Chapter 34: New Homes
Bonnie's POV
Today was the day! The pups were now six weeks old! To be honest I was beginning to feel the emotion, my pups were leaving for their own homes.
I sat in our little room as Atlas and Melody wrestled on the floor, as for Ender, he sat watching Yogscast workers walk past the room.
Sighing deeply I was just hoping that Ender would setting in well with Smith. I wasn't worried about the other two as they were sure to settle in. It wasn't like I was going to never see them again, I would see Atlas and Ender almost everyday in the office and then Melody whenever Sparkles* comes to the office.
"You alright OddBod?"
Koda stood at my side and nudged me lightly with his nose.
"I can't believe they are going?" I mutter under my breath, the tears rising in my eyes. Koda lay his head on my shoulder and hushed me softly, "They aren't going forever, we will see them again, we can still watch them grow".
He was right, I needed to look at it that way, their little lives were just beginning.
I lay in the room just waiting for the time to come. The pups lay beside me sound asleep after playing all morning. It was a Friday so I wouldn't see the pups until Monday. Hannah walked into the room as sat down beside me stoking my fur softly.
"It's the big day Bon, how are you feeling?" She asked and I replied with a whine. This made her sigh and as carefully as she could, and without waking the pups, she hugged me around my neck, "They will be fine Bon, I promise". This helped settle my nerves because I knew that Hannah and Lewis would both make sure Koda and my pups were safe.
Hannah then rose to her feet as began to leave the room. She turned to me and smiled, "The guys are coming in an hour to pick the pups up"
"Mum! I'm so excited, so excited" Melody chimed as I gave her one last lick to clean her up before Sparkles* came to pick her up. I couldn't help but smiled that she was so excited for her new home. Atlas was the same he was running around in circles, full of energy, Sjin would have his hands full with him. Koda jumped the small door gate and the pups all ran to him, "Dad!"
They wrestled on the floor, playful growls and bites transferred between them. I would miss this, our little family.
The pups now stood in front of Koda and I and we said our good bye, for now.... "I love you pups"
A family hug later we were ready for the lads to pick the pups up.
Hannah's POV
The time had come, I was sitting in the common room with Sjin, Sparkles* and Smith; three 'S's couldn't have planned that better. They were excited by nervous each of them holding their chosen collars for their new family member. Lewis had joined us in the common room with the three pup in his arms, Bonnie and Koda at his feet.
Sjin jumped up and took Atlas from Lewis. The largest pup wiggled and jumped in Sjin's arms causing him to laugh before placing the pup down to put on a red collar which had small chillis on it.
"How's the hell did you get that?" I chuckled looking at Sjin's choice of collar. He shrugged and picked Atlas back up into his arms, "Time you get you home big guy! I will see you all Monday! Bye!"
One down two to go.
Next was Melody, being the only girl in the litter, I had grown attached to her, but I knew Sparkles* would give her an amazing home. The little pup looked up at her new owner with her big blue eyes, her tail tapping wildly. Carefully Sparkles* picked Melody up and placed her on his knee, carefully he put on a light blue bandana collar, I chucked to myself thinking about how much the collar was like Parv's scarf. Melody barked with delight of her new collar and jumped up at Sparkles* face, covering him I'm puppy kisses.
"See you guys next week. Now come on Melody let's go home and meet Beckii" Sparkles* with a chuckled.
One left.
Ender hadn't left Bonnie's side since he was brought through, I was really afraid that he would never truly come out his shell but I just had to keep my fingers crossed.
Bonnie's POV
"Ender it's your turn sweetheart" I soothed the pup, giving him a little push towards Smith with my nose.
"Hey little guy" Smith said softly picking Ender up and onto his knee. Slowly and carefully Smith stroked the pups fur. Ender's odd eyes looked up at the Sir and studied his features, Smith chuckled slightly causing Ender to wag his tail! He wagged his tail!
Smith then pulled his choice of collar from his rucksack, gently he put on the green collar then held Ender in the air.
"Let's get you home Ender! Your going to be the best pup ever!"
Lewis and Hannah chuckled as the last pup left the office. As for me I looked at the ground, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Hey Odd-Bod they will be fine, we will see them on Monday" Koda cooed nuzzling me softy.
"I know Koda, it's just, my little pups are growing up"
Authors Note
Here's an update :)
Puppy Power
Who's your fave Pup???
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