A new beginning
Jack POV
I can't believe Bunnymund and Frankie became mates. I'm still surprised actually. Well I was going Jamie's, better not as well keep him waiting. I fly over there to see him and Frankie playing...fetch? I didn't know Frankie played that game. But what was Jamie holding in his hand? He brought it up and I saw that it was raw thawed out steak. He threw towards me, and Frankie caught it before it hit me in the face. "Hi Jack! I forgot that you were coming today. Frankie thought that I was alone and we started to play her favorite game, catch! It is like my game of catch, but the ball is now unfrozen steak and when catches it, she eats it! I think it's fun, it's funny to see her jump up and snatch the steak out of the air." I watched as Frankie flipped the steak into her mouth and swallowed the steak. Some of the blood from it was trickling down her jaw. I was tempted to freeze it but she licked her jaw clean. "Sorry about taking your place today. But thus is what you get taking mine on our first encounter, frostbite. Next time, ask me what day I'm going to be playing with Jamie before you become nothing but frozen blood on and in the snow. Alright? Come on Jamie! Get on my back, I want to show you something!" Jamie got on her back. I was slightly scared. She seemed so sweet and innocent, how could she quickly sound like she was evil? "So you know, I happen to have a weird multiple personality disorder where one personality gains control of my mind. Don't forget that I can read minds. But when we first met, I was still trying to learn how to use my ability to see into the future." With that, she flew off, with Jamie on her back.
Time skip
After I dropped Jamie off, I flew back to my mate, Bunnymund. Once I made it to the Warren, I was greeted by the little group of eggs that always hung out around me when it wasn't Easter Sunday, or when Aster, as he lets me call him and me only. They crowed me and I let hop on my back. I always let them do this. I start to walk around the Warren, wondering where Aster was. As soon as I let the eggs hop off I caught a familiar scent in the air. "I know that's you Aster. You forgot that I'm a dragon, and I can smell your scent. Your lucky that were mates, or I would've eaten you already." He came out of the bushes that he was hiding in, and gave me a hug. This is a game we always play when one of us comes back home.
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