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Chapter 44:Prison Chaos

Error's POV the next day

Uuggh, another day stuck here. Well, at least I have improved the conditions.

I sit up, patting around to understand where the edges are.

"Morning, Boss. I got you food and the guards are changing shifts, as are our boys posted outside your door."A voice says

"ThAnKs kYlE."I say, holding the tray that he handed me.

I eat the mush that I must call food, cleaning the tray. Then I check the cuffs on my ankles, keeping me from summoning anything. But none are on my wrists so I reach up and viola, got my strings easily. So of course I use this to handle conflicts and have gotten quite the reputation while handling myself here. After killing my cellmate after he attempted to continue his sexually-related crimes in here with me since "the blind can't be witnesses", many have been too scared to bother me. But there are many who are attracted to my reputation as a sign of security. I've connected with them easily and find that are kids or almost adults put in adult prisons based purely on their size. Let me repeat that detail, MONSTER KIDS have been put into an ADULT PRISON simply because they are "too big", as in bigger than an adult human, and deemed too powerful and therefore a threat. Is it just me or am I detecting some corruption in a force seeking to end multiverse corruption? 

So, I've gathered them as my group and we protect each other. Not that any of these fools dare to bother our group and risk facing me. Kyle is one of them and sort of the leader of the kids since he is the oldest. They've been very caring towards me but keep me in my cell for my safety, going as far as guarding it in shifts. I greatly appreciate that since not all of the prison guards are the best...Though things have been quiet lately.

I smile at him, hearing him tap a stolen clipboard that he uses to track the schedules he comes up with and checklists. 

"What would you like to do today?"He asks

"HmMmM...MaYbE gO f0r a wAlK iN tHe yArD."I say

"Alrighty! I will get a group together!"He says

I hear him step out, shutting the door but returns minutes later. I reach out, feeling him take my hand and guide me outside. I can hear footsteps around me and know that it's another group circling me defensively. We stroll around the yard and I can feel the sun on my face, listening to the breezes whistle and the group chatting away. We go through the usual routine that we've settled into, many other prisoners shouting and fleeing as we pass by. I chuckle, finding it funny how they fear such a small group. 

Little do I know how organized and big Kyle has extended this group. At least, not until I get back to my cell and can tell that there is a larger group gathering outside of it.

"WhAt'S gOiNg On?"I ask

"Well a few newbies got added for the same charges as us so I recruited them before trouble could get them. Violet, Ember, Wade, Nia, Neo, Hujio, and Tex."He says

"Hello, Sir."Little voices of the newbies say

I smile, then hear footsteps and shuffling. I know my cell is being filled and why. They always look for stories from my life to end the day.

 "WhAt d0 y0u wAnT t0 h3aR tHiS t1mE?"I ask

"We noticed ring marks on your finger and want to know if you've ever been married."Kyle says

"And possibly hear the story behind it with him, her, or them!"Another voice says

"AlRigHt, wElL I aM sUrE yOu hAvE hEaRd tAlEs aBoUt hIm. He iS kNoWn aCr0sS tHe muLtiVeRsE aS aN eMbOdiMeNt oF nEgAtiViTy. ThoUgH I kNoW hIm aS a wAlKiNg oCtOpUs."I say

"Nightmare?"They say

I nod.

"He iS t0uGh aRoUnD oThErS bUt cAn sh0w a s0fTeR, m0r3 uNdErStAndiNg siDe....WhEn hE iSn't b3iNg a cLu3leSs id1oT. My sTaRs...Sh0wEd aLl tHe sIgNs tHaT I liKeD hiM aNd h3 c0uLdn'T teLl. AnD I'm tHe bl1nD oNe! DoN't eVeN gEt mE sTaRtEd oN hiS bEhaVi0r wHeN wE pRoPoSeD mArRiaGe..If wHat wE diD cAn eVeN bE cOnsIdErEd a pRoPoSal....BuT yEa, hE iS mY hUsBaNd aNd wE aRe neArInG oUr fiRsT wEdDiNg aNniVeRsArY alReAdY."I explain, some comments making them laugh.

I just hope that I'm not stuck in here when the day comes...Which seems likely since it is in two weeks...

I hear running footsteps and then the door swings open.

"I just saw someone cut the yard fence! Sliced it right open and ran towards the building! The guards are too busy sealing it to search!"A voice says

"ThAt's...c0nceRniNg..ThAnKs Le0 f0r tHe iNf0."I say

"Who would be dumb enough to break into the prison instead of out?"Violet wonders

"Yea...Nobody gets out of here."Leo says

"Let's form a group and get them. Newbies, you stay with Error. We don't know what got in and you're not getting put into danger on your first day."Kyle says

I hear marching footsteps and the door shuts. It's dead quiet. I shake my head and lift the newbies in my strings onto my former cellmate's bed, putting a blanket on them. I could feel them trembling, definitely scared.

"T-Thank you, Sir."Hujio says

"Pl3as3, cAlL m3 ErRoR."I say

"O-Okay.."They say

It goes quiet again.

"Why....Why are you so fatherly? I thought prison is where bad people go...But you're nice."One says

"WeLl I ad0pt3d tHr3e s0nS s0 I gUeSs I JuSt g0t iNto tHe hAbiT oF iT."I say

Then the door swings open.

"Caught them!"Kyle says, followed by another voice gasping.

"Dad!"I hear Horror shout

"You're actually okay?"Killer says in surprise

I smile widely.

"Her3 ar3 tw0 oF tHeM. CoMe hErE b0yS."I say

Horror eagerly hugs me while I can feel Killer lean on me as he sits beside me. I hear eager chats and whispers, then frequent footsteps.

"What's going on? Why are they looking at us like that?"Horror asks

"Error has told us about you and we're surprised to meet you."Kyle says

"If they can get in, then we can get out!"Leo says

"YEA! Let's try it!"A group says

"I got plenty of tools!"Killer says eagerly

I hear the door shut and his head leaves my side so I guess he left. And from the alarms ringing as chaos unfolds on the other side of the door, I can only assume that he left the lead the break-out attempt. Horror takes my hand and I feel a few smaller hands take my spare hand so I guess it's the newbies.

"What are kids doing in here?"Horror asks

"The mean men said that we'll grow into sizes that make us dangerous and that we're better to be kept in a cage."Ember says

I hear screams and shouts in pain, feeling the kids squeeze my hand tighter. The door creaks open again.

"Your son just took out all the security cameras and is currently blowing the doors or gates open during the alarm shutdown. The guards are fleeing and I'm ordering them not to hurt the nice guards or nurse. The corrupt ones are another story among the actual criminals in here. We may actually get out...I'll also have groups work as damage control to make sure nobody gets trampled."Kyle says

"Wow, you really have a plan set for this place."Horror says

"Yea, you learn quickly how to lead a prison like this. Be careful."Kyle says before running off.

I glance at the newbies as they cling to me.

"StAy b3hiNd m3 aNd d0n'T l3t g0."I say

"Okay."They say, their grip tightening.

Horror leads me out into the chaotic prison riots and I can hear Killer laughing clearly through all the noise. Horror sighs, mumbling something about Killer attracting too much attention. 

"No more cuffs for any of you! Let's get you free!"Killer shouts and I hear chains clinking and metal snapping. 

Moments later I hear blasts and magic getting fired, only adding to the madness. Then a new alarm rings out, notifying the prison that the front gates and all doors are opening, including the gates at the end of the prison yard that brings everyone into it. Horror cautiously led us out and I could hear the screams of the guards in the tower and violence unfolding, pain clear in their voices as they tried in vain to fire rounds to scare the riots back inside. Without the restraints on magic, there were no limits for the prisoners and the guards were doomed. Then I feel the cuffs on my ankles break, feeling Horror's hand tear through them. So, I added a few of my own attacks to make sure nobody got in our way as we made our way out of there.

Hell just broke loose.

"I fixed these for you."Horror says as he places my glasses on me again

I blink a few times, thanking him as my vision returns. He smiles at me and I see crowds running through the open gates as the yards are now a bloody mess with the building looking ready to crumble in flames as blasts from inside still fire through the ceiling. I can hear Kyle shouting for people to keep moving out, then see groups of the kids I protected marching in circles around the good guards, any poor souls caught up or hurt in the chaos, and the sweet prison nurse so nobody gets harmed. I use my strings to reach into the prison and snatch any remaining souls out of there so they don't die when the place falls in on itself. I see the little new kids clinging to my hand and my prison uniform, looking just as terrified as they are hopeful.  I can see Killer zipping around and having fun as well. He zips over to me and smacks my crown back onto my head before running off again.

"Tch, Killer is like a demon summoned from hell determined to wreak havoc in this prison."One prisoner says

"You're not wrong. Hell and chaos tend to follow our family...Especially when living with Killer or when people give us issues."Horror chuckles

I walk over to a tree stump a good distance from the prison as the chaos floods out of the gates and they try to figure out what to do. I quickly check my abilities now that I am free, smiling when I see that they have all been regained. Horror sets a bag of my things down and I grin, reaching into it to put my scarf and rings back on.

"What happens now? Are we going to be safe or are they just going to catch us again?"Nia asks nervously

I glance at them, seeing how they are happy to be free but also scared. I pat them on the heads to reassure them.

"DoN'T wOrRy, I hAvE A sOlUtiOn tO mAkE sUrE tHaT nEvEr hApPeNs."I say

"First there was fire, then there was smoke! Then that preacher man was hangin' by a rope! Then they all fell to their knees and begged that drifter, begged him please, as he raised his fist before he spoke! I am the righteous hand of God! And I am the devil that you forgot! And I told you one day you will see, that I'll be back I guarantee! And that hell's coming, hell's coming! Hell, hell's coming with me!"A song rings out.

"What a fitting song for the moment."A prisoner says, sitting down nearby while the crowd continues to be wild in celebration.

"I have to take this. Be right back."Horror says, taking out his phone ringing with the song

He taps to answer yet doesn't lift his phone near his head.

"Hey Dad, mission accomplished."He says

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"I hear Nighty snap

Horror steps away, talking to Nighty and I chuckle. 

The cops and nurse step over at a distance from me while trying to stay distant from the chaos. I hear them discuss plans to change careers after everything they've seen working here, then look out on the empty wasteland around the prison aside from a nearby forest. Then they open portals and leave. Shortly after their portal shuts, Kyle rounds up the group and they gather around where I sit, catching their breath with bright smiles while other prisoners continue running, wanting to get as far as possible ASAP. Killer sits beside me and sets down a pile of weapons that I recognize from the castle weaponry and his proud smile.

"We're free now...Actually free.."Some mumble, and the realization seems to sink in on them.

"Now what?"Others ask

"I just want to go home to my family.."Violet says

I open the code screens of each of them, catching their attention.

"I wiLl maK3 suRe tHeY d0n'T fiNd y0u aGaiN oR y0uR aU."I say, putting some code in or changing the present code.

It would probably be similar code to an incognito web tab, except aimed specifically to hide from a certain group. I made sure that it hides them from any that identify or associate with the Multiverse Police by constantly making their coded souls or AUs seem like they're elsewhere if they were to be tracked..Sort of like a VPN. Soon they are all hidden and I open portals for them to their AUs.

Suddenly a pain shoots up from my neck and my head starts aching. I groan, holding my head and shutting my eyes as my glitching picks up.

"Error! Are you okay? What's wrong?"Killer asks

I open my eyes, feeling the pain zip down my spine. Kyle glances behind me and frowns.

"Error, the scar from them is glowing. Remember their threat? How can we help?"He says

I shake my head, knowing what he means. Kyle once had to pry an officer off of me who stabbed my neck and warned that if I ever escaped, they'd use one last trick to screw me over. Guess this is that trick. I check my code to see it getting changed but quickly put code in to stop it. I felt the pain slowly slip away but could see that it left a mark. It certainly made a change that I am locked out of fixing at the moment.

I smile at the group, seeing that they got their backpacks of items back from storage. They all go on their phones and Kyle chuckles, seeming to know what they're doing. My phone in the bag starts rapidly dinging. I take it out to see numerous profiles following mine.

"Reach out if there's any way we could repay you, Sir!"Hujio says

I chuckle.

"This would be funny to explain to my parents."Another says

"Yeah, telling my family that our AU is safe under the destroyer's protection will certainly be an interesting tale to tell."Kyle says

They each say goodbye and go through the portals I opened for them. Then I shut their portals. Another opens and Nighty steps through as I yawn. Horror and Killer sit beside me as he seems to examine our surroundings.

"What did they even imprison you for? They didn't even catch on that you're the AU destroyer!"Killer asks

I point to the video of my rampage in the abandoned AU.

"They deserved it."He says

"ThEy sAiD tHAt w3 sH0ulD'v3 r3p0rTeD iT t0 tHeM..."I say, rolling my eyes but could tell that my voice is growing weaker

The code is probably taking effect now.

"So stupid.."Killer mutters

"Are you alright, Dad?"Horror asks

I nod.

"Si, s0lo eSt0y cAnSaDo."I say, then notice the change

(Yes, I am just tired.)

They both look at me in alarm, knowing that I only use Spanish when watching UnderNovela or threatening someone with the chancla when I am annoyed. I show them the changes in my code and they shake their heads. Horror hugs me closer and that's when Nighty finally seems to notice us.

"THIS is where you've disappeared to with your self-assigned mission?!"He snaps

"Did you listen or read anything that I left on your desk? I even took the time to write you a report to explain. Thanks for making it wasted, Mom."Killer groans

"I told you multiple times on the phone but clearly you didn't listen."Horror sighs

Wait, Nighty didn't realize I was gone? They did this completely on their own?

I hug Horror and Killer close, glad that they're okay. There are so many ways that this could've backfired on them. Especially without backup.

"Dad? Hello? I haven't seen you and Uncle can't find you..There you are!"Dust says, running through the portal and hugging me as well.

Nighty looks so confused and Dust quickly gets answers from Killer and Horror. He quickly understands, connecting the dots between the times of our disappearances. Then he chuckles and glances back at Nighty.

"And you said that you were going to ground them for sneaking out. I think this is worthy of a reward instead being that they saved him quicker than you could notice his disappearance."He says

I elbow him to get him to cut it out. Nighty was probably busy. The cops don't exactly announce their arrests, they do it more in secret. I could've been in any AU doing anything that would explain my unanswered phone and I think he was more concerned about the living embodiment of chaos and Horror who went missing without warning to really question anything. I know how he gets alarmed and puts blinders on when worried about something or someone.

That said, I am extremely tired. I let out another yawn, my eyes struggling to stay open. Horror scoops me up in his arms and carries me through the portal home with the other two close behind. I feel a tentacle gently pat my head.

"Glitchy...?"Nighty says as Horror lays me in bed.

I take my crown and rings off, setting them on the table. Killer fixes the pillows and Dust gets the blankets over me. Killer runs off to put the weapons away while Horror sorts my things away. Nighty stands beside the bed, gazing worriedly at me. I smile at him and that seems to calm him a bit.

"Est0y cAnSaDo...CoNt3nTo d3 eStAr eN cAsA dE nUev0."I say

(I'm tired...Happy to be home again.)

He climbs into bed beside me, pulling me close carefully.

"You owe me an explanation when you wake up."He says

"Leave Dad alone! We will explain if you'll listen!"Horror says

I grip Nighty's hand, squeezing it gently as he takes my glasses off and I doze.


(Wow I made this chapter long. Nearly 3,000 words lol)

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