Chapter 54: Couple's Happiness
Error's POV a few days later
"Heeey, Glitchy...?"Nighty asks
He's loopy from the meds and fever still...
"YeS?"I say
"Has Dream asked Cross out yet?"He asks while gazing at his fingers bending like it is the strangest thing he has seen.
"WhErE iS tHis c0miNg fr0m?"I ask
"I always sense more positivity from him when near Cross...And the past week I have sensed his anxiety about dates so I'm just curious."He says with a shrug.
"I d0n't quItE kNoW aBoUt tHiS wEeK sInCe I hAvE bEeN hErE cArInG f0r y0u."I say
"Oh...Alright."He says, seeming uncertain.
"Do....Do yOu wAnT hiM tO aSk Cr0sS oUt?"I ask
He pauses, thinking on it. Then he nods.
Oh I gotta get this. It's going to be good.
"I want Dream to be happy...And I want Cross to be happy...I...I think they'll be happy together. I'm fine with whatever makes them happy. I'm happy that the boys found happy relationships...Outer is the much-needed calm to Killer's chaos, Farmer soothes and cares for Horror....Blue makes Dust smile....And though Edge may not agree, Fell is doing much better with Classic. They're all so good together...So happy...I'm happy for them."He says, seeming dazed but also deep in thought.
I can't believe I just got that out of him...Where was this when they actually introduced said lovers?
The next few minutes are filled with him going on a detailed rant on what he likes about each pair and seeing them so happy. I chuckle, shaking my head as he dozes off once he is done. I look at the voice recording I just took on my phone and smile. It is thirty minutes long!
This is pure GOLD.
Dream opens the door slightly, glancing in.
"Is Brother doing any better?"He asks
I nod.
"Th3 medS se3m t0 b3 w0rkInG. BuT y0u hAvE t0 h3aR tHiS."I say
He walks over and I play the recording. He gasps, looking shocked but smiles.
"He c0uLd s3ns3 yoUr aNxiEtY aBoUt dAt3s tHiS w3eK aNd aSk3d ab0uT iT. So iN aDdit10n t0 thIs, I thInK y0u aRe fiNe."I say, knowing that he is nervous about revealing the relationship.
He smiles wider and nods. Then a crash is heard and he runs out to check on things.
But that isn't the last of Nighty's bizarre conversations that I had to record to prove that he said it. It's as if he lost his cautions or edit button and spilled all these deep thoughts out to me. After a few days, he got better and he no longer needs the meds. He sleepily wakes up and glances over at me, a smile growing on his face.
"Heeey, Glitchy..."He says sleepily, his tentacles pulling me closer.
"HeY, NiGhTy."I say
"I hope I wasn't too much of a problem while I was sick. Thank you for taking care of me."He says, kissing me on the head.
"StUbBoRn oNe miNuTe, cLiNgY tHe nExT. NoT muCh diFfErEnT. ThOuGh yOu WeRe cHaTtIeR bEfoRe nApPiNg. AnD y0u j0iNeD a gRoUp fr0m tHe cOnVeNtiOn KiLlEr t0sSeD yOu iNtO aNd tHeY'Ve bEeN tRyInG t0 rEaCh y0u t0 wElCoMe yOu."I tell him
"Really?"He says, reaching for his phone.
I slip him the card from the convention found in his tentacle. It looks like a business card with a phone number and social media pages listed. He reads both his phone messages and the card, his face burning up.
"YoU cErtAiNlY f0unD y0uR pe0pLe."I chuckle
He hides his face in his hands.
"NiGhTy, tHeRe's n0tHiNg t0 hiDe 0v3r."I say
"I joined a simp club for you! That's not a normal husband thing to do!"He says
"NiGhTy, wHaT pArT oF uS iS nOrMaL?"I ask with a chuckle
"...Good point."He says, leaning on me.
"So? ArE yOu goInG tO tHe mEeTiNg tHiS wEeK? At lEaSt TrY iT."I suggest
"Mmmm, I might."He says
"GoOd. NoW, aBoUt y0ur liL cHaTs..."I say
"Oh stars, what did I say to you?"He sighs
"A l0t oF tHiNgs t0 tHinK aBoUt. I r3coRdEd a f3w. HeRe, liStEn."I say, playing the phone recordings.
His face burns up brightly and he grips me tighter.
"I sound like a fool."He says
"My f0oL.~ DiD y0u meAn aNy oF iT?"I ask
He nods, hiding his face in my chest.
I pet his head gently, smiling at him.
Then there's a knock at the door and Dream glances in.
"Hey..Oh, Brother! You're awake and looking better!"He says with a grin.
"Mhmmm."Nighty says, glancing at him.
"Can we talk? I'll get you some food."He suggests
"Sure thing!"Nighty says, following him out.
I grin, laying back to relax. I know what's about to go down most likely. But now I'm free to check on everyone. I leave the room, finding Perl running through the halls with Misty right under my feet. I find Horror and Dust chilling on the couch and scrolling through their phones.
"Hey, do you think it would be okay to have Blue and Farm over when Mom gets better?"Horror wonders
Dust shrugs.
"Awkward but yeah."He says, then glances over and sees me.
Horror glances over and smiles.
"Oh hey, Dad! Is Mom feeling better?"He asks
I nod and he smiles wider happily.
"ThOuGh hIs mEdiCiNe cErTaInLy hAd An EfFeCt On hIm."I say
"What do you mean?"Dust asks
I sit between them, getting the thirty-minute recording up on my phone.
"WhY dOn'T yOu liStEn?"I suggest
They look at each other, then nod. I hit play and watched the shock wash over their faces. Then the joy grows back as smiles appear on their faces. These are things that would've made a big difference from the painful attempt at support when they had the introduction meetings. Dust chuckles once the recording is over.
"Of course he went into a deep analysis to explain how our relationship works as if he is explaining strategies in a meeting! Always so detailed and logical first! He's hilarious!"He says, struggling to contain his laughter and shaking his head
I see Horror's eye twinkle, a big smile on his face. I know how much this means to him since his meeting went the worst out of all of them.
"He...He really supports Farmer and me! And not just tolerating it! This is awesome! I'm going to call Farm! Fell! Killer! You better be here!"He exclaims, running off
"Why?"Fell asks
"You can't miss this!"I hear him yell
Soon Killer and Fill are sitting beside me, curious about what Horror sent them to me for. I play the recording and their faces show pure shock. Then they both smile, happy that Nighty believes in their relationships so much. It means a lot to Fell since Edge doesn't exactly approve of Classic since he believes that it will "only make you more pathetic and lazier." Stupid, I know. He hasn't exactly gone home since then, finding a home here instead or resting with Classic whose Paps obviously approves and feeds Fell with all the caring support Edge didn't give him openly. And Killer has the newest relationship that is obvious, yet Nighty hasn't said much to him about it so Killer wasn't sure where he stood regarding it.
Killer also might've recorded my recording to save forever on his phone. Not for blackmail or anything but in his "favorite memories" folder so he could check whenever things are looking bad. Then he and Fell run off to tell their lovers and Dust leaves to tell Blue as well privately over the phone...once he stops laughing.
Then Nighty walks over with a smile and I tuck my phone away.
"EvEryThInG aLrIgHt nIgHtY?"I ask
He nods.
"My brother is happily dating Cross."He says
"Ah, s0 he t0lD yOu."I say
He nods, leaning back and relaxing. Then it seems that my words sank in and he glances at me, his head turning so fast that his neck could be heard cracking.
"You KNEW?"He asks
I simply nod, knowing how upset he'd be if he learned how long his brother hid this from him.
"HaVe y0u s3en tHeM? DoEsn'T tAkE mUCh tO fIgUrE iT oUT."I say
"True. It seemed obvious but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I'll give them credit, they hide it better than Killer did with Outer."He says
"HEY!"Killer shouts from upstairs
"Your soul literally changes shape when you SEE him or someone mentions him! Doesn't take much to connect the dots!"Nighty shouts back up
He gets only silence in return, making him chuckle. He leans in, kissing my cheek and we settle into just cuddling on the couch.
We can discuss the subjects of my other recordings another time.
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