Downfall of Cruzore
The nineteen year old girl stood amongst the rubble of her city as she watched as her people ran through the streets shouting in fear as the great ice dragon, Cruzore, destroyed the city around them. She clutched her silver shield tighter in her left hand as she unsheathed one of her swords.
"Your majesty, we need to get you to safety. There's nothing we can do to stop that beast!" yelled Castro, Larana's most loyal friend and bodyguard, as he ran towards her and tried to pull her with him.
"No!" she yelled, "Castro, you must do what I ask."
"Of course, Princess Larana. What are your orders?" Castro asked.
"Get everyone to safety. Take them into the mountains and I'll meet you there," Larana replied.
"What are you going to do?" he asked.
"I'm going to save my people," Larana replied. She turned and smirked at her friend before she ran straight down the street in the opposite direction to the way her people were running. She was running straight towards the ice dragon.
A scream came from Larana's right which caused her to come to an abrupt halt. She scanned the area and her eyes widened when she saw a small boy on the ground screaming. His leg was trapped under some rubble so he couldn't get out and the worst part was the dragon was moving straight towards him.
Larana, without thinking, ran straight towards the boy. She clambered over the rubble and knelt down beside him.
"Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here," she said as she began to push the pieces of rock and stone off of his leg.
"B-but... You're the Princess. You shouldn't be here. You need to go," argued the boy before he cried out in pain when Larana moved a big piece of rubble that had been crushing the boy's leg.
"No. I'm going to help you," she replied as she helped him to stand up before she called out to a soldier who was nearby.
"Get him to safety and make sure his leg is looked at. Now go!" Larana instructed as the soldier picked up the boy. Just before the soldier was about to leave, the boy shouted to Larana, "Thank you, your majesty. Be careful."
Larana smiled at the boy and motioned for the soldier to take the boy and go. Once they were a safe distance away, Larana concentrated her attention on Cruzore.
The great ice dragon was truly a sight to behold. Bright blue scales covered his muscled body like a thick almost impenetrable armor, his wings were so silver that they were almost transparent. The spines on his back were like frozen spikes and his razor sharp teeth were deadly icicles. But the thing that caught Larana's attention was Cruzore's eyes, they were a bright silver with blue flecks. If they didn't belong to a dragon then Larana would consider them to be... beautiful.
Larana looked straight at the approaching beast and her eyes grew wide when she saw Cruzore preparing to breath shards of ice in her direction. She quickly ducked whilst raising her shield and was nearly knocked over from the force of the impact of the shards against the metal.
She stumbled to her feet and dived out of the way of Cruzore's claws as he swiped in her direction. She hissed in pain when she landed on some shards of ice but quickly got to her feet and watched as Cruzore began to circle the city from far up in the sky.
He circled back down and this time she managed to dodge the bursts of ice that he directed at her but was too slow to avoid his claws.
She shrieked in pain as the dragons poisonous claws burned the pale skin of her back.
She breathed heavily and looked down at her sword. It was glowing bright purple, it was almost sparkling. It was one of her father's matching swords, the other was still strapped to her back, he was a dragon slayer and she held the only blades that was strong enough to kill a dragon. This beast killed her father and she was going to make him pay.
Her eyes widened upon seeing Cruzore swing his tail in her direction but she had no time to move and was thrown backwards into a wall from the force of the hit. She glanced at her stomach and to her horror she saw that it had been sliced open slightly by the spikes on Cruzore's tail.
Cruzore began swooping down towards her again and she quickly clambered to her feet and ran in the direction of the tallest building that was still standing. She knew she had to get up high if she wanted to stand a chance.
Larana climbed the stairs two at a time and as soon as she made it to the rooftop she saw Cruzore fly past the building and with a sudden burst of adrenaline she leapt off of the roof and on to the creature's back, barely missing the frozen spikes as she rammed her sword into his armored back. Cruzore shrieked and began thrashing as his skin glowed purple. Larana felt herself slipping from his back and her green eyes widened as she realised that Cruzore was falling through the sky and towards a group of large buildings. They were going to crash.
She pulled her sword from his back with some difficulty and jumped. She screamed in pain as she crashed into the ground and felt her leg crack from under her. She looked up as Cruzore's dying body crashed into the buildings burying both of them in a pile of rubble as the buildings collapsed around them.
Larana forced her muscles to work and she began pushing the rubble off of herself so that her arms and head were no longer buried. Her breathing was laboured and she turned her head to see Cruzore's dead body laying far away from her. She smiled knowing that she had killed him.
The Princess coughed feeling the blood splutter out of her mouth covering her face and chest. She couldn't breath properly so she already knew that her broken ribs had punctured one of her lungs. She could feel the poison from Cruzore's claws burning through the wound on her back and the pain in her broken leg felt unbearable when she attempted to shift positions. She felt dizzy, her vision became blurry and she reached up to touch her temple where the pain was and hissed in pain when her fingers came into contact with the open gash on her head. She felt the warm substance, that she knew all to well to be blood, drip down the side of her face causing her raven black hair to become soaked in her own blood.
At the sound of her name she turned her head to where she heard the familiar voice shout her name and smiled when she saw the familiar figure of her father's closest friend, her adoptive father. He held his staff in his right hand and used it to climb over the rubble in an attempt to get to her. She saw his familiar, grey, pointed hat resting on his head as usual and he wore his grey robes to match.
"G-Gandalf?" Larana muttered before she began coughing madly again, more blood flowing from her mouth.
"Shhh! Don't try and talk," he told her as he reached her. She smiled at the elderly wizard. Ever since her father's death he took her in as his adopted daughter and helped her cope.
"W-What are you d-doing h-here?" she asked ignoring what he had told her.
He sent her a pointed look before he stroked the hair from her pale face. "As soon as I heard that Cruzore had returned to the city I came straight here. I knew that you'd act recklessly and do something stupid like this," he said giving her a knowing smile.
"Just like my father," Larana coughed. "At least I will die knowing that Cruzore is no more and that I have avenged my father's death."
She looked at Gandalf and saw, for the first time, that he was crying. She felt her own tears begin to fall at the sight of him so distressed. "Don't even say that. You are not going to die, not whilst I'm still breathing," he said sternly.
"There's n-nothing you can do," she argued.
"There is one thing but you won't like it," he said as he looked over to Cruzore.
"W-what are you thinking?" she asked but suddenly gasped as she felt the poison taking affect. Her eyelids began to close as she stopped breathing almost completely.
"Larana!" Gandalf yelled urgently.
He knew she would hate him. He knew she would never be able to speak to him again but he couldn't bare the thought of her dying like her father. She was basically his daughter, he had to do something no matter what consequences would follow. He knew how to save her but it was never known to have worked before, he had only read about the theory before and had never known it to have even been attempted before now.
He got to his feet and hurried over to Cruzore's body, picking up Larana's sword as he did. Praying to the heavens that this would work.
He sliced open the dragons side and picked up a curved rock from the floor that looked almost like a bowl. He filled the 'bowl' with as much of the dragon's blue blood as possible before he hurried back over to Larana who was unconscious, as he tried not to spill the blood.
He felt more tears fall as he held the 'bowl' to her lips and forced her to drink it, he refilled the 'bowl' numerous more times until she had drank at least a litre of the vile creature's blood.
He then waited nervously for something to happen as he began pulling the large pieces of rubble from the rest of her body so that she was no longer buried.
Larana's eyes flew open as she gasped, breathing in a huge gulp of air. Her eyes... they were no longer the bright green that they once were, instead they were bright silver with blue flecks, identical to the eyes of Cruzore. The tips of her raven black hair gradually turned electric blue and her pale skin turned even paler.
She hissed in pain and screamed, scrunching her eyes shut in agony as her body glowed blue for a second.
"I-It b-burns!!" she screeched as she arched her back in pain.
Gandalf could do nothing except watch the heartbreaking scene unfold before him. He watched in awe as the bright blue light glowed over her wounds and began healing them leaving only the dried blood on her skin. He could hear each of her broken bones being snapped back into place with a sickening crack followed by a yell from Larana.
"M-Make it s-stop!" she pleaded. "P-Please! I'm b-begging you!"
Gandalf had to look away from the pleading look on her face as she begged. He couldn't do anything now. He couldn't take back his actions. He couldn't gain her forgiveness. He couldn't undo what he has started.
"I'm sorry, Larana. I hope that one day you will forgive me," said Gandalf as he gripped his staff and rose to his feet.
"How c-could you?" Larana asked as the blue glow began to fade and her wounds were all healed, leaving only light pink scars as a reminder.
"I'm sorry. I truly am," he said before he started to walk away from her.
"You know how much I hate those creatures. Why would you do this? Why would you turn me into a monster like that?" she whispered as her tears flowed from her silver eyes and ran down her cheeks tracing the contours of her face. "I will never forgive you for this."
Gandalf turned to her one last time as she turned on to her side.
"I love you, Larana. You are my daughter, even if its not by blood. I hope that, in time, you can learn to forgive me," he said before he walked away from her into the distance.
She laid amongst the rubble crying silently to herself. She turned her head and slowly sat up, her muscles felt stronger, she felt powerful. She sheathed her father's sword and stood up looking around. There was not a single building left standing.
She knew that she couldn't stay here. She had to be dead to her people. She couldn't rule over them after this. She knew what Gandalf did and she couldn't believe that he had.
By making her drink Cruzore's blood it made her part ice dragon. She could feel the change in her body but wanted to see it herself. She found her silver shield and held it up to her face so that she could see her reflection. She gasped in shock as she gazed at her raven black hair with the new electric blue tips, her bright silver eyes and her pale skin.
She couldn't stop the frustrated growl that erupted from the back of her throat as she lowered her shield. She heard people yelling for her, probably soldiers. Larana collected her weapons and with one last glance at her destroyed city she walked away whilst the tears still continued to fall from her eyes.
Soooo... what do you think?
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