Chapter 41: No More Queen
Error's POV a few days later
I smile, passing through some AUs, checking out what creators have made and the details in their code. It's just a casual stroll through the most peaceful AUs. It is a good chance to clear my head. But while wandering about, I overhear a conversation.
"Have you seen this skeleton? He left his home where he belongs."I hear an Undyne say
"Oh yes! He was going on a date here the other day! I'd recognize that red eye and broken skull anywhere! Did his family send you?"A voice says
"That's not his family! Not his home! He belongs back home in Snowdin with the rest of us!"The Undyne says
"Ooh...You're not from around here, are you?"The voice says
"No! I was brought here by a skeleton that came out of colorful puddles!"She says
"Oooh...I see. Well you're far too late to try to take your Sans back. He has started another life and-"
"I don't care! I kill whoever I must to get to him! Anyone close to him who is responsible for taking him away is going to face the same fate that he is going to meet when I find him! They're all doomed in the end!"
I glance over, recognizing HorrorTale Undyne, Queen of her AU.
Hunting him down, huh? Heh, this is going to be good.
"WaNnA bEt?"I chuckle
She turns around quickly and her shock quickly morphs back to anger.
"Who the hell are you?"She snaps at me, trying to glare me down.
I see her jolt and her eye flickers when seeing that her glare didn't affect me. I grin, preparing strings.
"ErRoR."I say, seeing fear in the bystander's eyes
"WHO?"Undyne snaps
"That's Error. He's a destroyer of worlds and known for protecting the Sans you are looking for..."The bystander says. backing away.
"ThAt'S rIgHt aNd i d0n'T aPpReCiAtE hOw mY s0n hAs bEeN tReAt3d. So tHiS iS wHaT's g0iNg t0 hApPeN."I say, tying her soul and body in place.
I see fear flicker on her face and she struggles to hide it.
"Y0u'Ve rUn oUt oF tiMe."I say, deleting her code as her soul crumbles away.
I glance around, seeing that there are multiple witnesses watching me. I sigh, opening a code screen and deleting the code containing the memory of this happening in their minds. I smile, then continue my walk.
Thanks Ink for being dumb enough to throw her into the multiverse...Feels so much better now that anomaly is gone.
After a little while, I return to the castle to see what everyone is up to. I find Horror shaking on his bed, reading a paper that seems to terrify him. I walk over, finding that it's a paper written in blood from said anomaly in an attempt to threaten him. Ink smears on the sides indicate how it got to him.
I wrap my arm around him, pulling him closer. He glances up at me as my strings tear the trash in his hands up.
"YoU d0n'T hAvE t0 w0rRy h0rR0r. I hAnDlEd h3r."I say
"WHAT?"Dream snaps
I glance at him in the open doorway, looking shocked.
"Dream, at this point you shouldn't be surprised when he admits to destruction."Cross says, pushing him along gently.
"But what if he gets in trouble for it?"Dream asks
"CaN't gEt iN tRoUbLe iF tHeRe aRe nO wItnEsSeS!"I shout back to him as Cross pulls him down the hall.
Horror hugs me close to him.
"Thank you...."He says, his voice trembling.
I pat him gently on the head.
"Of c0urSe...I w0n't l3t aNy hArM c0m3 t0 y0u HoRrOr. NoBoDy wiLl tAkE y0u aWaY 0r hUrT yOu aS l0nG aS i aM aRoUnD."I tell him, knowing that promises of security mean a lot to him.
He has never had that before. Not until he joined the gang at least. He smiles up at me when I say that.
Little did I know that this promise would soon be tested and cause the multiverse to shrink down rapidly.
(Hey, sorry if this chapter seems shorter. I lost the idea of where this was going and didn't know how to transition to the next idea, yet still wanted to get something out. Enjoy!)
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