Chapter 61: Beach Day Surprise
Error's POV
"BoYs! WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg hErE?"I ask, alarmed by this surprise
"We've been looking for you! You disappeared and we woke up to Hadar crying! It was Marvel's idea!"Lovespoon says
"Yeah! Family sticks together! You could've been taken or hurt! We're so glad to see that you're okay!"Marvel says
"Though it did require stealing Dad's portal device from his pocket and three tries before landing here and it breaking for some reason..."Trust admits
"And we did have to talk Marvel out of bringing Hadar along. That would be too risky! Wait, are you okay? You're not hurt right, Gramps?"Solros asks
I nod, though I am internally panicking.
Wait...I only disappeared for them? I thought Destinia would just put my future self back into place! What is even happening to our future time now that those two meddled with it? How is this going to be fixed? They don't even realize that they went to the past!
"I aM oKaY. Ar3 yOu kiDs oKaY?"I ask
They nod, hugging me tightly.
"Now that we know that you're okay!"Solros says
Oh my stars, they are just like their parents with secret missions and worrying!
"Where exactly are we?"They ask
"YoU aRe cUrReNtLy In a SaNd cAsTlE duRiNg a bEaCh DaY."I say
How do I even explain this to them OR to the family? Go in alone, come out with four kids?
"What happened to you Gramps?"Lovespoon asks
"WeLl I wAs sEnT bAcK t0 a PlaCe WhErE s0mE pOwErFuL bEiNgs beLiEvEd I bElOnGeD aFtEr aNoThEr oNe mAdE a mIsTaKe...ThIs iS a ConSiDeRaBlE aMoUnT oF tImE bEfOr3 y0u f0uR aRe bOrN."I say
"What about your kids?"Marvel asks
"SaMe wiTh tHeM."I say
"Oooh...."They say
"Wait so we time traveled? Cool!"Trust says
"Are you checking out the new markings, Dad?"Horror asks
I see Lovespoon and Solros' eyes twinkle hearing their father, but they keep quiet.
"YeP! LoVeLy StOrY yOu hAvE dEpiCtEd!"I say
"Mom is looking for you....again. He's in here, Mom! Relax!"He says
That gets a quiet gasp from the kids.
"Grandma?"Trust whispers
"Wait a second..."Horror says
The kids freeze up.
"Dad? Who is in there with you? There are four new scents that I don't recognize."Horror says
I sigh, shaking my head.
"Is Dad mad...?"Lovespoon asks quietly
I shake my head.
"I'Ll eXplAiN. JuSt sTiCk cLoSE tO mE."I tell them quietly
"Dad? Are you okay?"Horror asks
"I aM c0mInG oUt, HoRrOR. SeEmS liKe w3 haVe s0m3 guEsTs."I say
I crawl out, the kids nervously following. Horror stares in shock at the four kids, then at me.
"This is what you meant? These are the kids you met the other day?"He asks
I nod, feeling the kids cling onto me.
"HorRoR, tHeSe aRe fOuR bOyS i mEt. SoLrOs, LovEsPoOn, TrUsT anD mArvEl. ThEy aLreAdY kNow yOu."I say
He walks closer to me, leaning in to whisper so they don't hear.
"Is this like the incident with Radier and his sister?"He asks
I nod.
He glances at them, then at me.
"I don't see much of them in you."He says
I realize what he means.
"ThEy'Re gRaNdkIdS!"I tell him
"Wait...But that would mean that...So that's what you meant about filling the castle!"He says
I nod.
"Which one is Killer's?"He asks, though not as quiet as he seems excited.
"We would not bring our infant cousin on a risky mission. He's currently tiring our uncles out."Trust says
Horror looks at him and nods. He squats down and smiles at them.
"And who might you be?"He asks
"Trust and this is my brother Marvel. He got his name because my parents didn't expect him to be so strong and he can see our Uncle Phantom while I got my name from being so trusting like my dad."Trust says
"Oh, you must be Dust's kids!"Horror says
"And Uncle Blue's!"Lovespoon comments
Horror grins, seeming happy to meet them.
"Are any of you married yet or did we go too far back?"Solros asks
"Only your grandparents are married at the moment."Horror replies, gazing at them curiously
"But you're dating our mom right?"Solros asks
"And who'd that be?"Horror asks
"Farmer duh, Dad!"Lovespoons says
"Bro! He isn't Dad yet!"Solros says
"Family is family forever, Solros!"Lovespoon snaps
Horror's eye twinkles brightly at this answer. He scoops the two of them and chuckles.
"Mooom! Horror and Dad got more kids!"Killer shouts
"Killer, please. Just leave them be."Outer sighs
Nighty seems to have ignored him, not even glancing over.
"Why is Grandma choking his tentacle in sand?"Trust asks
"It mIsBeHaVed."I say
"Grandma is weird..."Trust says
Dream and Paps walk over curiously.
"Grand-PAPY! Dream!"The kids cheer
Dream looks confused while Paps happily welcomes Marvel and Trust hugging him.
"Sooo, Gramps got taken from us during cuddles and we broke our device for portals to get back to him. Didn't realize that it'd be time travel. Aaand, we're not sure what to refer to you as Dream since you're Grandma's brother but also married to our Uncle Cross...You're just family!"Trust explains
Dream smiles and Paps picks the pair up. Killer and Dust curiously walk over as we bring the kids under the shade of the umbrellas. I smile, sit down, and see them happy as their parents gather around. Horror rests with his boys in his lap and Paps sits the boys in his lap as well. Dream smiles as he starts to chat with them to get to know them better. Lovespoon clings to Horror, hugging him close while Solros happily talks away with anyone he can. Dust smiles, walking over to sit with us, Blue beside him as Farmer joins Horror's side. Killer and Outer sit beside us, getting updated about these four.
"So, these are nephews from the future? Interesting."Killer says
"Enjoy your freedom and sleep while you still can, Uncle Killer."Marvel says while staring Killer dead in the eyes
"Why am I getting threatened now?"He asks
"Our cousin is coming and you'll regret not savoring it."Marvel chuckles
"Our dads say that he gets all the chaotic energy from you."Trust says
It takes a few moments before it sinks in, making Killer and Outer blushing messes.
"What's going on over here?"Nighty asks, finally coming over as his tentacle shakes the sand off.
Him being the last of the gang to come to see and greet the kids. Trust climbs between Blue and Dust while Marvel happily holds a conversation with Cross, Dream, Paps, and Classic. Dust finds it quite interesting that Marvel can see his brother, though smiles at this happily. Fell smirks, watching this from his spot under another umbrella.
"Meeting kids from the future!"Horror says as Farmer checks the boys for injuries and feeds them some snacks.
He sits beside me, taking a look at the four kids.
"Hi, Grandma!"Solros and Marvel say
The gang chuckles as Nighty freezes up in shock.
"Oh c0me oN, n1gHty. YoU cAn't l0ok aT tHeM aNd t3Ll m3 tHat y0u d0n't s3e tHe rEsEmBlaNcE. "I chuckle
He smiles, patting them on the heads and they smile wider. Then Lovespoon yawns, leaning against Farmer.
"I think it's time to head home."He says, opening a portal.
Horror, Farmer, Dust, and Blue each pick a child up to carry through while we pack things up. When things got settled, I found the boys asleep with their parents in bed. I smile, seeing the couples lying together and how happy the kids are. Dust and Horror noticeably wrapped their arms around their lovers and kids protectively when I checked their rooms and were the only ones still awake in the room.
Everyone else goes to wash off or change out of beach day stuff, looking to relax in their own ways. I can hear Nighty in his bathroom, humming a tune.
Huh, he seems happy. They all do. Guess they love the adorable kids too.
I sit on the bed and he walks out with a towel around his waist.
"Hey Glitchy?"He calls out the door
"YeS? AnD dOn't sHoUt. SoMe oF tHeM aRe sLeEpInG."I say
He glances at me and squeaks, his face burning up.
"WhAt? Y0u cAlLed f0r m3.~"
He glances away, clearing his throat.
"W-What are their names?"He asks
"SolRoS aNd hiS liL br0 l0v3sp0on aRe HoRr0r's. Th3 y0ung3sT iS mArVel, the cHaTtY oNe wiTh h1s br0tHer TruSt wh0 ar3 w1tH dUst. And I m3t a bAbY grAnDs0n tHat diD n0t c0me aLoNg nAm3d HaDaR wh0 iS a miNi kiLleR fr0m wHaT I Am t0lD."I say
He nods, taking note of this as he gets clothes on. Then he climbs beside me, kissing my cheek.
"Any idea how we get them home?"He asks
"WhErE aRe mY gRaNdkiDs?"A voice snaps as a portal opens quickly.
"...Oh.."He says
I see another me walk through, holding a book and looking pissed.
"I g0 t0 sLe3p wiTh pLaNs f0r mY grAndk1dS, wAkE uP iN an r0s3-c0v3r3d cAg3 bY tHaT sHiTtY R0maNc1a, tHeN gEt t0sSeD bAcK a fuLl weEk lAtEr t0 fiNd aLl tHe kiDs miSsiNg eXcEpT hAdAr? WhAt tHe hElL?"He snaps
I lift the broken portal device that I took from the boys.
"I wAs pUt iN y0ur pLaCe bY miStAkE aNd y0ur b0ys miSt0oK m3 f0r y0u. WhEn I wAs br0uGht bAcK h3r3 t0 mY c0rReCt t1m3, tHeY g0t ScArEd aNd t0oK tHe dEviCe t0 gEt wHo tHeY th0uGhT t0 b3 y0u bAck. ThEy'rE d0wN tHe hALl wiTh tHeIr paReNtS."I say
He sighs with relief, taking the device and leaving the room.
The next morning I find him waiting, allowing the kids to wake up and say goodbye before being taken back to their time. I stay hidden in Nighty's room in order to avoid confusing them.
Not that he minded getting to cuddle me.
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