Chapter 3: "She's the one!"
"Hello, anyone here?" The voice rang out again as they entered the reception. Dylan looked down at me and shook his head "It can't be" then he stood up and looked out the door, "It is, IT BLOODY WELL IS!" He shouted in joy as he ran to reception shrieking like a girl. I shook my head but smiled and lay down in my bed, listening to the conversation down the hall.
Lewis's POV
"I can't believe it's you!" The RSPCA worker called in delight as he stood in front of me, his whole body shaking in excitement, 'oh great' I sighed to myself before smiling and shaking his hand. "I'm Lewis Brindley and this is Hannah" I introduced even though he clearly knew who we where.
"Yes yes your from the Yogscast! We were just watching your video" he replied a huge grin on his face. 'We?' I thought but just moved on.
"So we have come to adopt a dog" I finally get to business taking Hannah's hand as she looked at me with excitement, it had taken a lot of persuading to get me to budge but here we are.
"Yea sure sure, we have plenty of lovely dogs here, anything you had in mind?" The worker questioned us as we were led through a door and into the noise of the kennels.
I looked at Hannah and she finally took lead, "Well, we were thinking a more larger dog and defiantly not a corgi" we laughed as we thought of Simon's obsession with Mandrew. The worker went to a computer screen and accessed files on several of the dogs. "So our larger breeds are kept in this part of the kennels, so feel free to have a look and I will get some paper work sorted" he said looking up from the computer, still shaking in excitement. Feeling the yank of my hand Hannah pulled me away to the kennels.
Dog’s POV
I heard the footsteps on the tiles as Hannah and Lewis walked into the kennel block, I didn't know why but I was nervous.
Getting up from my bed I craned my neck to see if I could catch a glimpse of them as they looked at the dogs closest to the door. "Aw he's sweet" I could hear Hannah say as she got down on her knees and said hello. Lewis remained standing with his arms crossed, "Hannah don't you think he is a bit 'too' big" he questioned looking at the Rottweiler that sat in the cage. "I guess" she agreed before moving down the kennels. My heart was fluttering but I had no idea why, I shouldn't get myself worked up, what if they don't pick me. I sighed and lay down in my bed.
Hannah's POV
All the dogs were gorgeous but I still hadn't found 'the one'. I could tell Lewis was hating this as he followed me around from kennel to kennel with his arms crossed against his chest. "How about this one?" I asked pointing at a beautiful golden Labrador, to which he shook his head, "They shed a lot and I don't think my allergies can take it". Rolling my eyes I continued down the block, there weren't many dogs left. The continuos barking of excited dogs was defiantly going to give me a head ache.
We finally came to one of the last kennels and my jaw dropped, inside the kennel lay a beautiful blue merle border collie, "She's the one”
Dog's POV
"She's the one"
"huhhh" I grunted opening my eyes slowly to see Hannah and Lewis in front of my kennel.
"Wait, what, me?" I whimpered wagging my tail.
Hannah got down on her knees and poked her finger through the door, "Here girl, come here" she coaxed softly her long blond hair falling forward, her gentle blue eyes showing no him of fear.
Getting up from my bed I slowly edged forward until I was directly in front of her. "That's it good girl" Hannah praised me as she stroked my head. "Lewis she's the one".
Looking away from my documents Lewis knelt down beside her and looked at me with his dark brown eyes. his short black hair was damp from the rain outside. "She is a pretty dog" he finally said looking at Hannah, he smiled, I could see through the glisten in his eyes how much he loved Hannah.
"She's the one!" Hannah repeated before shouting over Dylan who came running. She pointed at me and smiled, "We would like to take her home with us". Dylan looked at me and his face lit up, "Good girl”
Author Note:
Hey Everyone, hope you are enjoying the story so far.
Quick Question: Does the POV changes work?? Would you prefer just one POV or are the switches better??
Thanks Everyone xx
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