Cat Man staying with Shaggy Part Two
Shaggy felt more at home with KISS than in his mansion and when he first went into his animal form, Scooby held him by his tail making Cat Man to growl at Scooby. Shaggy had forgiving Scooby making Scooby to see if he can transform which he did and looks like a white version of himself with black hair making him to look surprised at his human form. KISS welcomed their two new members and Shaggy can play any instrument there is making them to be shocked as no one can do that.
Scooby loves to play the drums making Cat Man happy to have another drum player in the band with him as Scooby went for Wolf Man with the make-up to make him look like wolf making them happy with his stage name, but Shaggy went for one that made Starchild shocked as he doesn't know what to think of that stage name Shaggy had just came up with.
"Weeping Kit?" Starchild was confused as he doesn't know why Shaggy would go for that stage name really and he doesn't know how to feel about it really.
"Fox was his cousin and in his honor, he went for it, but it's Weeping Kit proving that Shaggy is Fox's kit since Fox adopted him as his son even though they are cousins and he is weeping for him." Starchild nods as he knows Fox means a lot for Shaggy making them to wonder how Fox managed to look after Shaggy and Scooby.
Starchild saw how Shaggy weeps in his sleep and Cat Man would go inside to calm him down and then the next morning, he is found sleeping in Shaggy's own bed making the others to take a picture and frame it much to Cat Man and Shaggy's embarrassment.
When Shaggy goes into his guardian form, his clothing is a mix between Fox's and Cat Man's with the make-up looking to be similar to Fox's, but there is blue going down his face to look like he is weeping making lots of the girls to aww and try to hug him making Cat Man to growl in the back of his throat while Demon keeps the girls away saying Weeping Kit is actually taken making them to aww in disappointment making Cat Man to kiss Shaggy on the lips making everyone to scream in excitement making Shaggy to hid his face in Cat Man's neck making them to scream at how cute it was.
Shaggy would flinch and panic when someone psychical touches him making Cat Man to hold Shaggy while everyone thinks he was abused by his girlfriend making it easier to hide the fact that Weeping Kit was tortured as well, too. Shaggy needs lots of time and Cat Man helps him, but won't do anything sexually until he is ready making Shaggy to rub his head against Cat Man's neck.
It took a whole year to help him get over it as the whole bands helps, but Cat Man does more as Shaggy doesn't like being touched in sorting areas and Shaggy would still panic, but to a degree of others touching him and he would still flinch as well.
Shaggy moved Cat Man's hands on his own to a sorting area he doesn't like making Cat Man to know what he wants. After a year, Shaggy had gotten better, but doesn't like strangers touching him and will flinch from them.
The Band would make sure no one goes near him and everyone thinksthey're overly protective until Shaggy had attacked someone who tried to rapehim making Cat Man to hold him close to him to keep from being pulled somewhereelse.
The news hits about the attained rape of Weeping Kit making everyone todamn higher security for the band. After another year, Shaggy had gotten muchbetter and had forgotten about the rape making it easier for him and now hejust needs to get back to talking again.
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