Chapter 37: Too Early
Error's POV months later
"Glitchy! Glitchy please wake up!"Nighty shouts, shaking me by the shoulders
"HmMmm..? WhAt iS iT?"I ask, slowly waking up
I see tears fill his eye and I frown.
"NiGhTy, wHaT'S wRoNg?"I ask, thinking that something is wrong so I start trying to sit up.
"Show me your tongues!"He says, pushing me down again.
"I have to see them. Please, Error."He says
I tiredly shrug, sticking out my tongues. He gazes at them, then carefully tugs to examine each of the five individually. He sighs with relief, letting me shut my mouth.
"MiNd tElLiNg m3 wHy y0u w3r3 cRyiNg oVeR mY f1v3 t0ngu3s?"I ask
"I had a...realistic dream taking me to bad situations...Some involving you...I just wanted to make sure that it isn't real."He says
"Y0u hAd....a n1gHtmar3?"I ask
He nods.
I smile, pulling him close to me and gently brushing his head to soothe him. He relaxes instantly, snuggling closer to me.
"I aM h3re. Y0u cAn r3st."I say
He nods, slowly shutting his eye.
I doze off briefly, getting rudely awakened by a security alert as someone bangs at the door. I check the time and groan, seeing that it's 6 a.m.
Don't tell me that Killer got locked out again...Or else he is not getting on the good boi wall this week.
I slip out of bed and march down to the front door. I turn off the alerts, opening the door to find a surprise on the other side. Those multiverse cops are here.
"HoW d1d y0u eVeN-?"I begin
"Ink got us here."One says
"Of cOuRsE hE diD."I groan, shaking my head.
I step out to shut them out. I know I have to speak with them or they'll never leave us alone. I know they're not a threat after all. I've watched them from my beanbag over time and I can tell that none of them are strong enough to pose any danger to us. Heck they can't even figure out who are the "Big Bad Criminal Gang" that they seek to arrest for various crimes. We've had a few interactions when it seemed like they were catching onto me but it's always civil and then they head away after another case. It's like a game of fetch where you pretend to throw the dog a stick and they eventually return after finding nothing, thinking that they've done some good when really they're just getting fooled in the game.
That said, I'm not pleased with them coming at 6 AM to bother us. I cross my arms and glance at each of them.
"WeLl? WhAt d0 y0u wAnT? MaKe iT qu1Ck b3f0r3 mY hUsBaNd wAk3s uP."I say
"So umm, we noticed that your boys aren't registered in any school systems across the multiverse. Studies say that education improves the chances of living good lives and reducing crime. We just want to make sure that they aren't missing out on a safer life."One says
"Oh! yEaH, wE hOmEsChOoL tHeM hErE wItH liBrArY rOoMs aNd rOoMs f0r tHem tO eXeRcIsE. BuT yOu diD nOt juSt cOmE aLl tHiS wAy aT 6 AM tO aSk aBoUt tHaT. So pLeAsE sPiT tHe tRuTh oUt."I say
"There are also accusations against you from Ink for major crimes including assault against him-"A second begins
"Oh tHaT iS jUsT hiLaRiOuS. LeT mE fiLl yOu In oN sOmEtHiNg, cOpS. BeFoRe yOuR liL gRoUp f0rMeD, tHaT soUlLeSs bAsTaRd diD mUcH wOrSe cRiMeS aNd aTtEmpTeD mOrE tHaN aSsAuLt. AnD I hAvE pRoOf."I say, showing the coded periods in this timeline that show Ink's rampage around AUs out of boredom or his crimes against me specifically.
Their faces go pale and I chuckle.
"So I'D tHiNk tWiCe bEfOrE bEliEvInG hIm."I say
"Also there is a report that you abducted Horror from his home AU and they want him back! The Undyne even claims that you endanger him out here!"A third says
"Oh tHAt'S rIcH cOmInG fRoM hEr. ArE yOu eVeN tHe sLiGhTeSt bIt aWarE aBoUt wHat tHaT AU iS liKe?"I ask
They shake their heads. With a snap of my fingers, little portals open and show the officers the misery that Horror has gone through and continues to go through in many other timelines.
"So I aM SoRrY tHaT I t0oK hEr liViNg pUncHinG bAg aWaY aNd sHe Is uPsEt, bUt I aNd mY hUsBaNd diD wHaT n0boDy eLsE wAs d0inG:HelPiNg hIm. We t0oK hIm iN t0 geT hIm oUt oF tHaT hElL sO sHe cAn kiSs My AsS, nObOdY iS taKiNg h0rRoR bAcK tHeRe."I say
They each frown and I glare them down. I pull some strings from my eyes and frown.
"Is tHeRe a pRObLeM, oFfiCeRs?"I growl
They quickly shake their heads no and flee.
I groan, going back inside to find Horror pressing his head against the door to listen. He looks at me with tears in his eye as his body trembles. He hugs me, burying his head in my shoulder and squeezing me close. It took a bit to soothe him and a bit more to get him back to bed, but I managed. I glance at the clock to see that it is just turning 7:00. I groan, climbing back into bed. Nighty's tentacles pull me closer and he opens an eye to glance at me.
"What's wrong, Glitchy?"He asks
"NoThInG...It'S jUsT tOo eArLy.."I say
He pats me on the head, burying my head in his chest.
"I will block the sun. You get some rest."He tells me
I nod, snuggling into his touch.
"ThAnKs nIgHtY.."I say with a smile
"I love you, Glitchy."He says sleepily
"I lOvE yOu tOo."I say as he takes my glasses off.
The last thing I feel is a kiss on my head as I doze off, planning to sleep in today.
Little do I know what these cops are about to set off and how the dominos that fall actually threaten those close to me severely. And myself too I guess but more concerning are my loved ones.
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