battle.
The next day, the press were at the gates again shouting about what happened. Some of the teachers were sitting at the table as Nezu spoke up, stressed.
The training camp was supposed to prepare students for villain attacks. The irony is shameful. We knew the League of Villains would resurface, but we lacked fundamental understanding of their plan. They already started war," he said sighing.
Even if we could have understood, could we had avoided this attack? Their moving pieces we didn't even know they processed. Besides, Allmight put an end to most organized crimes, we're all rusty," Midnight said.
"I guess deep down we thought we'd be riding the sweet life for good." Present Mic continued on. All Might rubs his temples, with a distressed look on his face.
"I will never forgive myself for my cowardly ignorance..while our students were fighting for their lives I have was a relaxing soak in the bath.."
"We shouldn't have had the sports festival right after the USJ attack, we wanted to show we were still strong. To have one of our students kidnapped is our biggest failure as teachers. They've taken away (L/N) and society's fate in us." Snipe says.
"I agree, every news outlet is condemning U.A high. If (L/N) was one of the main targets it's likely because the villains noticed her quirk, or dragon power usage during the sports festival. What else could it be from what we've seen? If she ends up joining the side of the villains it could be the end of U.A as a school." Nezu said sadly loosing a friend and ally. Present Mic, Midnight, and Allmight felt guilty that you were captured, thinking it was their fault.
Present Mic looks down at the table, with a serious look on his face.
"Since were on the topic of trust there has to be something said now, at this point we can't deny it, can we? There's a this school." Midnight and All Might's eyes widen at his words, waiting for him to continue.
"Only the teachers and the Pussycats knew were the training camp would be." He stands up and throws his fists on the table.
"Don't you think that's a little suspicious? I guess a kid could have use their phone to message a villain but-" Midnight cuts him off.
"Stop this Mic!"
"What's the problem?!" He throws his arms up.
"This could've been what (L/N) wanted!" He continued. Midnight growled and stood up.
"Don't bring her up at a time like this!" She yelled at him.
"We have to find out who the leak is!" Sniper looks over to him,
"Could be you for all we know. Got any proof to prove your innocence?" Present Mic sat down arms crossed like a child.
"If we start pointing fingers we won't get anything done." Snipe ends him as Nezu speaks up.
"At the very least, I trust everyone at this table. But there's no way for me to prove that I am innocent. As a school we need to focus on protecting our students. This is a good place to implement something I've want to say for awhile, you see I-" Nezu was interrupted.
"A phone call is here! A phone call is here!" Allmight quickly picked it up.
"Um, excuse me!" He quickly walked out of the door.
"Hello?" It was Tsukauchi! He explained that after talking to civilians, they found where the hideout is of the League.
"Don't worry Yagi, we'll get (L/N) soon," he said. Allmight grew into his muscle form.
"Right, we'll make sure of it,"
"I'm so happy that the media is giving us wonderful publicity. Isn't it nice, (Y/N)?" Tomura turns to you as you weakly glared at him, your leg wrapped up and tied in a chair. You were too weak to move or use your powers at all.
'Please, Anyone, help me'
Oh damn things are getting intense, and don't worry about yall's wing, after this battle arc, I got you.
Stay tune!
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