Chapter 35: Surprises at Home
Error's POV a week later
I don't know who was happier about our return home from the honeymoon: Nighty or the gang. We got a warm welcome home but Killer, Cross, and Dream pulled me away to hear details on how the honeymoon went while Horror eagerly gave Nighty a complete report on what he did while in charge. Sure, he already gave me daily updates but he understood why I didn't share them and looked proud when telling it to Nighty's face.
Killer does say that he is glad that we're back so he can go into the kitchen again. Horror wasn't taking chances and banned him from entering the kitchen, often locking him out of it. I notice Cross holding Dream's hand and the glances they keep giving each other.
"OkAy, s0m3tHiNg iS uP wItH yOu tWo. WhAT dId yOu tWo dO iN tHe wEeK aNd a hAlF tHaT wE wEr3 gOnE?"I ask
"We might've gone on a date..."Dream says, his face turning into a golden blushing mess
"And loved every second of it..."Cross says
"Those flowers work wonders, don't they?"Killer chuckles
"We were just trying things out and spending time together! One thing leads to another and...It was wonderful...Don't tell Brother. He will absolutely flip out."Dream says
I chuckle, knowing that he is right. I know I should be at least a little more surprised than I am but I literally went to the future and learned that they're married. So how surprised can I really be?
"OkAy, bUt g0oD lUcK hiDiNg iT. He cAn sEnSe y0uR eMot1oNs aNd tHiS iS hIs cAstLe."I say
They both sigh with relief, thanking me. Then they sneak off before Nighty catches them.
"Your cat has been busy as well."Killer chuckles
Yeah, Perl stayed behind. The hotel wasn't pet-friendly and I doubt my cat would like hanging around just the two of us, basically being a third wheel. He never seemed to like it whenever Nighty and I got affectionate in front of him. Then again, sometimes in seemed like Nightmare's tentacles would seek attention specifically when Perl was getting it...So maybe that caused a rivalry? I dunno, I just know that he was happier staying behind.
That said, I'm curious about what he did in my absence.
Killer motions for me to follow him, so I do. I find Perl curled up in my bed...but he isn't alone. There is another cat in the bed cuddling up to him and loudly purring. I notice how scarred the poor cat is, even having a scar that's keeping an eye closed. I walk over and sit on the bed beside them. The new cat quickly climbs over to me, purring on my lap. I notice a collar around its neck with the tag reading Misty in addition to details on where her home is.
"Horror found them outside yesterday as one of Perl's portals was closing. She seems to be from another AU but the moment we attempt to bring her home he gets hostile."Killer says
Just his mentioning of this makes Perl hiss at him and Misty cling to me tighter. Given her condition, I get the idea of how bad it is at her "home". I check her code for the AU, then open a small portal. Perl looks at me with begging eyes, cuddling up to Misty protectively. I send my strings through the portal and destroy the AU of that abusive home entirely, then shut the portal.
"I'Ll uPdAtE tHe c0lLaR lAtEr. DoN'T wOrRy m1sTy, you aRe sAf3 here."I say, seeing them both relax
Both of them snuggle into my lap, purring. Killer leaves me to care for the two cats that now trap me in the bed by lying across my lap and purring loudly. I try to heal Misty's wounds and check her condition. Then with another hand I start making my strings craft a soft little bed for her to curl up in, much like the one that Perl uses every once in a while. Then Nighty peeks in curiously.
"I see you have settled in already."He says
I nod.
"PeRl brOuGhT a fr1eNd h0m3."I say
"Oh, where from?"He asks
"NowHeRe. WeLl, n0t aNywHeRe aNym0r3."I say
He chuckles.
"Not even home for a day and you're back to destroying AUs."He says with a shake of his head.
"ThEy dEsErVeD iT f0r iNvOlViNg aNiMaL aBuSe. MiStY wiLl bE sAf3r wiTh0uT tHaT pLac3 eXiSt1nG."I say as she climbs up my arm to my strings making the bed curiously.
She sniffs it curiously, then steps into it as the final ties are made. My strings lower the new cat bed onto my bed carefully and start making a blanket to go with it.
"Look out multiverse, the destroyer is a cat lover."He chuckles
"Which one?"Nighty asks
"The one hiding them under his bed and closet and has been starving himself for them."Dust says as he walks past the room
Nighty and I look at each other.
"I knew he wasn't giving me all the details in his report."He sighs
"RiGht, cUz yOu kNeW hE wAs kEePiNg sEcRet pEtS oF aLl tHiNgS oUt oF hiS rEpOrT? Oh wHaT a tErRiBlE tHiNg f0r yOu tO b3 wOrRieD aBoUt wHiLe wE wErE aWaY."I say sarcastically and chuckling
"I didn't think he would go this far! I didn't know he loved animals so much!"He says
"He liTeRaLlY dAtEs fArmEr aNd lOvEs hElPiNg hIm cArE fOr liVesToCk. He sEeKs PeRl's aTtEnTiOn aNd tRiEs tO hElp d0 anYtHiNg tO gEt hIs pUrRs. HeCk I caTcH hIm ovErFiLliNg PeRl's bOwL. WhErE dId yOu mIsS tHe iNdiCaTiOnS?"I ask
"HORROR! Come here!"He shouts
I sigh, hearing the shaky response from Horror and could tell that he is scared. I see Nighty's goop wrap around his feet, starting to get empowered from the negativity again.
"NiGhTy, nOw hE iS gOiNg tO tHiNk tHaT hE iS iN tRouBlE."I sigh
"He knows I love him and was proud of his work while we were away."He says with a shrug
"W-Was?"Horror says as he enters.
His eye-light shakes as the rest of his body trembles. He must be so scared since one minute Nighty seems proud of him and upset the next. He looks at me and I smile at him. He quickly sets himself beside me and I wrap an arm around him, seeming to calm him instantly.
"Horror. Have you been starving yourself for pets that you hide in your room?"Nighty asks sternly
"Those two are snitches...Yes...."He sighs
"How many have you hidden?"Nighty asks
Horror glances at me as Perl climbs out of my lap, seeming nervous.
"Come on, Horror. It can't be that many."Nighty says
Oh, he was wrong. So very, very wrong.
Horror takes my hand and leads us to his room.
"Please don't get mad..."He says before we enter
He bends down, swiping something under his bed once making sure that we shut the door. A rumble is heard as the floor creaks under his bed, and then a flood of animals runs out from under his bed. Hamsters, guinea pigs, chickens, bunnies, and ferrets, all ran out from under his bed. He opens his closet, allowing puppies and kitties to run out and join the rest. They all are wounded in some form and look malnourished. Some are missing parts like feet, eyes, tails, or ears or are covered in cuts. I could see bones through the skin of some dogs, showing how weak they were. They all gather around Horror, limping or rolling over if they had to. Purrs and wagging tails surround him as they obviously recognize him as their protector.
"Horror, have you seriously been keeping them all in your room?"Nighty asks
"You kept me in your home so I don't see why not."He replies
"But you're different!"
Horror points to all the one-eyed animals in the room.
"Am I? I literally tried to eat your tentacles or bite people yet you kept me."He says
"*Sigh* I'll make pet the rooms now."Nighty says, giving in.
I chuckle, seeing Nighty leave to set up the rooms. Perl drags Misty with her bed as she whimpers with a pained look as her ears press down.
"OkAy, fiRsT tHiNgS fiRsT. LeT's gEt ThEm cHeCkEd."I say, opening a portal
I take off the collars of the pets so they don't get taken away and we get in trouble for pet-napping. I pick Perl and Misty up, being that Perl won't leave Misty's side. Horror follows behind me and all the animals follow him through the portal. We surprised the animal hospital staff that was pretty much empty before we walked in. I paid for each of the animals to be checked out and helped, which became a huge cost total on its own. I smile, seeing them gather around Horror's seat as we wait for enough vets to be prepared to help. I check the code of each of Horror's new pets and open portals to their AUs. I send my strings through, ripping the AUs out of existence. Soon enough the pets get taken away and Horror follows closely behind them. We each go down different halls as the animals get separated, Horror going after half of them one way while I follow the group of animals getting taken away with Misty. I don't have much of a choice with Perl physically pushing me to follow after them. I can't help but chuckle, finding this a surprising way to return home.
We're in for a lot now, aren't we?
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