Chapter 27
Chapter 27- Villain Attack
It was the next day, and training was even more exhausting.
"Odin dammit, this is even worse," you mumbled continuing to run faster.
"Don't hold back (Y/N)! Running if very effective! On your left!" Iida ran past you, making you groan.
"Stop saying that every time you past me!" You shouted running faster to catch up.
'I just want to sleep' you thought.
"On your left!"
"Stop saying that!!"
After training and eating dinner, the Wild Wild Pussycats said that there was a activity that the classes can do. Sadly, Kirishima, Sato, and Sero couldn't come. Though you glad that Ashido and Kaminari were here too.
"Class 1-B will be the first to be the scarers! The winners will be the class that scares the best!" Tiger said giving out papers.
"Revelry in the dark," Tokoyami said.
'Why does he keep saying that?' You and Uraraka thought simultaneously. You looked at yours and smiled.
"Hey Zuku-kun, we're partners, what are the odds eh?" You jokingly said. Izuku was a full tomato as he stuttered.
"Y-yeah!! The odds," he mumbled, then a hand grabbed his shoulder roughly.
"Oi Deku, trade with me!!" He pointed at Todoroki then at you.
"Sorry Kacchan, can't trade," you grinned holding on Izuku, which made the people who were watching glare.
"Alright then, Start everyone!!"
"Try not to scream Zuku-kun,"
The two of you waited for your turns as you hear screams in the forest.
"Jeez, Class 1-B can be so scary," you said. Pixie-bob was smelling the air.
"The air, it has a strange scent," she said. You smelled it too, it was bad and suddenly, Pixie-bob was thrown into the bushes, where someone bashed her head.
"What the?!" Mandalay, Tiger, and Ragdoll readied themselves to fight. People emerged and they looked menacing.
"How are you school of UA? We are part of the action said from the League Of Villains," A lizard person said with arms wide out.
"League Of Villains?" Ojiro said.
They were talking about them being inspired by Stain, and the Wild Wild Pussycats attacking.
"You kids go back to camp, don't engage to anyone!" Mandalay ordered, as the rest of the class nodded. But your eyes widen as you realized who was missing. You grabbed Izuku's shirt and tugged it.
"Zuku-kun, Kota," his eyes also widen.
"Mandalay!" She turned to us.
"We know where Kota is, leave it to us!" She nodded as you both ran off to his hideout. You turn a corner to see Kota, and a large figure easing its fists. You heard him whimper.
"Papa...Mama..." You both reacted fast, and you ran to catch Kota, as Izuku threw a punch at the figure.
"What are you doing here?" Kota asked. You set him down and turn to face the villain.
"What do you know? It's the two on the list Midoriya and (Y/N). Two birds with one stone," The man smiled sadistically, more so than Tomura.
"One of you sadly, I can't kill, but I like a little time to weaken you," he took off his cloak and one of his arms is completely covered with muscle.
"Show me your blood!!" Midoriya tried to block him, but he managed to throw him against the wall. You grabbed Kota and jumped up to dodge him.
"Say, by any chance, do any of you two know a kid name Bakugou? (Y/N) and him are needed," he asked. You and Midoriya said nothing as he charged at him again.
"Stay here," you set Kota down as you ran to jump on the villain, showing your fangs and biting down hard.
"Aw, little bites won't do nothing!" He grabbed you, and threw you down, scraping your leg up bad.
"Hell yeah!! Blood was what I wanted!!" He laughed sadistically.
"(Y/N) please, grab Kota and get out of here," Midoriya pleaded.
"I'm not leaving you here with this sadistic eel. He killed Kota's parents, I'm not going to let him kill you too," you got up and fired a plasma blast at the villain.
But it didn't work as he merely pushed the pain away.
"If Midoriya's quirk doesn't help, yours can't either!!" He charged and punched you in the stomach, pushing you back and making you clutch your stomach.
"Dammit, Izuku go," he nodded and charged his quirk up, reaching full percent.
'I must do this, I need to protect Kota and (Y/N),' Izuku thought as he charged at the villain.
"100% DETROIT SMAAAAAAASHHHH!!" A big gust of wind hit you and Kota, who almost fell of the cliff, but you caught him in time.
"ZUKU-KUN!!" You yelled as Izuku laid there, trying to get up as the villain stood up, no injuries at all.
"I used 100%, like Allmight!" Izuku said in disbelief.
"Aw come on! If that was all you had then you're pretty pathetic!!" The villain smirked as You and Izuku stood there in front of Kota.
"Please Kota, when it's time, run as fast as you can to camp," Izuku said.
"You're gonna fight him again? But both of your powers didn't work on him! You're also hurt, let's just go!" He pleaded helplessly.
"Why do you keep doing this?! Pointless Fighting if you're weak!!" Kota yelled. You turn to him and gave you a smile.
"Because it's what heroes do,"
His eyes widen as you both turn to face the villain, and charged your powers.
"Zuku-kun, you take the left side, I'll tale the right," he nodded and you two charged.
"SHOW ME YOUR BLOOD!!" The villain turned his hands into giant muscle fibers, punching both of you. You hissed in pain as he grabbed your neck, squeezing it tightly. You started to choke and he threw you back down the wall, almost losing conscious. Kota's eyes widen as he saw you laying there, injured and close to dying. He shouted out to you.
"Mama!!" He quickly covered his mouth as the villain then quickly punched Izuku down, but Izuku resisted.
"SHUT UP DAMMIT!!" Izuku tried harder and harder to push, but he was crushed.
'I'm sorry mom, Allmight, (Y/N)...' Just then, water was splashed on them.
"Let him go!!" Kota yelled.
"You... won't... kill him..." you choked out, that still raw.
"Now don't worry about you two, I didn't for" the villain was pushed off by Izuku, who was giving it all.
"I WONT LET YOU HURT THEM!!" He screamed out, finally punching the villain's face, throwing him down and knocking him out.
"Midoriya! (Y/N)!" He ran to see you sitting up, grasping your throat.
"I'm fine, it's Zuku-kun I'm worried about," you crawled to Izuku, grabbing his arms and licking them to heal it.
"I'm fine, they're after you and Kacchan, that's not good," He turn to Kota.
"Kota, you can pour out the fire with your quirk" Kota looked at the fire, then nodded.
"You're too weak to run Zuku-kun, allow me," you licked your injures, and quickly glowed, growing bigger and turning full dragon.
"Woah!!" Kota gasped as you motioned to get on your back.
"Get to Mandalay (Y/N)!" You let out a roar and ran into the woods.
"Take care Kota, for me," you kissed his forehead as you and Izuku ran to find Mandalay, leaving Kota with Aizawa. You see her about to be attack by the 'Spinner' villain. Izuku kicked him away and you ran to pick up the catlike hero.
"Mandalay! Aizawa-Sensei granted us permission to use our quirks!! And I know who they're after!! It's Bakugou and (Y/N)!!" He explained.
"Use your quirk to tel the classes!" You told her. She nodded and used her quirk, and you turn to run with Izuku.
"(Y/N), stay close to me, if they want you they'll try and go after us," he said and you opened your mouth to say something, but then a literal shadow hand swiped at you two. Shoji then came out and grabbed you guys.
"Shoji, you're hurt!" You said surprised.
"Yeah, and you are too. We got ambushed by villains, I took a hit and was protected by Tokoyami, but Dark Shadow took over. Your eyes widen in fear as Tokoyami said at the Sports Festival.
'The darker it is, the harder I could control Dark Shadow'
"That means..." Izuku trailed off.
"If we wanna go through, we have to face Dark Shadow," you could see Tokoyami, struggling with his quirk. Tears falling down his eyes as Dark Shadow roared.
"STAY AWAY... FROM ME!!" He demanded. You felt terrible for your friend, you needed to help.
"Don't worry Tokoyami, we'll save you,"
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