Chapter 20
Chapter 20- Dragoon and Hero Killer
Hey, good luck on your agency
You confusingly looked at your phone. Who's texting you?
New phone who dis?
Shinso remember?
"Ooooooh" you said and texted back.
Oh yeah! Thank you shinso!! I hope you do great too! I have to go now, bye •/^\•
You stuffed your phone in your pocket and grabbed your case with your supposedly hero costume. You didn't fill out a form like the others so they made your costume randomly. You hope it's good.
"Remember to behave and don't cause any trouble for the Pro's" Aizawa instructed. You nervously gripped your bag.
You've been accepted into Ryukyu's internship, but you forgot where you were supposed to go. The class was dismissed and you, Izuku, and Uraraka ran up to catch Iida, but he told you guys he'll be fine.
"Tenya, just me safe ok? Don't let what happened with your brother get to you, revenge can get you hurt y'know," you said sternly. He merely looked at you, nodded, and left.
Izuku and Uraraka had to go too, leaving you standing there, a little scared.
"You must be (Y/N) right?" You jumped and turn to see a woman, one inch taller than you, wearing a maroon colored dress, a grey fringe over the right side of her face, covering her eye, and black dragon wings on the sides of her head.
"Y-yeah!! You m-must be Ryukyu!!" You stuttered.
'She's even prettier in real life!!' You thought. She smiled at you and patted your head.
"Don't worry, your principal told me that you're not exactly human," you froze and looked at her.
"And you don't know Hosu city at all, so I thought it'll help you if I come here instead," she said and you nodded timidly.
"Well then, my name Ryuko Tatsuma, but you can call me Ryuko," she gave out her hand and you took it to shake, but she lifted your hand to kiss it, making you even more flustered.
"T-thank you!! U-Umm... for accepting m-me!" You said waving your hands around.
"No problem, you held out a pretty good fight at the Sports Festival kid," you grimaced at the memories.
"Let's go back to my agency and have some tea,"
"Yes ma'am,"
"Do you're really not a dragon?" You two sat down near a table and were talking. Ryukyu was really nice, though she did made you flustered, and it made her amused.
"Nope, just a human with a dragon quirk." You sighed disappointingly.
"Man, I really hope to see at least one of my species here, I've been getting a little lonely and homesick ever since..." your wing twitched.
"If you don't mind, may I see your wings?" She asked. You hesitated, but you spread them to allow her to see them. She went behind you and gently touched them, making you shudder.
"Interesting, such scales, I've never felt anything like this before. Soft, yet tough when in battle," she traced her finger against the tip of your wing, making your face heat up.
'Should I tell her that's it's sexual for her to do that?!' You thought. She placed her hand against your bandaged missing wing.
"Can I..." you nodded as he removed the bandages. There was just a small flutter of what was left of your wing. She touched it then got up.
"I'm very sorry of what happened with your wing, but that doesn't mean you're weak, it shows that you did your best to fight," she reassured. You nodded as she pulled you up.
"Now then, let's start with training shall we?" She smirked, making you nervous of what's gonna go down.
"Put your costume on, let's show you what you can do without your wings"
Training with Ryukyu was intense training, but you tried your best to manage your Lightning blast. Her dragon form was much bigger than yours, but you two had fun training and fighting. She was way more experienced with this stuff and always pinned you to the floor, yet you never gave up.
"Remember, don't always concentrate on only your opponent, your body needs to fully understand what your power does," she said dodging another attack.
You grunted in response and slowly surrounded yourself with purple electricity. You held in a plasma blast and quickly fired. She blocked it, but you managed to get her to scoot away.
"Better, but still you're only concentrating on what damage you can't do instead of letting your body move with you," she sighed turning back into her human form.
You turned back too and sat on your knees.
"Let's take a break for today, and tomorrow we'll try on working with invisibility," she said. Days went by and you got stronger, physically and mentally. You nodded and fell on your bed, closing your eyes and sleeping.
"I am Ingenium, and I will defeat you!" Iida shouted at the Hero Killer. He simply stared at him with wild eyes.
"So be it, die," Iida charged at him, trying to hit him with his engines, but the Hero Killer dodged it and licked his shoulder with his spiked boot, throwing him down.
"I have your brother a message, you're both weak," he stepped closer and raised his sword.
"You're filled with revenge on me, and that's what make heroes fake,"
He stabbed Iida on the shoulder, making him yell in pain.
You snapped your eyes open, gasping for air and trembling. Ryukyu woke up and turn to you.
"(Y/N)!! What's wrong? It's okay!" She said trying to comfort you. You were shaking you head and crying.
"Hosu...... Hero Killer...... Ingenium....." you paused.
"TENYA!!" You shouted, before getting up, and running out of the door, dropping your phone, which had a location sent to you.
"(Y/N)!!" You heard Ryukyu called out, but you didn't listen, you were running down the streets, trying to listen in on the sounds.
'hear crashing, Fire, People screaming, and... ZUKU-KUN!!' You couldn't fly, but you can still run fast. You ran into an alley way and run the corner to see Izuku standing there, injured, Iida laying down, Todoroki using his left side, a human probably a pro hero, and...
"Hero Killer," you said. They looked at you, and the Killer grinned widely.
"It's you... the one Shigaraki said," you growled.
"(Y/N)... be careful, he can paralyze people with his quirk..." Izuku said weakly. You nodded with this new info and got ready to fight.
"No, this doesn't involve you... please go (Y/N), it's just Stain and I," Iida pleaded, but that angered you.
"Tenya you're even more stupid than I thought," he was shocked.
"I told you to not let revenge get to you, and yet you let it and now you're here, stuck because you wanted to defeat the one that paralyzed your brother," You slightly turn you head to glare at him, he flinched at that.
"You can't say that this is only your fight, because that will be the waste of our time. The reason I'm here because I sensed it! I felt the fear you had and you wanting to avenge Tensei!! But let me tell you this," You then glared at the Hero Killer, now named Stain.
"Was this really what your brother wanted? For you to die in the same hands of the Hero Killer?!" You asked charging a blast.
"Not on my watch," Stain charged at you and swiped his katanas at you, but you activated your scales and blocked it. You fired the stored plasma blast and he dodged it, throwing his knife at your face. It was so quick. You used your tail to grab it and throw it back.
"You seem a little more powerful than the others, I like it," he licked his lips. Todoroki growled and sent a ice beam at him.
"You're not a fake hero, I respect that. I won't kill you, but I'll bring you to Shigaraki," You stared at him shock, allowing Stain to throw his knife again. Todoroki saw this and pushed you out of the way.
"Shoto!!" You cried out. His face was cut, and Stain running to his knife, and licking it. He stiffed up and froze, only leaving you there standing for your friends.
'Dammit, I can't take all of them and run, even if in my dragon form, I'll have to stall him like Shoto said and wait for the Pros to arrive'
"Be a good dragon and stand still!" He ran up and tried to kick you, but you almost dodged it in time, almost. a tear through your shoulder was ll it took, and you see him holding your blood on his katana. You stood there as he made eye contact with you, about to lick it until you just tilted you head.
"Do it," You hissed menacingly. He looked confused until his katana melted.
"Of course! (Y/N)'s blood, its acidic!" Izuku said as his arm started to moved again.
"Not only that, but it's poisonous, so try it, be my guest, you'll only get hurt," you said warningly.
He growled as he threw his knife at you, and you getting hit because you were too tired to fight. you fell down and pinned against Stain, who grabbed your right wing and spread it.
"Very well, I'll just take away another thing that means so much to you as a warning," Your eyes widen as you tried to escape, but nothing as he raised her knife.
'no no no no no no! Zuku-Kun!! Shoto!!' You closed your eyes.
"RECRIPRO BURST!!" Iida rushed up and kicked Stain hard, as Izuku and Todoroki ran up too to fight.
"You ok?" Todoroki lifted you up as you nodded.
"yeah, but I don't think I can continue to fight, up have to do this for me please," you said. He nodded and set you aside. You watched on as the three boys fought on.
'fight on you three,'
Eventually they knocked out stain, and the heroes appeared, including Ryukyu.
"What were you think (Y/N)?!" she yelled chopping your head. You whined and drooped your ears.
"I'm sorry!! But I sensed that my friend was in trouble a-and" you looked down sadly.
"I'm sorry for not telling you," Her glare softened and she just hugged you. just as long as you're ok,"
One of the heroes looked at the group and saw Stain tied up.
"Is... that the Hero Killer?" Ryokyu looked and him and turn to the hero
"Call the police!"
"GET DOWN!!" Someone shouted as a Nomu swooped down. You felt it grab you and Izuku and flying away.
"MIDORIYA!! (Y/N)!!" It happened do fast, the Hero Killer running up and taking down the Nomu.
'He... saved us?'
He began to talk about fake heroes and criminals ruining this world, and that he was here to pure it. He then took a step forward and paused, he didn't move at all.
"Did... Did he passed out while standing?" was all you said before falling asleep.
So your hero costume.
I took some inspiration of Hiccup's armor and toothless scales and just, mash it together.
Hope you like it. And don't worry, I have plans with your left wing. Stay tune!
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