Chapter Twenty-Five: Kids and Plans
Error's POV
I slowly open my eyes, hearing voices muffled as they talk quietly. I can't make anything out and don't exactly have the energy. Then I feel something warm wrap around me and glance down, seeing some of the babies pulling a blanket around me and two tentacles lifting my body to surround my body with pillows stacked up. It is much cozier than the rough walls and floors...Heh, it's the kids made with Nightmare or Dream's code, why am I surprised?
"Why are you telling me to calm down, Buffer? This isn't normal! My Glitchy isn't supposed to be used to make a small baby army! Nim shouldn't even be using him to get ANY of them! T-"I hear Nighty snap
"He is drained enough! You throwing a temper tantrum won't help things!"Buffer says
When did...? Ugh...My memory is even giving out....
"NiGhTy...?"I say, blinking to stay awake.
I see him press against the glass.
"Glitchy! Don't worry, Glitchy! You're getting out of here! Is there anything wrong?"He asks
"No....JuSt eXhAuStEd...CouLdn'T m0v3 iF i tRi3d..."I sigh
A portal opens and Horror marches through, sees the situation and leaves. A few minutes later, he returns with trays of food, hopping over the fence and slamming the small window open.
"Eat up! You're not going to starve!"He snaps
Heh, usually I have to tell him that.
"Killer bring the other two trays!"He shouts into the portal, summoning his axe.
Killer runs through and soon there are four trays of food sent over to me through the small window that was meant just for adding more experimental souls in here. Killer uses magic to lift the trays over to me and I waste no time in trying to eat it, feeling drained of any energy.
"Hey wait a sec! Who are all of those brats? I thought we were supposed to be your kids!"Killer whines, crossing his arms while Buffer messes with the code of Horror's axe.
"I WaSn'T eXaCtLy l0oKiNg t0 sp3nD tHe dAy liKe ThIs, kiLl3r."I tell him, then see a robotic arm inject something into my soul.
Soon another string appears, connecting to a soul of a baby that lands on my head this time.
"How is this even happening?"He asks
"Th3 iNj3cTi0nS aRe a m1x 0f mAg1c aNd c0d3 oF aNoTh3r p3rs0n iN a cHem1cAl tHaT f0rCeS mY s0uL t0 tAk3 iT aNd tHeN sUpPoRt wHaTeVeR s0uL tHe c0dE cReAt3s."I say
Horror carves a hole in the glass wall and it automatically deletes any glass inside the lines he sliced, making an open doorway. He marches over and slices the chains off of me. He lifts me up carefully and smiles. With a simple pinch between his fingers, strings starts snapping and souls fade away. I sigh with relief. Then he pauses, glancing at the babies that remain.
"So we have seven more siblings in the future?"He asks, his eye big and twinkling
"WhAt?!"I ask, glancing down to see that there are now seven babies looking like Nighty are connected to me.
"Huh, you really want to fill the castle that much? At least take him to dinner first."Killer asks Nighty
"S-Shut up!"Nighty snaps
Horror carries me out of the glass cage and Nighty grabs me from him, lifting the babies with his tentacles. Horror grabs the trays of food and Killer watches the door carefully. Horror pinches the strings and they fade away, relieving my soul of the extra weights pumping energy out of me.
"Shall we go home?"Horror asks
"Yeah but don't leave Mom in the bedroom with Dad alone. I think Dad has gotten enough energy drained."Killer chuckles
"Killer."Nighty growls, glaring at him
"Pfft, sometimes it is too easy."Killer says
Buffer leads us back through the portal and Nighty carries me to the couch, resting in his lap. I snuggle into his hold, feeling his tentacles hold me close. Horror sets a blanket over us, then the trays on my lap.
"Eat up!"He says, sitting in a chair and watching me.
I see Dream walk by, chatting with Cross as Cross worriedly bandages his arms.
"Stop moving! I have to help you!"Cross says
"I am fine!"Dream says
"No you're not! Now stay still or I will-!"Cross says as they leave the room
"Ah yes, affectionate bickering. So how are you going to react to your brother finding love in the gang? Given your reaction to the others like Horror getting dates."Killer says
"Stop talking..."Nighty groans
"Dad, I talked with Farmer and we have a few ideas of recipes for your plan. So when you finish eating and get out of his hold, we can talk about it."Horror says, winking at me
I smile, giving him a nod.
"Oh yeah! The plan! I know a few places that would be good to get copies printed for when the time comes for it! They're amazing at fitting any style for any day! Let me know if you want to check them out with me!"Killer says
"I know Dust has also been checking things out for the plan to help you. And getting supplies for your brother's scrapbook."Buffer says
I glance at Horror. I wanted to keep it between us and he seems to catch on.
"Killer caught me writing recipes down and figured it out from there! It wasn't long before Dust caught on as well but I swore them both to secrecy!"He says
"We wouldn't ever ruin a plan for something so special for you!"Killer says
"What plan?"Nighty asks
"We said we are sworn to secrecy, Mom. We cannot share this information."Killer replies
Nighty glances at me as I start to finish my food.
"You are keeping secrets from me? I thought that you promised me not to hide these sort of things from me."He asks
I sigh, kissing his cheek.
"JuSt OnE. AnD iT iSN't a bAd tHiNg liKe tHaT iSsUe. YoU wiLl kNoW wHeN tHe tiMe fIts. NoW cAn i g0 cHeCk On pApS?"I ask
"We can say that this secret only leads to good things. There are no dangers regarding it."Horror says
Nighty nods so I get up, heading down the hall and carrying the trays to the sink. Then I find Killer and Dust walking beside me.
"I know some places to get invites printed for the day in addition to getting it set up or photographed properly! I know Paps would love to get it put down in Memory Lane! I just didn't know how to get that across in front of Ma without him catching on."Killer says
"And I know some good tailor places for the big day. I know Dream and Buffer already tried to help you with this but I want to do something to help."Dust says
"Wow, Dust knows a good tailor for clothes? How can that be when you're always a mess?"Killer says teasingly
"Oh shut up, Killer."Dust says
"WhY iS eVeRyOne gEtTiNg aHeAd 0f tHeMsElVeS? I hAvEn'T eVeN aSKeD iT aNd yOu aRe pRePaRiNg f0r tHe beLlS tO rInG! HEcK oNe oF tHe v0icEs mAdE aN oUtfIt fOr An iNvIt3!"I say, feeling my face burn
(Looking at you UnfortunateName!)
"We just want to help make sure things go perfectly for you."Dust says
I smile at them, letting out a sigh since I know it's true.
"ThAnKs f0r tHiS gUyS."I say
"Now should we order stuff in preparation of Ma passing out? I could have a doc on standby in case he gets a soul attack."Killer says
"Okay, THAT you might need."Dust says
"Oh c0m3 0n, gUyS. QuiT t3aSiNg h1m."I say
"Hmmm....But-"Killer begins
"Don't you have cat shit to wash out of your sheets?"Dust asks
"Yes, can't believe Perl did that."He says
"It's Perl. You were playing with fire by messing with him. And he's a CAT. They don't give a shit about how they act when you piss them off. Well, besides your case in bed I guess."Dust says, chuckling
"He wAs qUit3 pr0uD aFt3r l3aviNg h1s giFt f0r y0u. AnD h3 d0eS h0lD grUdGeS s0 I'd b3 cAr3fuL wiTh y0ur b3d."I say
He runs to check his bed and Dust follows to take video of his reaction. I shake my head, hearing him yell about another gift left for him from Perl in addition to ripped pillows. Perl sits beside me, casually licking his paw and smiling at me.
These fools...
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