24 - Miss You Dearly
Whatever Jared was saying, it went in one ear and out the other for Connor. He tuned it all out. Jared was on his left, as he had decided to lie down on the hospital bed at some point while rambling, and Evan was braiding Connor’s hair.
“There you go Con!” Evan said, finishing off the braid, although Connor was still staring off into the distance. Jared sat up and punched him. Connor was brought back into reality with a jolt.
“Connor, are you okay?” Evan asked him. Both Jared and Evan were looking at Connor skeptically.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” Connor avoided eye contact. “So, Jared...uh....”
“You aren’t fine,” Jared said. “What’s wrong?” Connor looked down, trying to hide his blushing.
“Fuck you both for being so hot,” Connor mumbled.
Jared laughed. “Glad you think so.” Evan laughed quietly as well. “But really, you’re not okay, are you?”
Connor smirked. “I’m not okay. I promise.” Jared smiled and leaned on Connor’s shoulder.
“I’m trying to be serious. You guys are impossible.”
“Jared, you’ve never been serious with me,” Evan reminded him. “Is that even possible?”
“This isn’t productive!” Jared raising his voice was an uncommon occurrence. “I just...I want everything to be okay. I keep feeling like this is all my fault.” Silence fell across them for a few moments. “Sorry, I’m...I’m ruining the moment again.”
“Jared, you don’t have to feel bad for having feelings,” Connor said, holding Jared closer. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”
“Really?” Jared mumbled into Connor’s chest. He looked up at him with sad eyes.
Evan laughed. “Is really like our always or something? I feel so uninformed.”
“Shut the fuck up, Augustus Waters,” Connor said, letting go of Jared.
“Yeah, that shit is cheesy as hell,” Jared agreed.
“That’s an insult to hell,” Connor said.
“Metaphors are awesome, you can’t convince me otherwise.” Both Connor and Jared rolled their eyes, and the three managed to laugh despite the situation. They had found, over years of separate experience, that is, that this is just to trigger the packs of thermals in the gym. Those are bombs. (no sorry I’m listening to Heathers and forgot where I was going with the original line)
“Love you motherfuckers,” Jared said, finger guns to complete his statement. Evan laughed until he started coughing. “Jesus, Evan, don’t die.” Unfortunately, that just made Evan start laughing more.
“Rest in peace Evan Karen Hansen, he was pretty cute while his life lasted,” Connor said.
“Karen?” Jared asked through his own laughter.
“Damnit, Jared Bartholomew Kleinman is down too. He lived a good life.”
“bArThOlOmEw?!” Now that Evan had calmed down, Jared was the one dying. Connor was pretty sure it would be an endless loop if he didn’t stop it now, so he did the most logical thing he could think of in the moment.
Connor pressed his lips to Jared’s. Evan mumbled an “Oh” in the background, but Jared pushed Connor away anyways. “Gosh, Connor, don’t have to turn me on,” he joked.
“Shut the fuck up, Kleinman.”
“Make me.”
“Oh really now?” Evan put his head on Connor’s shoulder. “Salutations Tree Boy,” Connor said. He gave Evan a kiss on the cheek.
“Salutations?” Evan questioned.
“Would you prefer howdy?” Evan shook his head. “Salutations it is then.”
“Oh shut up, discount Jason Dean,” Jared said. Connor rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I don’t know how I ever thought you were scary.”
Connor mocked offense. He looked Jared in the eyes before kissing Evan. Evan panicked and kicked Connor away. “Am I that bad?” Connor asked. Evan was blushing, though, and that was more than enough for Connor.
Hey so the next chapters are gonna be called Sincerely and Me and you can't stop me those are gonna be the last chapters in my story so fuck you.
~ DJ
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