Chapter 71: Cured and Peaceful
Nightmare's POV a day later
I wake up with my mind...Surprisingly quiet. No Shard. No Shattered. Nothing but the voice in my head. I feel heavy layers holding me down but not in the restraint kind. I find that my tentacles have returned, though they are hanging low. And for once, I don't see dirty yellow veins running through them or any of my goop. I find a familiar coat and scarf wrapped around me as well as multiple blankets stitched in a familiar blue fabric. I see pillows cushioning me and my arms. I feel a hand squeezing mine and I glance over to see Glitchy asleep holding my hand, leaning over the bed that I find myself in. Tears still rest in his eyes, prepared to trail down the marks on his face at a moment's notice.
"Oh! You're awake! That's great!"Sci says as he steps into the room.
"What...?"I say
"We worked and finished the antidote! But when you took shape again and it was administered...your soul stopped and struggled to beat. Error made you as cozy as possible and hasn't left your side."He says
I sigh, glancing at Glitchy. I slip my hand out of his grip, gently wiping his tears. He leans into my touch softly and I smile.
"NiGhTy...."He mumbles
"No more tears, Glitchy. You know I don't like seeing you cry."I tell him
He opens his eyes and smiles, leaping onto me and hugging me tightly. He buries his head out of my sight in my shoulder, nuzzling my head gently. I can only see Sci take samples from my tentacles before walking away. A few minutes he returns, giving the all clear. That was the final antidote to cure me. Error swiftly forms a portal under me after thanking him and we land in my bedroom.
I smile at him, carefully sitting up but he shoves me back down against the pillows.
"Glitchy, should-?"I begin
He silences me with a kiss, making my face burn and my soul race more.
"ShUt uP aNd l3t m3 cUdDlE yOu, yoU m0r0n."He says
I smirk, catching onto his mood quickly.
"Your moron.~"I say
"SHUT UP!"He snaps, his face burning.
"But I love you!~"I say
Then I get a pillow shoved onto my face and I can't help but chuckle, muffled beneath the pillow.
"ShuT uP!"He snaps
He removes the pillow from my face, resting his head on my chest.
"NoW y0u beTtEr lEt mE cUdDlE y0u m0r3 afTeR tHAt sHiT."He says
"Of course, Glitchy."I say, gently feeling his back.
My tentacles reach up, one poking his cheek.
"HeY sHy...Go aHeAd."He says
Then this tentacle pats his head and holds him gently. He pushes the other two away.
"No0o..YoU tw0 sTaY d0wn. StErN cAn c0m3 tHoUgH.."He says
My tentacles obey him, only two of them being able to curl around him.
"You named my tentacles?"I ask
"KiNd oF hAd tO nAmE tHeM tO tELl tHe diFfer3nCE whEn tHey sPliT fRoM yOu."He says
Then there is a loud rumbling as everything seems to shake. Glitchy's head pops up and he glances around. Then he holds his head, shaking it.
"ThE vo1cEs aRe lOuDeR....WaIt! ArE yOu kiDdInG mE?"He says
"What? What's wrong?"I ask
"A hOlE hAs br0k3n oPeN iN tHe 4th wAlL. It WaS cRaCkInG aNd tHe v0iceS wErE yElLiNg bEfOrE sO tHaT pRoBaBlY bRoKe iT."He says
Then his phone rings with a call from Paps and he answers.
"YeS, PaPs i feLt iT. ThE v0ic3s aRe sCrEaMiNg. Oh y0u maDe a SolUtiOn aLrEaDy? A coDe bArRiEr? OkaY, g0oD. i wiLl c0me hElP fIx tHe hOlE. UgGgH...WhaT bRoKe iT? A v0icE shOuTiNg fRiGgIn mIsCHiEvIoUs? ThOuGhT i hEaRd tHat...AlRIGhT."He says
He goes silent, listening before humming and hanging up.
"CaN'T eVeN haVe cUdDlEs iN pEaCe aNyMoRe."He sighs, glancing at me.
He frowns, kissing my cheek.
"Do NOT tHiNk tHaT wE aRe fInIsHed hErE. i wiLl bE bAcK."He tells me
"O-Okay..."I say
Within seconds he has gone to his antivoid. I sit up, my tentacles wiggling. I climb out of bed and open the door, checking to see what the rest are up to. I find Horror and Farmer in the kitchen. Horror glares at me in the doorway.
"Not another step, Mom. You know the rule."He says
Farmer sighs, continuing to wash the dishes as he shakes his head.
I chuckle.
"I know, Horror. I just wanted to pop in and update you. According to Sci, I'm cured completely of Shattered's shit. Where is everyone else?"I say
He smiles happily, his eye twinkling.
"They're all out on dates elsewhere but I made them promise that they'll be back for dinner. Go back to bed, you still look exhausted. That stuff really took a toll on you."He says
"I'll be sure to tell your brother the good news."Farmer says
I nod, walking back to my room and lying down in bed. I find myself dozing off before I am fully aware of it. After a little bit, or what feels like a short time, I wake up to find Glitchy snuggling me. I smile, feeling him hold me tighter and nuzzle my chest. Then I slowly doze off, knowing that I'm free to rest peacefully at last. They're safe now. There are still issues but the most prominent issues are handled and we're safe. We can have some peace at last.
Or so I thought.
I start dozing off, not realizing how much I'll have to savor this.
What the fuck?
"BROTHER!"Dream exclaims, his positivity radiating into the room quickly and heavily
I blink tiredly, then glance at him. Somehow this doesn't wake Error up. Oh, wait, Killer's room is near his. And this is our home. I guess he has adjusted to it quicker than me when it comes to sleep.
"Ooh...Sorry to disturb you, Brother. I just got so happy hearing that you got cured! I'll talk to you later."He says, shutting the door with a smile.
I hear his footsteps fade away...As does my remaining consciousness.
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