Chapter 59: Grandbabies!
Error's POV a week or two later
I slowly wake up, blinking my eyes open to find something odd. It feels emptier...strange. I don't feel Nighty with me. I put my glasses on, finding the bed empty. But the last time I woke up to an empty bed...
Oh no....
I sit up, quickly noticing the differences in the bedroom. It looks like Nighty's bedroom, but it is different. There are smaller chairs and stools at his desk beside his chair, crayon boxes and different picture frames and bags on shelves as well as the desk itself. I get up, heading to the halls to see if Nighty is around. I see Perl and Misty run down the hallways with kittens following them.
Uuuh....When did that happen?
I find a calendar lying around, except when I check the year it says 30XX. But our life is currently in the 21XX's. Wait...
I got taken to the future again? Oh great...
I sigh, shaking my head.
Then I hear the door downstairs open up.
"Hey, Dad! We're here! Mom gave us the keys before running out to do some errands!"I hear Killer yell from downstairs
"Killer, hush! We just got him to sleep!"I hear Outer snap at him
"Right, right..."He says
I chuckle and shake my head. Killer hasn't changed at all. And that explains the empty bed. I head downstairs, noticing the changes in the decorations or layouts of the rooms. I walk through the kitchen, seeing the fridge covered in scribbles and drawings on paper. I find Outer and Killer in the living room taking their shoes off. They certainly look different with different clothes and Killer's soul is a solid heart shape instead of wavering between shapes. Then there are the wedding rings and Outer is cradling something close to his chest, wrapped in blankets. They smile at me, Killer giving me a big hug.
"So good to see you again, Dad! It's been a while!"He says
"Y-YeAh.."I say
Act natural...Don't ruin their day...
"And hey! Now you get to see your grandson again!"He says
"Yeah, thanks again for making the blanket cocoon! It's the only thing that gets Hadar here to sleep. He loves it."Outer says
Hadar...Means splendor...The name of a star system....Heh, so Killer does listen to my constellation lessons.
"That's our little star!"Killer says with a big smile.
"Here! You can hold him!"Outer says, passing the blanket cocoon to me.
I see a little head peek out of the blankets. I recognize Killer's tear marks but notice the stars and moons also marked below the eyes on the adorable baby.
"Aawww! You're adorable Dad! You react like this every time we visit!"Killer chuckles
"I mean we do get our hands full...It's often a while between visits."Outer says with a tired sigh.
"True...He's quite a chaotic one."Killer says
"He gets it from you.."Outer says
"Hehe...Hey, Dad do you mind if we take a nap?"Killer says
I nod and they pass out right there on the couch. I smile, seeing Killer pull Outer closer to snuggle comfortably. I glance at the baby, feeling him stir. He opens his eyes, one socket empty while the other has a little circle with tiny red stars at the center. He smiles, giggling a bit.
"LoOkS liKe iT iS jUsT yOu AnD mE, HaDAr. YoUr pArEnTs aRe sLeEpY."I say with a smile
He giggles, smiling at me. He snuggles his head deeper into the cocoon and I notice the stitch patterns from my strings.
I go to the kitchen, finding baby bottles in the fridge. He spots them and reaches a hand out. I grab the bottle, feeding him. He holds it gently as I go upstairs, checking the rooms. I find a rocking chair in one and sit in it, rocking slightly to soothe him.
It's peaceful...Quiet...
Until it isn't.
"Solros!"I hear Farmer snap
"Come on Bro! Let's go!"Another voice giggles
"Hey! Careful with him! He's still learning to walk!"I hear Farmer say
"Relax, Farm. He's excited but always careful with his brother. And we should keep quiet, seems like Hadar came here."I hear Horror say
"Pfft, yea. Those two look exhausted."Farmer says
I hear running footsteps up the stairs and then the door swings open.
"Gramp Gramp!"I hear a little voice squeal
I see a little boy with a cracked skull and missing tooth smiling at me. There is even a large tooth, sharp like one of Horror's canine teeth. He is muddy with his face a bright red with a big smile, giddily giggling in a pair of overalls. His eye twinkles at me as a smaller boy enters cautiously behind him. He looks much more shy and concerned in comparison to his much more eager brother.
"Gramp Gramp! Is that Baby Cousin?"The eager one asks
I recognize his voice. This must be Solros. I nod and he smiles.
"Come on, Spoony! Say hi!"He tells his brother
"H-Hi...Pa..."The younger one says
"Gramp! I brought something for you!"Solros says but gets pulled back before he enters the room.
"You're dirty...Dads say no mud in the house. Same goes for Pa's house."His brother says
I chuckle, smiling at him.
"It's fInE. CoMe oN iN."I say
They both smile, entering the room. Though the younger brother takes off his shoes and tries to use a cloth to clean Solros anyway. Solros climbs into my lap, sitting on one leg and lifting his brother onto my other. Then Solros digs into the pocket of his overalls and carefully lifts a pair of beautiful blue Flax flowers.
"It had just rained yesterday so I'm sorry about the mud. I wanted to give you something nice, Gramps!"He says
I smile, grabbing an empty pot from a shelf with my strings which he puts them in. Then I putt it on the shelf. I hear footsteps, then see Horror glance in. He wears plaid with jeans and a cozy hat on his head.
"Hey Dad. Seems like your popular with the grandkids."He says
I nod.
"I hope Solros isn't giving you too much trouble."He chuckles
"NoT aT aLl. He iS jUsT hYpEr aNd cArInG jUsT liKe yOu."I say as the younger one shifts out of my lap.
Solros...That means sunflower I think. Fitting for the first flower that Horror gave Farmer and for such a bright happy boy.
"Lovespoon, what's wrong?"Horror asks
Ah yes, Lovespoon like the tradition or type of carving.
"You say he don't like touch!"Lovespoon says
I chuckle. Sure my glitching is picking up, but I'm nothing near crashing. I pay him on the head.
"It's oKaY. StAy wHerEvEr yOu'rE cOmFoRTaBlE."I tell him
He nods, climbing back into my leg and smiling at me.
I hear the door slam open again.
"Marvel! Get back here!"I hear Dust shout
"Wow, the family's coming together today, huh?"Horror says
"Umm, I messaged Uncle Dust that we were visiting and Marvel had his phone...He told me so...Guess he got excited...Hehehe.."Solros says
I chuckle, seeing two more boys run in.
"Hi Uncle! Hi Gramps! Cousins!"The smaller one says
"Hey, Marvel! Hi, Trust!"Lovespoon says
Hadar glances over, done with the bottle. He smiles at his cousins happily. The two new boys both were dressed in blue shades, have blue eyes and scarves. The taller one got Dust's red eye out of the two, though like Solros he also is missing some teeth. They both smile, though the smaller one looks like he is up to no good.
"Hey Gramp! So good to see you! Marvel told me it was a family day!"The taller boy says
Ah, so he's Trust and the mischievous one is Marvel...Of course.
"I'll go tell your parents that you ran upstairs."Horror says
I smile, shifting to the bed so that they each have room to get beside me. Solros and Lovespoon both climb back into my lap while Marvel and Trust climb on either side of me. They giggle, snuggling close and chatting with each other. They coo, smiling in awe of Hadar.
"YoU'r3 aLl s0 aDoRaBl3."I say, getting them all to smile wider at me.
Hadar reaches out, feeling my cheek. I spent hours stuck with them, not that I minded. They went quiet when Hadar dozed off, relaxing to snuggle me. At one point Solros runs off and brings back snacks from the kitchen for everyone. They eat away and even give me food since my arms weren't free while holding Hadar. Then I read them stories until Hadar wakes up, able to hear all of their parents chatting downstairs. I smile, taking a picture of them all gathered with me, their smiles frozen in time on my phone. Then they all fall asleep on me and I take pictures of them.
That's when Destinia arrives.
"Heeey, sorry Error. Romancia tried to mess with time and send you into a divorce timeline but it got you here. I'll return you home."She says
Within seconds, I'm back in a much nosier bedroom without the kids holding me down. I get up, glancing around as I tuck my phone away. I find that I'm back in my bedroom, putting my crown back on. I walk through the halls, hearing noise from downstairs. I see the labels that were devoting rooms to each grandchild are no longer present. I glance over the railing of the stairwell, seeing Killer fighting with Dust. Correction, Dust shouting over something Killer said and wrestling with him for the joke as Killer continues to "mess" with him. Horror and Cross sit aside, very used to this. I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Ya kNoW kiLl3r, tHeRe iS a pHraSe oUt tHeRe tHat gEnEtiCs wiLl rEwArD yOu. KeEp iT uP, wE'Ll sEe hOw cHaoTiC iT gEtS fOr yOuR fUtUrE."I say, walking downstairs
"Pfft. Yeah right! How will genetics manage that?"He chuckles
Dust pauses, glancing over to me curiously.
"OnE dAy yOu mAy hAve sOmEonE aS chAoTiC aS yOu."I say
"More like just as annoying as him."Dust says
"I doubt it."Killer says
I chuckle, catching his attention.
"What do you know that I don't?"He asks
"OoOh nOtHinG.~ JuSt dOn't bE sO sUre aBoUt tHe fUtUre."I say, sitting on the couch
I check my phone and see that my photos weren't erased. I smile, saving them to an album that I'm sure will one day grow. I admire the pictures.
They're so adorable.
"Who are they?"Cross asks
I glance at him, seeing that he was behind the couch to see the photos curiously.
"SoMe gOoD kIdS."I say
"Oh come on! You've met enough kids to fill this castle! Don't meet more! Do they have names?"Dust whines
"According to the labels on the photos, yes."Cross says
"Dang it! Now Dad is going to get attached!"Dust says
"TrUsT mE, I woN't bE thE oNe fiLlInG tHiS cAstLe."I say, setting my phone aside
"Yesss!"Dust cheers
"Wait...What?"Killer says
Horror chuckles and smiles at me. He winks at me with a nod, seeming to know what I mean.
It's always so fun messing with them...Now where is my Nighty?
"GLITCHY!"I hear him yell
Ah, there he is.
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