Chapter 34: Honeymoon and Horror in Charge
A few days later, Horror's POV
I march through the halls of the castle, humming to myself. Everything has been kept in order so far and I have kept Killer out of the kitchen. I think Dads will be proud of me. I won't let them down with the responsibility that they gave me. I smile proudly at the fact that I have been left in charge by Nightmare. He has never left others in charge before so for him to pick me first and trust me with this job makes me feel great. So I have prioritized a routine that allows me to keep everything in check within this huge castle, which includes waking up early and grabbing a checklist that I made.
I hear a knock at the door and walk over to see who it might be.
"Did any of you invite your boyfriends over?"I ask
"No...?"Fell says
"Bold of you to think I have a boyfriend."Killer says
"Yet. Bold of you to think I have a boyfriend yet."Dust corrects
"Oh shut up."Killer groans, this being the fourth day of teasing him about Outer
"I know from Dream that Blue is busy so it isn't either of them."Cross says
"Did you just admit that you're dating Dream?"Dust asks
"...Shit....Noooo! I just thought of something!"Killer whines
"Do we even want to fucking know?"Fell asks
"If Cross does date Dream and marry him, then we may have to call him uncle!"Killer says anyway
For a few minutes, it is quiet. Then I hear all of them groan or shout, uncomfortable with that realization.
All I asked was a simple question and this shit unfolded....
I sigh, shaking my head.
"I will see who is at the door."I say, opening the door
I glance out and frown.
And today was going so well...
"Hello there, young skeleton. Is my son home?"Nim asks
"Son?"I ask
"Yes, my son. I come from DreamTale, another AU you may not be aware of, to find my son who is supposed to be here. I am Nim and I need to speak to him."She says, looking down on me
It got on my nerves how she spoke so low to me as if I didn't know what AUs or Dreamtale to be specific was. But then again, that allows me to mess with her by playing stupid.
"Oh! I have heard of you! Aren't you meant to have two sons?"I ask
She nods.
"Which one are you looking for?"I ask
"The rebellious one."She replies
"That being?"I ask
"The one with violent forces."She says
"You're going to have to be more specific."I say
She frowns, clearly getting annoyed.
"Nightmare obviously."She says
"You're his mother?"I ask
"YES! I created him and his brother!"She says
"Did you raise either of them? Help them at their highs and lows?"I ask
She is silent.
"Then you're not really a parent."I say
"And how do you know?"She growls
"From experience with the best parents ever."I reply with a grin.
"Nightmare knows me! Just let me in to see him!"She snaps
"If I let in everyone that claimed that, then I'd ruin the purpose of the reinforced door. That said...Hey Cross?"I say, then shout down the hall
"Yeaaah?"He shouts back
"Did Nightmare ever say that he has parents? Like a bitch named Nim?"I ask, glaring at her
"Why are you asking this? You know he and Dream disowned Nim months ago. She doesn't count as a parent."Cross says
"Just wondering.."I say, glancing at Nim
She frowns.
"I doubt he'd want to see you if he were home."I say
"Just let me in to talk to him!"She snaps
"He isn't here."I say
"Where the hell is he then?"She snaps louder
"He's on his honeymoon."I say
"HONEYMOON?!"She yells
"Yes, he is spending time with his new husband."I say
"Don't tell me that he actually married that broken glitch..."She groans
"You make it hard not to see why they disowned you."I say, narrowing my eye at her.
"Wait...Does this mean I'm getting grandchildren?"She asks
"I don't think so since you have no kids to give you grandkids. And don't try any tricks. Nightmare has enough chaotic kids to deal with and none of us were pleased with what you did to Error. Don't try to hurt my fathers again."I reply
"Your...Dads?"She asks
"Well Nightmare is more of a mom but yes, my fathers. I and two other members of the gang have been adopted by Error and Nightmare, who we have named Dads now."I say
"He took MURDEROUS FREAKS in as his kids?"She snaps
"Yep! Have a nice day!"I say, slamming the door in her face
Fortunately, Uncle Paps coded the castle to keep any intruders out. I march away. I check off another box and keep walking.
Meanwhile, Error's POV
I smile, able to hear Nighty groaning as he wakes up in another room. I pull out the drain, letting the tub empty.
"Glitchy...?"He says
I dry myself off, walking into the bedroom with the towel tied around my waist. I see him sitting up in bed and smile wider, noticing how sleepy he looks. His sleeve slips off of his shoulder, revealing his pearly white bones that shine in the morning light. Yeah he has been so happy the past few days that in addition to my happiness around him, he hasn't been able to run back to his goopy form. Not that I mind that but every day that he stays like this just means that his tentacles will get even more wild once they return.
"MoRnInG NiGhTy. "I say, smiling at him
He glances over and his face turns a bright purple.
"Glitchy!"He snaps
"WhAt? YoU'vE sEeN mE liKe tHiS bEf0R3."I say, knowing exactly what I'm doing.
It's adorable.
"I didn't expect to wake up to this! Get some clothes on!"He says with a pout.
"OkAy."I say, going to the drawers.
I smirk, dropping the towel as I get some clothes out.
"GLITCHY WHY?!"He whines, making me chuckle as I pull my pants up
"Oh cOmE oN. I kNoW yOu lOvE sEeInG tHiS sCaRrEd mEsS."I say, pulling a shirt over my head
"You're not a mess! You're tough and....beautiful.."He says, his voice growing soft as he shyly looks away
I walk over to him and smile, holding his hand. His skull glows a bright purple that even his shoulders are starting to emit the purple glow.
"AnD yOu'Re aDoRaBlE, NiGhTy. NoW, wHaT dO yOu wAnT fOr bReAkfAsT?"I ask, kissing him on the head
"Hmm...I dunno."He says
"I wiLl gO dOwnStaIrS tO tHe lObBy aNd gRaB sOmE fOoD wHiLe yOu wAkE uP."I say, getting slippers on.
He nods and I leave the room, taking the elevator down to the lobby. I find some pancakes getting served, taking two plates to go and sneaking back to the room. I open the door, finding the balcony door open. I shut the hotel room and lock it, hearing the sound of a phone ringing. I let out a sigh.
Not again...
I snatch his phone with my strings, cancelling the call to Horror.
"NiCe tRy, nIgHtY."I say
"I just want to make sure that they're okay and that Killer isn't making a mess!"He says
"He wOuLd hAVe cAlLeD iF tHeRe wAs aNy iSsUe, NiGhTy. JuSt ReLaX. HoRrOr cAn hANDlE kiLlEr."I tell him
"I just have a bad feeling..."He says
"YoU aLwAyS haVe a bAd fEeLiNg. YoU aRe liViNg oFf oF nEgAtIviTy aFtEr aLl. YoU lEfT hOrRoR iN cHaRgE sO yOu hAvE tO tRuSt hIm eNoUgH tO lEt hIm b3 iN cHaRgE. ThIs mEaNs a lOt To h1m aNd hE tAkEs iT vErY sEriOuSly. iF yOu cAlL aNd gIvE hIm 50 qUeStIoNs wHiCh I KnoW yOu wiLl, hE wiLl tHiNk yOu dOn't ReAlLy tRuSt hIm oR tHiNk tHaT hE iSN't g0oD eNoUgh fOr tHe tAsK. GiVe hIm a cHanCe. YoU'Ll gEt aN uPdAtE wHEn wE gEt bAcK. It iS oNlY a fEw mOrE dAyS. ThEy wAnT uS tO rElAx, nOt sTreSs aBoUt tHinGs, nIgHty."I tell him
"Fine...."He sighs, nodding.
"GoOd. NoW hErE aRe yOuR pAnCaKeS."I say
"Thank you, Glitchy..."He says
I kiss him on the cheek again and he smiles. I smile back at him.
It's better that he doesn't know that Horror has been giving me daily updates...They want us to enjoy this and I won't let his workaholicism get in the way.
"I love you, Glitchy."He says, kissing my cheek.
"I lOvE yOu tOo, NiGhTy."I tell him.
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