Chapter 18
Chapter 18- Waking Up For A Surprise
"You see that mama?" You asked at you fired a proper plasma blast.
"I did my little Nightlight, you're becoming so strong!" She picked you up, making you smile widely. She giggled, but then looked down sadly. You tilted your head worriedly.
"Mama what's wrong?" you asked.
"Oh honey, I'm just worried about you, becoming the next alpha, you seem so young, and yet other dragons except so much from you, I'm just trying to calm myself down, but it reminds me of what happened with your father years back," she said laying down. You laid down next to her and rubbed your head against her.
"You don't need to worry about me mama, you and dad taught me everything I'll ever know, and soon, I'll be the one who protect you!" You declared, posing as your dad would do, before falling over. That made your mom and you laugh.
"Alright future alpha, just promise me this," you looked at her patiently.
"Never forget who you fight for, not for being alpha, not for us, but for who you're meant to be" you smiled and licked her.
"Don't worry mama, I promise,"
You heard the sound of beeping, and people talking. You silently groaned, trying to open your eyes. You felt extremely tired, and didn't feel like doing anything. But you managed to open your eyes slightly to see a blur. You opened it more to see Izuku, Urakaka, Kaminari, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Koda and Asui.
"Do not feel any worry everyone! It's going to be alright! (L/N) is a strong student and she'll make it!" You heard Yaoyorozu say.
"How can we not be worried Yaoyorozu? (Y/N) lost her wing! Not to mention who knows when she'll wake up? Days, weeks, months? Years even?!" Kaminari cried out.
"Well don't make it worse by telling us that!!" You heard Jiro zapping him.
"Fighting isn't going to make (Y/N) wake up!!" You heard Izuku yell.
"This was all my fault, if I haven't attacked the Nomu as the USJ, (Y/N) wouldn't have to come and save me, she wouldn't have to be here against her will, and she as hell wouldn't be here! On a hospital bed, struggling to survive while we all shout at each other!!" They looked down disappointed at themselves.
"So please, let's just hope that she's ok, because that's all we want, for her to be ok," you struggled to lift your hand, but my weakly managed to do so and scraped it against Uraraka's hand. She froze and looked at you.
"(Y-Y/N)??" They stopped and stared at you, fully opening your eyes.
"H-Hey..." you mumbled.
"(Y/N)!! YOU'RE OKAY!!" They yelled. Izuku tried to hug you, but you were still in pain.
"R-right! Sorry..." He mumbled, though still crying.
"Oh (Y/N), we thought you'll never wake up!" Kaminari cried out while Jiro hit him.
"And you made it worse Dumbface!" She said.
"Hmm..." you hummed.
"Yeah, but you didn't give up! That was so manly!" Kirishima shedded a manly tear as Asui placed her finger on her chin.
"Yeah, from what we've seen, we thought you won't make it, ribbit" she said.
Koda made some hand motions, saying 'I'm happy that you're awake, all of us missed you' You nodded, trying to remember what happened.
Sports festival.
Alpha dragons.
Wing ripped off.
"Bakugou...." you mumbled. They stopped and looked at you.
"What?" Yaoyorozu asked concerned.
"Bakugou.... he.... he..." you whispered. The group stared worriedly. Are you gonna fight him? Yell at him? Rip his arm too?!
"He smelled like caramel during the fight..."
"Kaminari!! She's in shock right now!! She doesn't understand what happened fully yet!!" Yaoyorozu hit his head too.
"L-lets just leave her here. (Y/N) needs rest and have some q-quiet time!" Uraraka pleaded to them. They sighed in disappointment, but agreed and left, only leaving Izuku there.
"Deku, come on!" Izuku paused, looked at you, then nodded and left. You took a deep breathe, and touched your left side, feeling only bandages there.
'Bakugou and I fought, and he ripped off my wing.... he ripped off my wing.... I can't fly anymore, I don't have my only freedom now.... I can't see my family ever again,' The tears finally poured out. You finally realized what happened and you broke down crying. You haven't cried since you left home.
"I... I... I want to go home..." you said between sobs. You curled up into a ball and stayed there until you heard footsteps.
"Please go away...." you whispered.
"I'm afraid I can't do that because I am the principal you know," You looked up to see Nezu and Aizawa.
"Oh..." you simply said. Nezu sighed sadly and placed his paw on your cheek.
"Listen (L/N), doctors tried to save a much of your wing as they could, and we really tried to help you the best we can, it's not your fault," He said soothingly. You nodded and tried to wipe the tears away.
"I know... Thank you..." you said leaning against his paw.
"You should get some more rest, Aizawa will stay here for a moment to talk to you," Nezu said before hopping off walking out of the room.
You looked at Aizawa, who blankly stared at you, then he walked towards you and pulled you into his chest. You were confused until he hugged you fully and you heard him hiccup. Was he.... crying?
"Don't ever scare me like that again (Y/N)," he whispered in your ear. You continued to cry with him as you two say there, just letting your feelings out.
He eventually let go of you and gave you a small smile.
"Rest well, you're gonna need it for internship," he leaned to and kiss your forehead?! And with that, he left. You sat there with a light blush, then laid back down, took a deep breathe, and closed your eyes.
You really hope the future will be brighter.
"Alright (L/N), it appears that you healed pretty quickly with your blood, you only have to wear the bandage waiting your wing," Recovery girl told you, three days went by and you've been stuck in the nurse's room for a long time and been waiting to leave.
"Thank you Recovery girl," you bowed.
"We just need your to be escorted to your home room in a wheelchair, luckily we have a student to lead you there," She pointed to a familiar purple haired human. He got up and sighed.
"Let's go dragon," He grabbed the wheelchair handles and pushed you out of the nurse's room.
"So... you're Shinso right?" You asked quietly. He said nothing, but he subconsciously nodded.
"And you must me (L/N)," you hummed in response. There was a silent minute until you spoke up again.
"Y'know, you were pretty good at the sports festival" you looked up at him. He tsked and looked away.
"You don't need to feel pity, you're lucky to have a more powerful quirk to earn a position in the hero course," you shook your head.
"Oh I don't have a quirk," your wheelchair stopped and you suddenly realized what you said.
'Shit! Stupid (Y/N)! Why you have to say that?!'
"What?" You sighed in defeat. No bother to hide it.
"I don't have a quirk, I'm a real dragon and what you saw at the sports festival was real dragon power," you said not looking at him. He said nothing for a few seconds.
"Woah, that's cool," you stared up at him.
"Really?" No freak out? Or anything?
"Yeah, not everyday you talk to a real dragon and have to wheelchair them," you sheepishly rubbed your neck.
"Kinda makes me regret what I said during the battlefield," he said.
"Wait what did you-"
"Do you want to hear my quirk?" He quickly interjected, changing the subject. You cautiously looked at him and nodded.
"My quirk is Brainwashing, and I know it's a villainous quirk, don't say anything," he said sadly.
"Allmight could've been a villain," he stared at you confused.
"Allmight could've been a villain, yet he chose to become a hero because that's what he felt his purpose was," you explained.
"Quirks don't define you as a person, well, some people yes, but that doesn't mean a quirk that seems to be used for evil, can lead to someone being evil," you remembered what Izuku said.
"Be a hero that you want look up to," He looked at you, then gave you a smile.
"Jeez alright, don't be all cliche on me," You nodded and rambled on.
"And besides, having a brainwashing quirk is really cool, like you just say one word to villains, they respond, then boom. You have complete control over them. And you say 'turn yourself in' and they do it obediently, which is really-"
"What are you doing here (L/N)?"
You froze and gulped at Aizawa's scary tone, his quirk activated.
"U-uh.. y-you see, R-recovery girl t-told me that I-I could get b-back to c-class," you stuttered out as Shinso covered his mouth to laugh. Aizawa deactivates his quirk and sighed annoyingly.
"Just come in, you can go back to class kid," Shinso nodded and shook your hand, which confused you.
"Text me," he whispered and walked off. You opened your hand and saw a folded paper.
'Huh, he gave me his number' Aizawa helped you up and you leaned against him, holding his arm and trying to walk carefully.
'She's always so careful, yet reckless when she needs to be, kinda cute' Aizawa thought.
"Also since you came in unexpectedly, the class will probably freak out," you waved your hand.
"Oh I don't think it'll be that bad" you swung open the door and-
"Oh boy,"
Soooo, I made fanart 🥺
It may not be good but it'll do.
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