Chapter 67: Cuddles Once More
Hours later, Error's POV
"Excuse me? I'm guessing that you're Error?"A voice says
"Wh0 tHe h3Ll ar3 y0u?"I growl
"Shard. I'm a friend of Nightmare. Where did he go?"
"He iS bUsY. HoW diD y0u g3t iN hErE?"I ask
"I have my ways."He says
"WeLl I KnOw hOw yOu Ar3 g3tTiNg oUt."I say, tossing him out using my strings.
A few moments later, I hear footsteps coming closer.
"Oooh Glitchy!~"Nighty coos
"Wh0 iS sHaRd t0 y0u, NiGhTy?"I ask
I feel him hug me close, feeling me from my head down. I recognize his search for injuries on me, always so careful yet so thorough.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"He asks worriedly
"No, I t0sSeD hIm oUt."I say
"Good, he is one of the other voices with Shattered. Don't want him harming you."He says with a sigh of relief
Awww, I can hear his exhaustion. Tired and worried...
As upset as I am that he kept this from me for so long, I understand why. And to some point without sleep, NOBODY can think clearly and is due to act odd, cranky even like he did. I'm more upset that he has gone through this for so long on his own but glad that he at least is getting help from Sci. Besides, I can help now. But first...
"NiGhTy, cAn y0u pr0m1s3 mE s0mEtHiNG?"I ask
"Anything! What is it?"He replies
"Pr0m1sE m3 tHaT iF y0u'rE fAciNg aNy tRoUbLe oR gEt a bAd fe3LiNg aBoUt aNytHiNg tHaT y0u wiLl tElL mE oR s0m3oNe elSe. DoN't keEp iT t0 yoUrs3lF."I tell him
"I promise, Glitchy."He says, burying his head in my neck and shoulder.
Then I feel him start sprinkling kisses along my neck and his hands gently feel my sides.
"I told you that I'll give you a special anniversary and I am set to do that. Sci says that this experimental sample should keep me in control for the next 12 hours."He tells me, kissing my cheeks
I smile, feeling my face burn. This certainly keeps my mind from wandering back to memories of getting blinded. His tentacles curl around me. I feel the back of his head gently.
"JuSt cUdDlE aNd SlEeP. I wiLl bE hErE wHeN yOu wAkE uP."I tell him
"I'm going to kill those idiots that hurt you..."He says
I feel him hold me tighter, then he finally starts to snore.
And boy did he sleep. I was able to doze off and wake up, hearing Paps return to find us. I explained the situation and days passed before he woke up again. Hopefully, that helps reverse his sleep deprivation. And hey, the antidote sample lasted longer.
"They're both talking again..."He groans
"I g0t y0u, nIghTy. It'S gOiNg tO bE oKaY."I say
He shifts so that I am sitting in his lap under the blankets and I smile, feeling him rest his head on mine. I hear a portal open.
"YoUr bOyS wAnT t0 tAlK tO yOu nOw tHaT yOu ArE oUt aNd tAlKinG."Paps says
"So, Killer tells us that you were acting strange because Shattered was depriving you of sleep? And trying to control yourself?"Dust says
"Yes, that's correct."Nighty says
"And you didn't tell us because...?"Dust asks
"I don't know how Shattered got in my room to spray me and threatened to go after each of your boyfriends next to attack you. So unless you wanted them to get pepper sprayed and put under his control to assault you on a date, I think that you can give me a break."Nighty says
"It actually makes sense since you were stuck in a cranky mood, probably vacant as you struggled to stay awake and basically sleepwalked."He says
"You're still banned from the kitchen until we are sure that you're safe and healthy enough to go in there."Horror says
"Understood."Nighty says
"What happened to you, Dad?"Horror asks
"RoMaNciA bUlLsHiT. BliNd As lOvE nOw."I say, shaking my head
I feel Nighty kiss my head again.
"I'm going to make them sorry."He whispers
"Of course you are.."Dust chuckles
"Oh! Killer just called us to a meeting, Dust! Let's go!"Horror says
"ByE bRoThEr! We wiLl rEsOlVe tHiS!"Paps says
I hear a portal shut, leaving me with Nighty.
For a few moments, it is silent as he snuggles me close.
"Hey, Glitchy? How long have you known P.?" He asks
"A g0oD wHiLe...He Is qUiTe fr1eNdLy aNd I'Ve sHoWn hIm wHat tHe AUs hAvE tO oFfER aFtER hIs aBuSiVe cr3aTorS tRieD tO eRaSe hIm. He mIsUndErSTOoD hOw tHiNgS wErE aSidE fRoM kn0wiNg viOlEncE aNd cOntRoL."I say
"Ooh...Okay...I'm sorry for being mean...The voices snapped at me about that too I remember...Didn't mean to..Didn't expect him to just walk in here..."He says, still sounding tired
"No, I uNdErStAnD. YoU WeRe deAliNg wiTh a LoT aNd wErE oN eDgE."I say
"Still, I was rude to him and that isn't fair to your friend..."He says
He groans again, mumbling.
"Where's my phone..."He mutters
Then I hear him typing.
"Just warned Farm, Classic, Blue, and Outer. They'll be staying with us for a while."He says
I nod, smiling.
"I lOvE yOu n1GhTy."I tell him
"I love you too, Glitchy. With all my soul."He says, kissing me on the head.
Little do I know where this is going.
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