Art Painter, Fox's Weeping Kit
Shaggy would paint to get rid of the emotions that he is holding back and they would show what his emotions are as Shaggy had opened an Art Gallery to hold his painting in and lots of people would come to see them making him to be famous from this.
He even painted one of him, Fox and Scooby as a family and then he painted one of him weeping at Fox's grave making him to cry as he can't keep the emotions in any longer and keeps painting to get rid of them.
No one had ever seen an artist paint with emotions before and this is new as he paints lots of paintings and he even painted a flower that he calls Midnight Starlight making everyone to see how beautiful it is. He marks each one Fiction if it isn't real and Non-Fiction if it is real making everyone to understand how the artist feels as no one had ever done this before.
Shaggy makes sure no one can see his face as he tries to keep away from the public while on the streets he can be himself. Shaggy even paints car racing making everyone to see the paintings are the ways to make people see what they see and Shaggy is happy as he pains so many things.
He even paints KISS with Fox and one of the Crimson Witch and KISSteria with the KISSterians in it making everyone to think he was thinking of people would look like if they had make-up like KISS does.
Shaggy even painted the Destroy with four KISSterian Guardians fighting it and sealing it away. Shaggy even did one of the Black Diamond making lots of people to see how amazing the paintings are as if they were from his imagination making Shaggy to laugh in his head as he knows how people think of things like that, but when he started to paint his abuse and torturement with them hanging in the gallery with them being marked as Non-Fiction, everyone started to talk as the artist must of suffered through it and is painting to escape from it making them to wonder who he really is.
Shaggy can't take them down, but he knows the public knows what he went through and he can't stop it, so he left it be and continued to paint other stuff as he makes sure to get as much as he get of different things as he doesn't want to anything to be missed in any of his paintings as he loves to make people happy with his paintings as they show off everything that he feels.
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