Chapter 9: Simon
Hannah’s POV
Looking at my watch I sighed, 1pm, Bonnie will be wondering why I haven't been back. It had been a really good recording but had run over lunch. Walking into my office I was shocked to see she wasn't there, panic hit me hard as I ran over to the editors room where everyone sat having their lunch.
“You alright Hannah?” Trott said, a concerned look on his face as I slammed into the room.
“Have any of you seen Bonnie, she isn't in the office and your all in here” I said shaking with worry. Lewis instantly got up and wrapped his arm around me, “She will be in the office somewhere, she can’t have gone far”. Sjin placed down his sandwich and offered to help in the search, everyone else decided to help also so it wasn't going to take long to search the rooms.
“Bonnie! Bonnie!” I shouted as Lewis, Sjin and I checked the kitchen, still nothing, where the hell could she have gotten too.
“Hannah you hear that!?” Sjin interrupted my thoughts, “I don’t hear nothing Sjin!” I snapped, he turned to me and shot me a look, “No really listen”. With a sigh I shut up and tried to listen out for whatever Sjin was hearing, then I heard it, “Bonnie!”
Bonnie’s POV
The time had passed so quickly as I sat with Sparkles* singing along to the songs he played, I never even noticed missing lunch, it was too much fun.
Setting down his guitar after playing Vectors he smiled but looked behind me, turning around I jumped, there stood Hannah, Lewis and Sjin their mouths hanging open in shock, what did I do?
Sjin broke the silence by laughing and nudging Hannah, “I know you said she was clever but she howls to tunes, now that’s impressive”.
They all laughed including Sparkles* who had stood up and now stood next to me petting my head, I blushed as Sparkles* told them about how unique I was.
Hannah’s POV
“Let’s go get you some treats Bonnie, plus everyone was worried about you and are eager to meet you, especially Simon” I said as we walked back to the editors room where everyone had gone back to once they heard we found Bonnie. Grabbing a dog chew and her toy we made our way into the common room where everyone sat, looking down at Bonnie I smiled when she didn't cower behind me, instead she sat at my feet, tail wagging.
Bonnie’s POV
This was no time to be scared, I was so excited! It was the biggest crowd of people I had every encountered but I would be brave; brave for Hannah and Lewis.
I turned to look at the group that sat around the edge of the room on the desk chairs and sofas, my heart fluttered with nerves as I looked around. I had heard Lewis talk to the group before I walked in with Hannah saying I was shy so they just sat doing their own thing as to not make me feel uncomfortable.
Scanning the room I picked out the members I knew from videos Dylan had shown me, he made it his mission for me to know every member so he knew who I was on about, I remember most of the other workers thought he was nuts when he used to talk to me contently.
Chris Trott and Ross Hornby both stood wearing ‘Walrus Vision’ shirts watching Duncan Jones play away on a hand-held. A small group consisting of Alex Smith, Kim, Martyn, Turps and Sam(Strippin) sat chatting away. Everyone apart from one tried their best to ‘ignore’ me but it was blatantly obvious the Simon wanted to talk to me, he sat fidgeting in the corner trying to avoid eye contact when I knew he was holding back a big “AWWWWWWWW!” as I wandered around the room.
‘Lets see how good his restraint is...’
I chuckled to myself as I crept closer to him, his blue eyes trying to look at anything apart from me. I finally reached him and sat in front of him. Taking a deep breath, I prepared a loud bark, “SIMON!”
Authors Note
Hehe I love Bonnie's cheekiness but sorry for the slow movement, introdusing new characters isnt easy.
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