Chapter 74: The Stringster's Biggest Fan
Error's POV two weeks later
I've grown quieter these days, opting to listen to others instead of talking since that attracts less attention to me. I have completed my Earth Kingdom clothes and wear them under my fluffy coat and mask that apparently connect me to Water Tribes. It's fine by me. I've heard plenty of news on the street and know by now who are dangerous and the ones to look out for. Ya know, the "big, mean, evil, and bad guys" group. Apparently called the Fire Nation full of "benders" of the aforementioned element.
Little do I know what's coming.
"Hey! Hey! You! Hello! Can I talk with you?"A voice asks
I can sense someone eagerly hopping up and down in front of me, hearing them excitedly clap their hands.
I tilt my head to ask what about. Or why even start talking to me off to the side of the street?
"About what? Only one of the best local fighters that I've seen in the Earth Rumble! The Stringster! Come on, you had to of seen him!"He says, going on to ramble about how great The Stringster is.
"Uuummm, I'm blind. Can't see any show."I say
"Oh! My apologies! I didn't realize!"He says
"Who are you?"I ask
"Uuuh...H."He says
We talk a bit and he seems quite friendly.
"Look! A firebender! Get him!"A voice shouts
"Shoot!"H shouts, grabbing me and pulling me away.
"What the hell is going on?!"I snap
"I don't know! I wander around and stones rise but fire comes out of my hands and people get alarmed! They're calling me evil and I don't get it! I didn't even do anything!"He says
"Why are you dragging me?"I ask, feeling the terrain change under my feet.
We definitely left Toph's hometown by now.
"I don't want to be alone and you're very nice!"He says
Awww man....
"Now where do you plan to go?"I ask
"I hear of a safe place like Ba Sing Se and I think that'd be safe enough to go to next!"He says
I shrug, nodding and walking beside he starts to rant about the Stringster again. I roll my eyes, just listening to it as we march through the sandy land where we now find ourselves.
At one point he shifts from ranting about The Stringster to talking about his loved ones. He never gives any names but the descriptions sound very familiar. He has two loving fathers, one that is very good with crafting and methodical while the other is a strong leader but also a moron. He has two brothers who are pure chaos and have their own boyfriends to keep them in line. He has an uncle that radiates positivity and another that is sweet until you mess with the family, then he will wreck your shit. That and they house a lot of pets and friends around frequently.
Sounds like an accurate description of our family. Paps is certainly the kind that is sweet but will fuck shit up.
Then there's a really obvious one after he rants on about the funniest stories that sound waaaaay too much like our family fun and nonsense to be coincidences. He mentions this really sweet farmer that he has fallen for and "want and plan to marry on a farm where we will raise a bunch of chickens together like the one I named Chickie." I mean COME ON! That has Horror written all over it!
"So? What do you plan to do when we get to our destination?"He asks
I feel my face burn, considering what I'd do if I got to see my family again. Who knows how much time has passed back home? Well, aside from the voices watching this unfold. I glance away, frowning as my soul skips a beat. The thoughts that come to mind...memories of them all...When there are slim chances of getting home...? Not what I was looking for today.
I could feel him staring.
"Right, sorry. Too personal for a new acquaintance...Aren't you hot in that?"He asks
I shake my head.
A few moments later he goes back to ranting about The Stringster again, which calms my mind but gets me curious.
"What makes you so obsessed in order to fanboy about The Stringster as we march through a desert?"I ask
"That fighter is obviously blind for one thing and yet so powerful. I am half blind so it just seems even more amazing around here. I've never seen some of the attacks that he uses with the mix of elements. And their attacks even remind me of a destroyer I love, specifically his string attacks...The water tentacles remind me of a weird octopus I know...Heh, I have a few reasons...But he was also my best lead at finding my Dad."He replies
"Huh?"I say
What do I have to do with this firebender's dad?
"Well, The Stringster wears this necklace to every battle and I recognize it. It has all the jewels that belong in my dad's ring and crown. I've been searching for him ever since I fell through a hole but haven't had any luck. I was going to get closer to The Stringster and ask about the jewels and if he can't point me to my dad but now that's going to happen..."He explains
He clears his throat.
"Anyway! The map says that Ba Sing Se is this way!"He says, pulling me along.
"Horror...?"I say, glancing to him
He freezes up.
"How do you...know my name?"He asks
I lower my hood, opening the coat so he can see my necklace.
"You're the Stringster?! Wait, so you know my dad? Who are you?"He asks
"Error."I reply
I feel him hug me tightly after gasping in surprise.
"Dad! I am so glad that you're okay! We couldn't find you anywhere! Uncle couldn't even detect your code or soul! I didn't want any harm to come to you! To think of what could've happened to you...? And then to land here....?"He explains rapidly
I nod, rubbing his back gently until he calms down. Then I put my coat on him and removed my mask, putting it on him.
"What's this for?"He asks
"We're getting close to Ba Sing Se. I don't want you to be mistaken for the enemy of this world just because of your clothes. Waterbenders are much more welcome like the one that coat belongs to. So keep it on and shut. It shouldn't be that much further."I tell him
"How can you tell?"He asks
"I have my own senses that indicate it."I say
Soon enough we get on a train cart pushed by earthbenders and just like that, we're inside Ba Sing Se. Sure it's in the Lower Ring and we find work in the Agrarian Zone, but it is better to be within these secure walls than out there. We find an abandoned house and fix it up to live in for the time being, spending our days helping with farmwork as it allows us to keep our powers useful. He will light little fires to cook food in the house and we'd use our earthbending to lighten the load of tasks on the farmland. I'd even use the waterbending to help water the crops or make strings to tie wooden fences together to keep animals away. A new routine once more where we try our best not to attract troublesome attention. We sit down to rest on the fence one day, relaxing in the peaceful quiet. Then something clicks in my head.
"Wait a second! You want to marry Farmer and even plan on it! When?!"I ask, turning to him
"Shoot, I really did say that out loud..."He says
I chuckle at how shy he is getting.
"Horror, I'm so happy for you! Tell me how I can help!"I say
"You're...serious?"He says
"Of course! You did so much for me over the years and were such a big part of our wedding! I want to help make sure you get a big day just as special as you made my day with Nighty! You both deserve it!"I tell him
"That's if he says yes..."He says
"Horror. Come on. Farmer clearly loves you. I bet you my entire chocolate stash that he will say yes."I tell him
"Okay if you're betting chocolate than you're really serious."He says
I chuckle.
"You got nothing to worry about, Horror. I'm sure that everything will go juuust fine."I say
"Thanks, Dad."He sighs, sounding happier.
One day we hear a commotion and go to investigate it, finding that a stranger is fighting other farmers in some sort of aggressive interrogation process. Horror mentions that they're a waterbender forming tentacles to do so specifically. I can't make out any words over the violent noise so it isn't that effective. And what an odd technique to use on innocent farmers and refugees.
With a swift kick from Horror, I could feel the ground tremble and hear the violence cease as the attacker grumbled about being trapped in rocks and dirt. I go over to the poor victims, healing any of their wounds and pointing them away so they can get to the security of their homes in case this maniac breaks loose. Which I doubt but can't ever be too safe. I fix the broken fences that some were thrown through roughly. He is still shouting and cursing so I take Horror away, knowing that there's no way that we'll get a reasonable conversation out of the lunatic right now.
Said lunatic spent a night trapped in the ground before we came back to see him.
"Why did you cause that nonsense? It seems so wild and pointless."Horror asks
"You can tell us or the authorities so the choice is yours."I warn him
"I was asking around to see if they saw anything unusual like glitching and such. You know, stuff out of the ordinary. but nobody answered when I asked passively, only getting ignored. So I got aggressive in ways where I was sure that I had their attention."The stranger says
I glance to Horror and we both pause silently.
"Why would you look for glitching?"Horror asks
"The glitching will lead me to my husband."He replies
I feel Horror's hand on my shoulder and he pulls me closer.
"I know you can't see this but he has the matching jewels to yours in the form of a necklace. I am pretty sure that it is him."He whispers to me
"Wait a second...Where'd you get that jewelry?"The trapped maniac asks as I process it.
"Hey Mom! Good to see that you found us!"Horror says
"Wait...Horror? Glitchy...? Human kids...?"He mutters
Crash! Thud!
"Yep, that's Mom. On the ground and a blushing mess. Let's get him to the house."Horror says
He taps me on the shoulder when he picks Nighty up and we head back to the house.
Nighty wakes up an hour or two later and we confirm each other's identities. We each explain how we ended up here and Nighty is quick to pull me into his lap as usual.
"Soo...How do we get home?"Horror asks
"Oh right! I was given a device that Simpella made that would let me track you both across fandoms but it isn't the best. It flickers with the signal frequently. Still, it's our key home."He says
I hear a portal open.
"Good, cuz we still have a guest to return home to his fandom."Horror says
"Sorry that you lost your cooking buddy, Horror."I chuckle teasingly
"Eh, only knew him for a day. I have the recipes anyway."He says
"Who the heck are you talking about?"Nighty asks as he carries me through.
"Oh right, you don't know. We had a guest named Kronk that dropped in from another fandom, cooked in our kitchen, and exposed your castle trap."I tell him
"Ooh..."He says
I feel my body change as well as the clothes as if the portal is erasing any evidence that we ever intruded on the fandom. I'm much more comfortable hearing the bones rattle. I feel goop consume Nighty's body as he carries me, then feel his tentacles curl around me. I smile, snuggling into his touch.
"Here are your glasses, Dad."Horror says
"ThAnKs, HorR0r."I say with a smile.
Look out fandom that we call home, a whole lot more fluff is coming.
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