Chapter 56: A Meeting with Destiny
A few weeks later, Error's POV
For once, Science didn't blow everything up. His experiment went right and now everyone close to us has been freed from Fate and our souls have gained a protective barrier to keep that freak away. My little trance has ended, though it was nice to have and even nicer to watch my loved ones experience it as well and hear them mumble as they witnessed it. Nighty didn't last two minutes though, passing out from whatever he saw after being freed. But telling by his heart eye, I'm sure it was only good things.
I lay in my string hammock that I placed in the living room this time, watching the boys browse through TV shows. Then I big black envelope hits my head. I check it to see that it's from Destinia, opening it to just see a short note requesting to "have a meeting".
I shake my head, not trusting this obviously. I rip it apart and toss the shredded pieces into a portal. As if knowing what I did, another hits me in the face. I open it and it says: "We meet or I test your brother."
I groan, shaking my head.
"Glitchy? You alright?"Nighty asks
"DeStin1a wAnTs t0 tAlK....0r tH3y g0 f0r pApY."I say, shaking my head.
Horror glances up.
"The same one that starved you and forced you to support multiple souls?"He asks
I nod.
He frowns, marching away. A portal opens up beside me and a hand pulls me through. I find myself shoved into a chair as the portal shuts, Destinia and another stranger on either side of me. I summon one of my blasters, making them back away to their seats.
"StAy tHe FuCk aWaY fRoM mE."I growl
"Our apologies, Error. We just noticed that you cut ties with Fate and wanted to have a discussion concerning your future."Destinia says
"WhO tHe hEcK iS tHiS?"I ask
"I am Romancia, here to talk about the future of your love life."The stranger says
I glance at them and frown, finding that quite obvious given their red color scheme and hearts decorating their clothes. Heck, their hair is styled to look like a blooming rose.
"WhAt FuTuRe l0v3 liFe? I hAvE mY nIgHtY."I say, crossing my arms.
"Oh please, Error. You of all people should know that nothing lasts forever. It's just a quick fling for him I bet."They say
I raise my hand, showing the rings.
"ThIs rInG aNd yeAr loNg mArRiAgE sAyS oThErWiSe. PlUs fLiNgS aRe uSuAlLy SeXuAl And ThAt's tHe oPpOsiTe oF 0uR rElAtIoNsHiP."I say
"Maybe that will be what breaks it."Destinia says
"What? Everyone has needs, even him."Destinia says
Romancia nods.
"I beg to differ there given what I have seen."A third figure says, taking her seat
"What do you mean?"Destinia asks
"He is one of mine with the way he acts. Nothing and nobody will take him away from Error."She chuckles
"Is that a challenge?"Romancia chuckles
I frown, blasting at them with that comment.
"Oh, enough said if that comes from you Simpella."Destinia says
I glance at her and she smiles.
"So yOu'Re iN cHaRgE oF aLl tHe sImPs?"I ask
She giggles with a nod.
"Someone has to keep them in line and look after them."She says with a shrug
I see Romancia slip away and shake my head. I don't even feel threatened, knowing that Nighty is mine regardless of what they try. It will be more of an annoyance.
"Now, Error, about your future...."Destinia says, clearing their throat
I roll my eyes.
"ThIs iS nOt FoR yOu tO dIscUsS. I-"I begin
"What do you see in it? What would you like for it to be?"Destinia asks
"....WhAt?"I ask
"Fate has always been the one in charge and controlling how things play out. Fate was the one with the control and was pulling the strings with you and your life, using you like a toy or forcing you into things out of boredom. Now you're free from them and leave Fate without any power over you. This gives me an opening to help. I can't guarantee anything but I can help the future you wish take shape. Just write it all here."Destinia says, slipping a packet of papers with a pen over.
I glance at it, then narrow my eyes at them.
"WhEr3 1s tHe cAtCh?"I ask
"No catch."
"ThErE iS aLwAyS a cAtCh. I'Ve dEaLt wItH c1pHeR eNoUgH tImEs t0 kNoW tHaT."I say
"Okay, so perhaps the catch is that I cannot promise anything to go perfectly. I'm not Fantasia, I work with destinies in reality not fantasies."They say
"I can only confirm that your husband isn't going to stop being what he is."Simpella says
This is not how I expected this to go....I could actually suggest a good future without troubles..? Of course, there will be problems, but maybe look for fewer disturbances...Can I really pass this up?
I pick up the pen, writing away on the papers. I keep my blaster beside me so neither of them tries anything with me. Though they still tried to make conversation with me.
"So, any kids that you wish for?"Destinia asks
"I wiLl d3c1de tHaT aNd I rEfuSe t0 diScl0s3 tHaT w1tH y0u aFtEr wHaT y0u d1d t0 m3."I say
I slide the papers back in the silence that hangs in the air after that response. I could tell that they were uncomfortable. But I don't care how they feel after how uncomfortable I felt with Destinia's "child test" or whatever. I open a portal to leave as Destinia reads what I wrote, but then I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder, finding them beside me.
"I'd be careful with that then since Shattered and his friends seem to make schemes to change that. They intend to mess with your life."They warn me.
I nod, then go through and make sure that it shuts behind me. Horror marches over with his axe.
"Have you gone to Destinia? I'm ready to deal with them."He says
"G0t puLl3d tHr0uGh bUt iT w3nt sm0otHeR tHaN eXp3ct3d."I say, then open a code screen and take off my crown.
"Are you okay?"He asks
I nod.
"JuSt aDdiNg m0r3 pr0t3ct1oN aNd bArRi3rS g1v3n wHaT tHeY t0ld m3."I say, then hear steps running down the stairs.
Horror glances behind us and takes four steps back. Nighty barrels into me, hugging me and if it weren't for his tentacles, I'd be knocked to the floor.
"NiGhTy! WhAt aRe y0u-?"I begin, then he kisses me
Next thing I know, I'm in his bed and he is snuggling me.
"My Glitchy....They can't take you from me."He says
I roll my eyes and smile.
"Don't roll your eyes at my affection!"He snaps
"It'S n0t aT y0u. It's jUsT tHaT y0u aRe d1spr0v1ng tHoSe id1otS. DuMb3sT sHiT i'Ve hEaRd fr0m tHeM."I say, feeling his cheek gently.
"Hmm?"He says, tilting his head and leaning into my touch
"ThEy tHoUgHt tHaT y0uR lOvE f0r m3 wAs jUsT a fLiNg t0 y0u AnD tHe lAcK oF tHe bOnE zOnE 0f aLl tHiNgS w0uLd bE tHe tHiNg tHaT mAkEs yOu l3aVe mE."I chuckle
He glances around and smirks.
"Oh really?"He says with a sinister smirk as he pulls my scarf off.
He takes my crown and sets it aside, laying me down on the blankets and pillows. His loving gaze has a hint of...more extreme focus than usual perhaps? It's like he is studying me and planning something in ways that aren't just the affection that he usually shows. It's new and much more intense, making my face burn. His grin grows as he leans closer, his tentacles exploring my body carefully in their normal routine of checking my condition.
"Then let me make my love clear and obvious so that you can forget their nonsense. A kiss meant for every way that you're perfect to me as I whisper it to you.~"He coos, a tentacle shutting the door.
His finger tickles my bones as he walks it across my shoulder, pulling my jacket off before trailing it up my neck and stroking my cheek. Just the idea of him doing so makes my soul beat faster and my face burns more. All under his intense gaze.
"I'll take that as my signal to get to work.~ You'll love it, my beloved glitch.~"He says softly, kissing my cheek
Oh, I am in for a looonng time with him...But I'll treasure each second of peace with my Nighty. <3
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