Chapter Three: Anniversary
Dream's POV a monther later
I check my phone, seeing a message from Cross asking to hang out.
A few minutes later, Cross shows up at my house and I smile at him.
"Hey Cross."I say, smiling at him
"Hey, Dream. You up for hanging out?"He asks
I nod.
"Come inside."I say, letting him inside
I let him inside but Killer quickly follows in behind him, alarming us both.
"Killer? What are you doing here?"Cross asks
"Everyone else went to join their crushes and boyfriends! I have nobody to go to and it's boring! But I thought it'd be okay to join you single pringles as you both are just friends!"He says
I frown, those words stinging my soul. I shake my head. I can't get like this. Not again...I haven't done enough for that yet. Plus he's not even into me, especially after I make a fool of myself at that masquerade! Cross frowns as well, shaking his head.
"This was meant to be just us, Killer."He says as I shut the door.
"It's fine, Cross. He can crash here."I say, though highly doubting that he had nobody else to hang with
I hear a ding from the kitchen.
"Oh! I'll go get those cookies!"I say, going into the kitchen
I hear the kitchen doors shut behind me.
"Don't think I don't know the game you're playing, Dream. I'm warning you this once not to try anything. I don't trust you, not at all after what you did to Error. I won't let you target Cross next. Your shit won't tear apart my family."Killer growls
"But I-"I begin, holding the tray of cookies
"No buts. I'll be watching you."He snaps, snatching a cookie right off of the tray.
He burns himself of course and I shake my head. We enter the living room and he sits between Cross and I with the tray on the table. It's tense and quiet. I feel a hand slither around the couch to my shoulder, glancing over to see across reaching around Killer to me with an apologetic smile. I smile back at him with a shrug.
"So, what brings you both here?"I ask curiously
It did seem sudden today.
"Today's the second anniversary between Nightmare and Error. And after the first, we all knew to scatter ASAP from the castle before their plans get set into motion, whatever they are."Cross says
"Ah, I see. Private plans for them?"I ask
"For everyone's sake and our sanity."Killer says with a chuckle
"What do you mean?"I ask
Cross shakes his head.
"Don't get him started. He won't quit making fun of it."He says, rolling his eyes.
"Well let's just say that while Error gets quieter and shyer when showered with Nightmare's affection, Nightmare has no shame in letting the whole castle know that he loves Error's affection. Such a screamer and loud squealer!"Killer chuckles
I shake my head as he cracks more jokes, ignoring Cross trying to shut him up.
"So Killer, is there any love interests for you if you find love and happiness so humorous?"I ask him with a glare
I'm happy for my brother and I don't like his mockery of my brother who gave him everything.
He goes very quiet, glaring at me for asking such a question.
"Oh shut up."He says
"No, your jokes got me curious. What's your view on relationships if their happiness is so hilarious to you?"I ask
"I told you to be quiet while you still could, Killer. You idiot."Cross sighs
He crosses his arms with a pout.
"You two are no fun."He whines
"The door is there if you don't like it."Cross says
Meanwhile, Error's POV
I smile as I enter the castle with my gift. Nighty loves anything I make so I made him an entire outfit:jacket, shirt, sweater, socks, and gloves in addition to a blanket or two.All in a box. I glance around, seeing how empty the castle is. I find an ace of hearts card on the kitchen counter, reading a message scribbled onto it.
"Hello Glitchy darling! Happy 2nd Anniversary my love and for every moment we've had together. I have a little plan set up for us to enjoy together, just come to my room. I'll be waiting.~Nighty ♥️"
Oh boy, he's already starting. I'm not going to last long tonight.
I chuckle at my thoughts, walking down the hall when the lights dim and candles light up lining the sides of the carpeted floor. He replaced the usual green one that lines the middle of the hall with a red one. I know that this is no mistake since this place literally runs on his power, completely under his control. I notice rose petals on the floor, which makes me smile. He really is trying to "set the mood" as Lust calls it. I push the door open to see Nighty laying on the bed with a grin. Food is laid out looking like a feast and his tentacles are wagging eagerly already.
"HaPpY aNnivErsArY, nIgHtY."I say with a smile growing on my face.
His face already glows a bright green at my words. I sit beside him and his tentacles curl around me. I give him the gift and he smiles, kissing me on the cheek.
"I thought that we could just relax. This year has been hectic enough."He says
"YeAh, I'd liKe tHaT."I say, leaning into his touch
I smile at him and he scoops up a piece of food on a fork and lifts it to me. I munch on it with a grin. Then I return it to him by doing the same. One by one, we exchange treats and feed each other, loving the peaceful moments together. And Nighty took every opportunity to kiss my face if there was the slightest bit of a crumb or sauce on my face for him to collect as an excuse. Once finished, we snuggle up against each other and I kiss him happily, catching him off guard. I pet his tentacles gently, feeling him quiver as his eye turns into a heart.
"I lOve yOu nIgHtY."I tell him
He smiles, resting his head on mine as we settle into the peaceful quiet together, savoring it.
Then the voices drop in to snitch. I groan, shaking my head.
"What's wrong, Glitchy?"He asks, holding my hand gently
"VoIcEs cAmE t0 snItCh On kiLlEr. ApParEntLy hE iS mOckiNg oUr lAsT aNniVerSarY aNd jOkIng aBoUt yOu hAnDliNg tOdAy."I say
"I'll handle him later. Let's just enjoy our anniversary."He says, wrapping his tentacles closer around me.
I get pulled into his lap and he kisses me on the head, putting the new blankets over us. I kiss him gently in return, the voices quieting down.
This is nice...
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