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Chapter Six: Documentation

Error's POV a week later


I wake up to my phone ringing off the table and grab it, slipping out of Nighty's grip once seeing that it's from Horror. I glance at the time to see that it is 3:03 AM.

"HoRr0r? wh-WooAh! CaLm d0wn! WhAt's wr0nG?"I ask as Horror is panicking, talking too fast for me to understand.

"Killer dragged Dust and I out for something but then we got caught and arrested by some multiverse authorities! We're in jail right now while they figure out what to do with us! Either punishment or deported back to our AUs! I don't like either option! I don't even know what we did! Please help!"He explains, his voice expressing his strong fears as it quivers.

Multiverse authorities? Arrested? It's not even 7AM! This is why we have a curfew and expect them to stay here until morning! Ugggh, and Horror doesn't even know what real jails are like! Not that he should, but with "punishments" in his AU being getting lashed multiple times by a whip! And the chance of getting sent back to that hell? NOPE!

"I aM cOmInG. StAy cALm."I say

"They're coming back to the cell..."He says, then hangs up

I open a portal to where he was making the call from and find a large building looking like a police department. I go right in the front doors and see a group looking like officers gathered behind a counter. I glance around, seeing staircases leading up and down in this otherwise empty room from walking in the door.

"Hello! Can we help you fix a crime?"One asks

"Make an arrest?"Another asks

"Handle a report?"A third asks

"Have you been a victim?"A fourth asks

"WhAt iS tHiS pLaCE?"I ask

"We are the Multiverse Police! We organized ourselves once figuring out that the Star Sanses are actually counterproductive when it comes to fighting the chaos and evil in the multiverse. Far many have fallen victim to destruction and pain, and not just by the gang we are warned about."One says

"Or that destroyer that we have yet to see."A second says

Tch, they want to fight crime yet don't even know what "criminals" look like.

"Now what do you need?"The third officer asks

"WHAT IS THIS SHIT?"I hear Killer shout

"I don't trust this crap!"Dust snaps

"I aM h3rE f0r mY bOyS, tWo 0f tHeM jUsT y3lLeD. n0w cAn I hAvE tHeM bAcK?"I ask

"Oh, we arrested them since they looked like trouble and there was no documentation for them. Right this way, we're handling them now."An officer says, leading me to another room

I look through the window into another room, seeing the three handcuffed to a metal pole on a table with papers and pens for them to work on.

"We're just having them fill out the proper forms."The officer says

Horror looks at the papers, clearly confused. Dust crosses his arms, glaring at the papers. Killer just starts scribbling. Horror glances to the guard in the room with them.

"Um, what does this me-?"He begins, pointing to the paper


"Shut up and do the papers!"The officer snaps, hitting his head with a black rod.

I glare at the officer beside me.

"AnD yOu'Re sUpPoSeD tO bE a diGniFiEd aUtHoRiTy? Ya knOw tHaT's a cRiMe tHat cAn bE cHaRgEd aS wElL, riGhT? UsE oF ExCeSsIvE fOrCe? ShOuLd i StEp oUt fRONt aGaIn fOr a RePoRt tO bE fiLeD?"I ask, growling the words out

"We want this overwith as much as you do."He says

"ThAt DoEsN'T mEaN y0u cAn aBuSe tHeM."I say, then go through the connecting door when the officer was about to attack Horror again

"Sssh, Horror. Just copy me."Killer says, earning them each a whack on the head


"But I don't know-"Horror begins

"Shut up!"The officer snaps, raising the rod

I clear my throat, catching the officer's attention.

"QuiT hiTt1nG mY b0yS."I snap

Horror looks at me and smiles, looking relieved. Killer and Dust glance up and Dust smiles while Killer looks nervous. Dust and Horror look exhausted.

"They must fill it out."The officer says

"I wiLl h3lP tHeM."I say, stepping behind the three.

"We will send them back to their AUs soon."The officer says

"No, y0u w0n't. Th3iR aUs aRe h0rRiBl3 aNd iF y0u ar3 m3AnT t0 b3 th3 g0oD gUys, y0u w0n't d0 tHaT."I say

Another officer pulls him out of the room.

"OkAy y0u tHr3e, wHaT ar3 w3 deAliNG w1iTh?"I ask, examining their packets.

I start helping them fill out the packets and see a few of theirpages already filled out. I see my name already written under "Father" and "Emergency Contact" for each of them, Nighty's name written under "Mother". I chuckle at that detail. Soon enough the officers collect the completed packets and we get released. The officers gave me a copy of the summary entered into their system which makes me chuckle. The three chuckle at the fact that they gave three different fake addresses for their home, the castle, and all were taken as valid without any double checking.

We return to the castle and Horror hugs me, tears in his eyes as his body trembles.

"Thanks, Error."He says

I rub his back, trying to soothe him and able to tell how scared he is. He slowly calms down and Dust takes him away to sleep.

"NoW yOu se3 wHy wE haVe a cUrFeW?"I ask Killer

"Won't break that rule again."He says

"I h0p3 n0t."I say

Then he goes to sleep as well. I go into Nighty's room to find Perl in his lap as he sits with a mug already, reading a book from the light of a lamp. I glance at the clock to see it say 6:15 AM.

"Hello, Glitchy. What had you up and out so early?"He asks, taking a sip

"WeLl, We aRe oFficiAlLy pArEnTs-"I begin but pause when he spits out his drink.

His face burns and he glances over to me.

"What...?"He asks

"YeAh, jUsT haD t0 baiL tHEm oUt oF jAiL. C0ngrAtS, y0u'rE tHe mA."I say, handing him the paper

He sighs, reading the paper while giving me a look as if he thinks I am joking. He reads the report and his skull almost starts to give off green steam. I chuckle, finding his reaction adorable. I sit beside him, his tentacles pulling me closer and I set his mug aside before he drops it. Then I notice that since none of them wrote a last name down for us, the report automatically gave us all the same last name and put a chain link between the boxes listing Nighty and I as the parents.

"So iN tHe eYeS oF tHe nEw mUlTivErSe cOpS, w3 aR3 tHeIr lEgAl pArEnTs."I say

"H-How did you get in without them coming after you?"He asks

"ThEy d0n'T eVeN kNoW wHaT tHe dEsTrOyEr oR gAnG tHeY sEeK lOoK liKe. TheY jUsT sAw tHe b0yS aS uNdoCuMeNtEd tRoUblEmaKeRs aNd lEt mE hElP gEt tHeIr iNfO."I say

Now that gets him to chuckle.

"What a bunch of idiots."He says, his gaze locked on the link between our names

Then there is a pause of silence.

"Wait, why did they make ME the mom?"He asks

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh nIgHtY, iT d0eSn'T mAtTeR."I tell him, taking the paper away and kissing his cheek

"Alright, but you have to pay for missing snuggles."He says, hugging me close

"Of cOuRsE."I say, kissing him again


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