Chapter 5: New home!
Bonnie's POV
I woke with a jolt as the car stopped, I had fallen asleep at Hannah's feet. Opening my eyes she smiled softly and got out the car letting me have time to properly wake up. I was now dark outside, looking at the dashboard clock it was 7pm. Lewis grabbed the shopping bags from the boot and opened the front door. "Welcome Home" Hannah said sweetly leading me inside.
It was like a palace, a lovely modern flat with an open plan kitchen and living area, with two bedrooms (the master and a guest room) and two bathrooms. Letting me off the lead I padded softly around the area taking in all the new smells, my nails clicking on the wooden flooring.
Hannah's POV
Lewis and I watched as Bonnie slowly made her way around the flat, her stance was low showing her nerves about being in a new place. Lewis placed the shopping on the kitchen counter with a clang that startled Bonnie, she spun on her paws, tail between her legs. I went up and punched Lewis on his arm.
"Ow what was that for?" He grumbled. I pointed to Bonnie who still looked startled and shot Lewis look, "Oh sorry" he apologised taking out the owl squeaky toy which I picked up. I took it from him and went up to Bonnie, "Your alright Bonnie, this is your new home, your safe here" she seemed to relax so I offended her the toy which she took gently from my hand and held in her jaws, her tail wagged slightly.
Bonnie's POV
I wish I could have told them thank you but sadly not. After calming me down after the bang of the bag Hannah led me to the master bedroom, "and you will sleep in here with us but you have your own bed in the corner" she said pointing to a pillow bed in the corner of the room. My own bed!
I padded over, the owl still in my mouth, and sat in the bed, it was really comfy, I would have no problem falling asleep on this. Placing down my owl I looked up to Hannah and said my thanks which just came out as a couple of barks but she smiled so at least that was something. I then lay down and closed my eyes, falling into a sound sleep.
"Bonnie Sit, Paw, Lye Down, Roll Over" Hannah rattled through commands with I followed with ease. Both Hannah and Lewis had weekend off so decided to stay home and get to know me. It has been two days since they adopted me and they have been amazing. They try to take me a walk at least twice a day and I get two meals a day plus treats.
"Good girl" Hannah said with glee passing me another meaty treat. Doing tricks seemed to please her so I was happy to 'perform' .
"Lewis the guys at the office are going to love her" Hannah chirped looking over to Lewis as he sat at his deck working away on his laptop. He looked up briefly and nodded then went straight back to his work. Hannah sighed and crossed her arms, she then looked back to me and passed me the local newspaper, which I took gently in my jaws, then pointed to Lewis, I understood the command and took the paper over to Lewis and sat at his feet. He looked down at me, his dark eyes ringed with the black lines of a lack of sleep, but seeing me with the paper made him smile, "Thanks Bonnie" he said taking the paper and stoking my head. I looked back at Hannah who held a treat in her hand, I walked over and took it, my tail wagging furiously.
"Aww Lewis I love her already" Hannah beamed stroking my head. He sighed and shut his laptop, and came over and sat on the couch. Hannah stood up and sat beside him, l lay down on the floor at their feet and listened to the conversation.
Lewis's POV
"I'm just so tired of these haters. We have so many brilliant fans but there are always those what want more, even when we give them what they want they still want more, it's never enough" I was exhausted, my weekend off had ended up being full of phone calls and emails. Hannah took my hand and placed her head on my chest, "You need to stop worrying, your stressing yourself out about the Christmas live streams and these haters are pushing you overboard" she tried to comfort me. She was right about being stressed about the live streams, even though they were still a few months away. I took a deep breath and exhaled, Hannah looked up at me, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling, she reached up and kissed me on the cheek, "I love you Lewis", wrapping my arms around her I pulled her close, "I love you too”
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