Chapter 72: Strange Guest
A few weeks later, Error's POV
Good news, the fourth wall is fixed and Horror has lifted the ban on Nightmare in the kitchen. Uncertain news, something seems to acting up with said wall and the barriers or code are glitching as if something actually got through. Which is...concerning... But nothing has been found since then.
Simpella has been coming around more frequently, dropping books onto me and I mean HUGE books since she is much bigger than me. Now she shrinks them before tossing them at me, but still. I find them all as guides to "take care of your simp" or whatever. She claims that she uses them all the time since there are frequent simps that shift from focusing on their neglectful person to focusing on her. She says that I could find it helpful since she has notes for every type of specimen or individual in there. She plans on speaking with Nighty to "learn more about him", which puts me at ease more than it would if Romancia or Destinia wanted to speak with him.
Today I am putting a barrier into the code of Farmer's AU to protect them from any possible intrusions of Shard or Shattered. Horror is helping Farmer harvest some corn while I do so. I have just completed it and shut the code screen when Horror's phone rings beside me. Horror marches over, picking his phone up and answering.
"Hey, Dust, how-? Huh? Where am I? I'm with Farmer. Why? What....? What do you mean there is a human in the kitchen? I told you that head-dogs are permanently removed from the menu! They're not as nutritious or good to taste...What do you mean they're COOKING? What the heck is spinach puffs?"He asks, which quickly turns into yelling over the phone
I glance at him, immediately concerned hearing that. Why and how is a human in the kitchen or our home AT ALL? And to cook of all things? Then my phone rings. I see that it's Killer calling and pick up.
"HeLlO, kiLlEr. WHaT's uP?"I ask
"How come a human can cook in the kitchen but I'm forbidden from even running the microwave?"He asks
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"YoU lEfT a kNiFe In tHe miCrOwAvE aNd nEaRlY cAusEd a fiRe. NoW I hOpE tHaT yOu aNd dUsT aRe dOiNg sOmEtHiNg aBoUt tHe iNtrUdEr oThEr tHan caLlInG aBoUt iT."I say
"What do you mean don't tell Dad? He is right beside me and I would've told him regardless. Plus it sounds like Killer is telling him too on the phone with him. You're just lucky that Mom isn't hearing about this."Horror says
"I aM cOmInG hOmE t0 hAnDlE tHe huMaN."I say
"But-!"Killer begins
I hang up on him, wave goodbye to Horror and Farmer, and then hop through a portal home. I arrive in the kitchen to find those two just glancing in around the doorway, looking uncertain. I find a tall human with blue, yellow, and purple being the main colors of his clothes. He still has an apron and chefs hat on, seeming not to even notice that he isn't alone as he cooks at the stove. I see a tray of food on the counter still steaming hot. I grab his soul with my strings, finding a green human soul for KINDNESS.
Huh, it's been a while since I caught one of these souls.
"Uuuuh, I take it that you didn't like the spinach puffs?"The human says
"WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg hErE?"I ask
"Uuuh, I'm not quite sure exactly. I was leading my Squirrel Scouts out for another lesson, then tripped over a rock and got blinded by a white light. I landed in a dark rocky room and when I tried to get an idea of my surroundings, I got launched out a window into a place at least fifteen floors up, then got a ride down a ramp into here...This isn't Yzma's lair so I thought cooking a meal would make things go over easier....What is this place?"The human explains
I CHECK his soul for info and see no stats appear. I check his code, finding interesting info.
Name: Kronk
-Skilled in cooking and improvising with plans.
-Sees angel and devil of himself on shoulders when at a moral crossroads or conflicted mentally.
-Squirrel Scout Leader(fluent in squeaks)
-Kind guy despite formerly working for villain(Yzma)
-Belongs to Emperor's New Groove AU of the Disney fandom.
Oh great...So that's what fell through...Great.
"YoU'rE iN oUr h0m3. I'm ErRoR, niCe t0 m3eT y0u kr0nK."I say
"Am I dead? Because by all accounts, it doesn't make sense."He asks
"NoPe. NoT mUch maKeS s3nSe aRoUnD hErE. CoUlD yOu sHoW mE wHeRe yOu lAnDeD?"I ask, watching him turn the stove off.
He nods and I release his soul. He leads me past Dust and Killer as I shake my head.
"He iS hArmlEsS gUyS."I say
He leads me downstairs to where a large chuck of the floor is lifting up, bouncing, and aimed at the window with a loaded spring underneath it.
A trap was set...?
I teleport Kronk and I back to the kitchen.
"He wAs jUsT tRyInG tO bE fRIEnDlY."I say
"What are these?"He asks
"Spinach puffs. They're a good recipe of mine. I have a few more to make it all come together."Kronk says
Horror glances at him and then smiles. Minutes later, they are cooking together and sharing recipes. I teleport back there, finding cobwebs in the springs. So it has been here for a while. I decide to call Nighty to ask about it.
"Heyyy, Glitchy!~ What are you up to?"He asks
"WhY aRe tHeRe sprInG tRaPs uNd3r tHe fl0oR?"I ask
"Wait you found one of them? Are you ok?!"He asks
"On3 oF tHeM?!"I ask
There are multiple?
"Why diDn't y0u t3lL m3 tHaT tHeRe aR3 trApS?"I ask
"I forgot about them...It was before I had a gang or proper security. I'll be home soon to deactivate them."He says
"Okay! Who got the bright idea to throw a hammer through the 4th wall?"I hear Simpella say
"...Destinia did it."Romancia says
"WHY? I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"Simpella says
"The comments were already getting it to crack open."Destinia says
"But that doesn't mean that you shove a giant hole through it! It's super dangerous!"Simpella snaps
"WhAt ArE yOu uP To rIgHt n0w?"I ask
"Well, I am speaking to Simpella right now...Unless she starts killing the other two for their madness. I'll be home soon, my dear Glitchy.~"He says, cooing my name to me.
Then he hangs up.
I smile, carefully scanning the floor for other traps, and head up the steps.
"Hey, Dad! We finished! Want to try our new recipes?"Horror calls
"SuRe tHiNG!"I say
"I'll bring a tray to you!"He cheers
I walk up the steps to see him, but then a hole forms in the floor. It pulls me in quickly, the force of it seeming to make me unable to move. It's as if dozens of invisible hands are grabbing me at once. I hit the ground hard and pulled through as it shuts, the last thing I see is it burping my glasses out. Then I couldn't see anything and hit the ground. HARD.
Meanwhile, with Horror
Horror eagerly runs through the halls as their new guest Kronk sets the table for the gang. He runs down the stairs with a tray of freshly cooked spinach puffs once the recipe is taught to him...Only to find Error's glasses lying on the floor. He stares at it blankly, gripping the tray tightly.
This is NOT good.
"Dad....?"He calls out.
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