Chapter 52: Reconstruction and Convention
A month later, Error's POV
Loud hammering rings out throughout the castle and somehow Nighty manages to sleep in. I chuckle, knowing where it is coming from and why. I walk over to the staircase, seeing Horror working away by turning the entire left side of every staircase into a ramp for Killer's wheelchair to get around earlier. He got out of the hospital last week and they've been getting along much better since then. This makes me and the rest of the family happy now that there aren't tensions in the castle anymore.
He glances up at me and smiles.
"This is the last staircase that I have to do and then the castle is wheelchair-friendly!"He says
"Horror, you're just going to let him do more chaos in the wheelchair."Dust says
"Dust, we both know that he would find a way to cause chaos even if I didn't do this. I don't want him trying to ride the railing down or something stupid. He just got out of the hospital. Plus Outer would probably kill him if he found out that Killer got himself in trouble again..."Horror chuckles
I chuckle, not doubting that for a second. Horror continues to hammer it away. I smile, glancing over the railing to see the lower landings and stairways that he completed. The ramp merges smoothly with the steps and there's even a railing to divide the ramp from the steps. All that time he spent woodcarving really pays off here.
"After this, I am going to help Uncle Dream!"He says proudly
"Oh rEaLlY?"I ask
He nods.
"He's turning the Star Sans base into his proper home!"He says
I smile and after a few moments, he finishes and gets up to test it. I see Killer come soaring up, gripping the wheelchair tightly before it finally slows to a stop beside me. I push him away from the stairway as he glances around, seeming shaky.
"It worked!"Horror cheers
"Horror! Give me a warning next time!"Killer snaps
I chuckle, leaving them to do their own thing. Then I get a call from Paps and remember his plans to take a break from the stressful events and go to have some fun at a convention. He has been there all day come to think of it. And yes, Nighty has slept past 3pm today.
"BroThEr...I hAvE fOuNd sOmEtHiNg oDd hErE.."He says, making me chuckle
"It's a c0nVeNt1oN. TheRe iS g0iNg t0 b3 we1rD sTuFf."I say
"JuSt c0m3 heRe."He says, hanging up.
I sigh, shaking my head. I go back to the bedroom, putting my crown and scarf on. I kiss Nighty gently on the head.
"I wiLl bE riGhT bAcK, n1gHty."I say
He nods slightly and I smile.
I go through a portal to the convention, wandering around to find Paps standing at the end of an aisle of tables and stands with signs.
"So wHaT iS s0 oDd tHaT y0u caLleD s0uNdiNg s0 uNsEtTl3d?"I ask
He points to the stands on the left side of the aisle. I glance over, noticing the crowds forming under the signs.
I chuckle, getting out my phone to take pictures while Paps looks so confused. These popular groups are labeled under signs that say: "Horror Fan Club", "Killer Fan Club", "Nightmare's Army", "Error's Fan Club", "Blue's Taco Army", etc. The signs go from fans to labeling meeting areas for simps of various friends of mine. Paps specifically was pointed to the one labeled for me. I check the sign for this aisle and chuckle.
"PaPs, yOu EnTeReD tHe ClUb aNd sImP aReA."I say
"I diD nOt eXpEcT iT tO mEaN rEaL pe0pLe! I tHoUgHt iT mEaNt cHaRaCtErS liKe iN tHe cOmiCs I rEaD!"He says
"HaVe yOu liStEnEd tO hAlF tHe voiCeS tHaT sHoUt At uS? It'S hOneStLy nOt SUrpRiSInG. PlUs tHe fAn ClUbS aRe fuLl oF tHe kIdS I wAs wItH iN jAiL sO tHaT mUch iS nOt suRpRiSinG, nOr iS iT suRpRiSInG tHaT tHey aLsO fOrMed cLuBs f0r HoRrOr aNd kiLlEr."I say, recognizing Kyle and a few others at the fan club stands
I send the pictures to the family group chat to show everyone and chuckle at the responses.
Killer:Woah! I actually have fans? I shall lead this club to greatness!
Dust: Killer, no. Stop.
Killer: We ride at dawn!
Horror: Uuuh...Tell them sorry, but I have a boyfriend. 0_0
Dust: Why do you say that?
Cross: Yeah, it's nice to have supporters.
Killer: Young minds to mold into something better!
Dust:Or more chaotic in Killer's case.
Killer: ÙwÚ
Horror:Oh that's fine. I meant the other sign.
Cross:...The simps?
Horror: Yep. Don't need a bunch of ppl acting like Mom does to Dad to me. I'm good without them, no offense. Farm is all I need.
Killer&Cross: LOL XD
Dust: Horror, just because they're a simp doesn't mean they're getting a relationship out of it. Heck, Mom was lucky to get this with Dad.
Dream:....I can't believe that this is actually a conversation.
Killer: OOoo! Now that you mention it, Mom should join the group for Dad lol! He'll be with his people! Where is this being held?
Dream: I can't believe I agree with that.
Cross: He's actually going to do that now.
Dust: They can all do synchronized fainting.
Horror: I will get over to help you, Uncle. Please show me the blueprint of your plan.
Dream: Of course, Horror. nwn
My phone continues to ding as I put it in my pocket.
"Is eVeRyThInG oKaY?"Paps asks
"JuSt fAmiLy cHaOs. LeT's fiNd aNoThEr aReA."I say
"MaYbE tHe shiPpInG aReA wiLl wOrK bEtTeR."He says, leading me away.
I hear a crash and see a portal shut. Then a squeal comes from the Nightmare Simps and Nightmare's Army tables. I shake my head, then read the signs as we walk through the shipping aisle, relieved to find that it's more for other fandoms or creations and not our reality...mostly. I do get spotted as well as Paps and groups ask for our opinions on ships involving the gang. Specifically, the trio he considers my sons and his nephews. We shrug at most of the ships, fine with them as long as they don't bother our family to force them out of their current relationship into another ship that a fan may want. Paps doesn't hide his enthusiasm for shippers of OuterKiller, Dustberry, and HorrorFarm aka BloodyCrops in comparison to the rest despite stating to have a neutral position on the matter. He did get disgusted at the suggestion of ships involving each other like Horrordust or the three of them involved. And somehow there's a ship of Horror with Shattered which disgusted both of us, but otherwise, we are fine.
We turn the corner and I see Nighty laying on the floor, still asleep with his tentacles cushioning him. I shake my head, walking over to wake him up but notice the sudden increase in noise and feeling that someone's watching. I turn to see Paps get dragged away to a table for a webcomiche has been reading and I see multiple eyes staring at me from crowds at the nearby tables. Then I see them pull Nighty away, mumbling things lost in the convention noise. I run quickly over, finding myself back in the SIMP zone. Nighty is asleep at the table Killer intended to get him to, only now starting to wake up.
"Huh...? Where am I...?"He mutters, still waking up.
"YoU aRe wAy t0o h3aVy oF a Sl3ePer, NiGhTy."I say, walking over
His face gets lost in a sea of blushing messes meant to be faces of the crowd. Yet I still recognize his dazed smile and heart eye.
"Hey, Glitchy..."He says softly.
I hold his cheek gently, seeing phones get taken out but focusing on Nighty.
"WaKe uP siLlY. Y0u hAvE sLePt aLl dAy aNd mAdE iT t0o eAsY f0r oNe oF kiLleR's tRiCkS."I say
"Ooh...Did I? My mistake."He says, leaning into my touch with a chuckle.
"ArE y0u oKaY? YoU'v3 n3veR b3eN s0 dRoWsY...0r oUt oF iT..."I say, gently feeling his face
Which he seems to love, leaning closer as his tentacles wiggle. One of them gets a card slipped into it but he doesn't seem to even notice it. I feel his head to find it burning up.
"NiGhtY, aRe y0u s1cK?"I ask
"..Maybe...Didn't want to worry you."He says
I scoop him up and quickly return home to put him in bed. I march down to the kitchen and cook a simple meal for him, snatching some meds and a thermometer up while I am at it. I pause, letting out a sigh and shake my head with a grin.
This moron...
"Glitchyyyy! Where'd you gooooo?"He shouts
Must be a high fever if he is forgetful like this...Welp, here goes nothing.
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