Chapter 42: Don't Mess with Glitch-Dad
Error's POV a month or two later
"Br0thEr? FaRmEr aNd OuTeR wAnT tO viSiT aNd cHaT. ThEy sAy iT iS sErIoUs."Paps says
I glance up from my book, shutting it. Those two have never looked to enter my antivoid before, even if it would be casual. And to say that it's serious? That is concerning. I quickly open a portal and they walk through together. They both look unsettled, yet not by my presence. More like something is on their minds.
"EvErYtHiNg oKaY?"I ask
They look at each other worriedly before sighing and shaking their heads.
"There seems to be an issue...Well, more than one now that I talked with Farmer and found a pattern. And well..." Outer says
"We've run out of patience for dealing with piles of manure alone."Farmer says bluntly
I tilt my head, curious about what they mean.
"Well, I've started to date Killer but there are problems already....And not from him."Outer says
"We've noticed jerks lingering around us while on dates or just relaxing with them. At first, it seemed odd but only a coincidence that they were around so often. But then we started seeing them everywhere, even with phones now."Farmer says
"Then they got bolder. Some have started to harass us, shoving their phones in Killer's face to see his reaction. They were antagonizing him and looking for trouble. I'd get them to back off and try to get them away but Killer tells me to ignore them, so we leave. It's so annoying and I see that their words get to him despite him not retaliating.."Outer sighs
I frown, my fists clenching at what I am hearing. I glance at Farmer to see if this is the same case.
"None have dared to get near us while basically stalking us and following us wherever we go, but I've heard their comments. They take videos, raising their phones and talking into the screen and strategically standing at angles where Horror can't see them yet I can. And we've both noticed through our discussions that the comments aren't out of fear or aimed at our boyfriend's connection to the gang. They are more fitting to be considered petty insults mocking their looks or how freaky they are. They frequently claim that they feel sorry for us to be dating trash or feel bad for whoever else that quote un-quote must pity these worthless messes enough to hang around those two. It seemed idiotic nonsense out of nowhere, but then we looked online and well...."Farmer explains
Outer lifts his phone up, showing multiple videos saved in incognito tabs online. I watch as he plays each one.
"I don't want this filth in my web history and you can see why."Outer says once they are done playing.
I feel my anger reach a peak. Those were videos of idiots harassing MY BOYS on dates or alone to mock them for the sake of a trend! Apparently the trend is to mock the "lower" gang members, avoiding Nighty and I, but get bonus points if said targets are in the video to repay for their "brave sacrifice". Yet it seems to only get worse.
"Horror is too focused on the date to notice and I plan to keep it that way so his happiness isn't ruined. We just don't know how to handle the situation since it seems that no matter where they go, someone is there to bother them. Even in our own AUs."Farmer says
I hear a portal open, then a gasp from Papy. I see Blue walk through, his gloves soaked in blood and panting heavily with his eyes glowing. I've never seen him look so angry in months.
It goes quiet and I'm certain that nobody knew what to say. Blue notices the attention and tries to smile.
"Okay, so maybe I got a little violent when someone crashed my hangout with Dust only to insult him. But I promise that there's a good reason! They went right to mocking his trauma or need to keep the scarf of his Paps, which infuriated us both already. This idiot already was hitting the most sensitive nerves. I tried to keep Dust calm and ignore it. I didn't want to dignify their stupidity with a response...But then..."Blue explains
"You snapped?"Farmer asks
"I was fine until that idiot mocked how he needs an innocent, harmless pipsqueak to calm the insane followed by a comment that Dust should put himself out of his misery. That I wouldn't allow. So yes, I did get violentand yes, Dust miiight have had to pull me off of that jerk. Dust is home now but I thought it would be best to tell you since Nightmare was out with Dream."Blue says, rolling his eyes when repeating what the idiot said.
It's silent for a few moments, then Paps looks on his phone and starts laughing. We look at him, confused since his headphones are connected to his phone so only he can hear the context.
"WoW. YoU rEaLly wEnT fErAl oN hiM!"He chuckles
"That jerk lived and posted it?"Blue snaps, sounding pissed.
"Lesson learned, never call Blue names and don't bother Dust when they're sparing you."Outer chuckles
"Dunno why anyone would assume that about Blue to begin with. Innocent I can get, but harmless?"Farmer chuckles
I smirk, an idea already forming in my mind.
"Do n0t w0rRy aBoUt Th1s. s0m3tHiNg teLls m3 tHaT tHis tr3Nd iS aB0uT t0 di3 s0oN."I say
They see my grin and don't bother questioning what I mean. Outer and Farmer seek to go home so I open portals to their AUs. They thank me and go through it. They shut and Blue drops to the floor.
"You don't mind if I stay for a bit to catch my breath do ya? That took a lot out of me."He asks
I shake my head, lifting him to a comfier string hammock made for him. He dozes off moments later. I smirk, creating a fake account and posting a few rumors on these videos that my boys were spotted in a small, abandoned AU. I watch as their posts of reactions roll in and reposts spread like wildfire. Within minutes a group call stream is shared where a large group agrees to meet there, forming a mob to bother the three and protect themselves in case things go south, which makes me laugh.
None of those fools can escape what's coming. But hey, their popularity will send quite a message to their viewers.
I go to the AU and wait in an abandoned house, watching for them. I see them come through a portal, then multiple as more join them. I watch as the portals shut and everyone arrives. Within seconds, their phones come out and they announce to their viewers their status and their plans. I grin, stepping out and slowly making my way over as I can only think of all the ways that they are going to pay.
"Huh? What do you mean watch out?"One asks
"Check our background? Code red?"A second asks
"We just got here. Why would we leave?"A third asks the viewers
I snap my fingers, my strings instantly grabbing them before they can think of fleeing. I submit some code that locks the AU down so nobody can get out. I don't exactly plan to make this quick and painless. That would be too easy for them. I grin wider, seeing the dread on their faces as they realize what they just walked into.
"HeLlO aNomAli3s. N0w, I hAvE sEeN yOuR dUmB liTtLe tReNd aNd iT iS hiLaRiOuS hOw yOu tHouGht yOu'D sUrv1v3 tHiS dUmB gAmE oF yOuRs t0 bEgIn wItH. I d0n'T aPpReCIAtE yOu b0tHeRiNg mY bOyS sO cOngRaTs, y0u'Ve jOiNeD mY gAmE aNd yOu aRe g0iNg t0 PaY."I tell them, swinging them into the air as they drop their phones
The next few hours are quite entertaining for me as the only sound I can hear are their screams as I torture them one way or another. I mess with their code, souls or bodies in my code, listen to their bones snap, and come up with some games. Some of my favorites were Pin the Bone Attack on the Anomaly, which is where I'd shut my eyes and blindly fire bone attacks at them hanging in my strings and the closer I get to their bone cages means more points for me sort of like a game of darts or pinning the tail on the donkey picture. Another one that I enjoy is Blaster and Asshole, a parody of the Cat and Mouse game where I let some run freely and try to escape my Gaster Blasters firing rapidly.
As expected, the number of these fools diminishes rapidly until none are left. The best part is that it's all caught on live cameras from their phones, sending a message to any dumb enough to continue this trend.
I smile, proud of myself, and even decide to keep this useful AU in case I ever want to lure fools out again. I then go on a multiverse trip to completely destroy the AUs that the group came from though, then relax in my antivoid again. I chuckle as my phone rings numerous times from Ink, his only way to contact me since he is now blocked out of my antivoid. I blocked his number but he still leaves voicemails and apparently, my plan caused a significant drop in the multiverse population as indicated in the doodlesphere. He is upset with me but I only see this as a bonus. Paps is listening to stuff on his phone and Blue is still asleep in the hammock made for him. I smile, continuing to read.
"Hey Glitchy..."I hear Nighty say
I glance over toward him and smile.
"HeY, NiGhTy.~ WhAt'S uP?"I ask
"I sensed an enormous spike in negativity out of nowhere and I don't understand it. There haven't been battles or missions of the gang in weeks..."He says
"Oh, I JuSt wEnT On a dEsTrUcTiOn sPrEe oN tHe AuS. AnD s0mE I diD nOt fEeL liKe eNdIng qUiCkLy sO tHeY hAd pLenTy oF tImE t0 feAr ThE EnD oF tHeIr liVeS."I say, returning to my page
Nighty sighs, making me chuckle.
"You are so crazy sometimes."He says
"NoThInG nEw iN oUr hOmE. AnD yOu lOvE mE f0r iT rEgArDlEsS."I chuckle
"Br0tHer, tHr3e nEpHeWs wAnT t0 eNtEr."Paps says
I open a portal with a smile, seeing them enter. Horror runs ahead of them, hugging me in tears and incoherent. Killer and Dust walk over, smiling at me.
"That's Horror for thank you so much for doing that, Dad! We saw the video and I have no words besides thank you."Dust says
"But I do! And I say t-"Killer says before talking too fast for me to understand
Nighty looks at them, seeming so lost and confused. I rub Horror's back to calm him.
"What the heck did I miss?"Nighty asks
"Dad killed some jerks that made an online trend to bother us on dates. It sent quite the message online."Dust says, showing his phone
"My dEsTruCti0n wAsn't tHaT rAnd0m wiThiN c0nt3xt. S0rRy tHat y0u g0t eXpoSed t0 tHaT sTupIdiTy, h0rRor."I say, gently petting Horror's head.
I see Nighty grin, then glance at me.
"If this ever happens again, invite me and I will take great pleasure in making those fools beg for their lives."Nighty says, then sits beside me.
Killer glances up and stares for a few moments.
"Dust, why is your boyfriend in a hammock with bloody gloves?"He asks
Dust glances up and smiles.
"Cuz I am in love with a badass."He sighs, his face burning a bit.
Killer glances at Nighty and shakes his head.
"You're creating another simp. He just sounded like you."He says
I couldn't help but laugh as Nighty tried to deny it. Horror squeezes me tighter, hiding his face in my chest now as he calms down.
The moral of the story: Don't mess with this family!
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