Chapter 33: Parenting at the Wedding
Error's POV
I smile, seeing how happy everyone is. Everyone is chatting away and Killer even scored a dance with Outer. I walk around, chatting with people, then notice Horror sitting at a table. I go over, seeing hardly any food on his plate and not in the just-ate-it-all kind of way. He keeps poking what little he has with a fork.
"HoRrOr. I hOp3 tHaT iS nOt aLl tHaT yOu'rE eAtiNg."I say
He jolts, looking at me in surprise.
"Oh he isn't. Not on my watch."Farmer says, bringing three more plates of food to Horror
"I didn't want to take too much where others can't eat..."He says
"Horror, everyone has already gone for seconds. You have hardly had your first serving and you cooked all of it! You deserve to eat and you will!"Farmer says
I smile at Farmer as he gets Horror to give in. Then Farmer goes to get some refills in their cups.
"Dad, I-"Horror begins
"EaT. EnJoY yOuRsElF HoRrOr. EnJoY yoUrSelF wItH h1m. He's a kEePeR."I say
His face burns a bright red and he nods, hugging me.
"I'm happy for you, Dad."He says, then digs into his food.
I smile, then go to chat with others. I spot Nighty talking with his brother, who is being worriedly tended to by Cross since he was hit by the bouquet roughly. I smirk, getting an idea. I sneak up behind Nighty, hugging him with one arm and holding his hand with my other hand.
"HeY n1gHtY.~ HoPe yOu'rE nOt bOtHeRiNg yOuR bRoThEr tOo mUcH."I tell him, resting my head on his shoulder.
His tentacles eagerly wrap around me, holding me to him. His face burns up adorably and I hear a quiet squeak as I intertwine our fingers, our rings rubbing together.
"Oh not at all, Error! He was just telling me how wrong Killer was about his comments earlier."Dream says with a bright smile
I notice Nighty's tentacles shrinking away and glance to him as he shakes a bit.
"ArE yOu aLr1gHt, NiGhTy?"I ask
"Glitchy....I..."He says softly
In the blink of an eye his goop is gone and he is smaller in my arms, a blushing purple mess. He's back in his passive form...
"Too much positivity, Brother?"Dream asks
"Shut up."Nighty says
"Be n1c3."I tell him
He sighs, nodding. I notice how his outfit seems bigger on him now, his hands covered by his sleeves and feet hidden by the long dress.
"Is tHiS a bAd t1m3 t0 sAy tHAt y0u loOk bEaUtiFuL, n1gHtY?"I ask
I could feel his soul beat faster and the look he gives me told me yes. He will faint if I do. I release him from my grip and chuckle.
"Be r3aDy t0 h3aR iT lAt3r tHeN."I tell him before trying to locate Paps
I find him standing alone and holding a clipboard close to his chest. He watches everyone having fun and sighs. I snatch the clipboard from him with a smirk.
"HeY! BrOthEr, wHaT aRe yOu d0iNg?"He asks
"SeEiNg yOuR liTtLe cHeCkLiSt."I say, readjusting my glasses
I skim through the list and frown. As usual for my brother, this has a schedule down to the minute of the plans.
"PaPs, tHiS liSt iS iNcOmPlEtE."I tell him
"WhAt? ARe yOu nOt eNjOy1nG yOuRsElF? I tRiEd mY bEsT! WhAt iS It miSsInG?"He asks
"TiMe fOr yOu tO eNj0y yOuRsElF. BuT I knOw a SoLuTi0n. COmE oN."I say, tossing it away to hold his hand
I drag him to the designated dance floor and squeeze his hand, getting him to dance with me. I knew it worked when I saw a smile on his face again.
"SaNs, wHy diD yOu bOtHeR? ToDaY iS yOuR dAy!"He asks
"YoU'rE mY bRO, pApS. I wAnT yOu tO hAvE fUn tOo. AnD i jUsT wAnT tO rEmiNd yOu tHaT nOtHiNg cHaNgeS wIth uS. JuSt bEcAuSe I hAvE NiGhTy aS mY huSbAnD nOw dOeSn'T cHaNgE mY bOnd wItH yOu oR yOur pLaCe In mY liFe. I wiLl aLwAYs mAkE tiMe fOr yOu, PaPs. I lOvE yOu aNd yOu bEtTer kNoW iT."I tell him
He smiles widely, hugging me close. Then he checks the time and runs off to do something according to his schedule. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Him and his schedules.
I see Horror set a large cake on the table reserved for the voices. I chuckle, remembering how they all shouted for invites at me. You better enjoy this.
Paps rolls another cake out on a cart and Horror runs over to Killer and Dust, saying something that alarms them. Dream drags Nighty over to me, leading us to the cake as we are meant to cut it together. Dream hands us the knife and we glance at the three-layered cake that Horror baked and the entire gang helped decorate. I hold Nighty's hand and we cut the first slice together. Everyone cheers and I could see a idea spark in Nighty's purple eyes.
"So...we're totally giving Horror a huge slice, right?"He asks, his voice masked by the cheers and applause
"He hAs nO gEtTiNg oUt oF iT."I say
"Good. I told him not to starve himself at our wedding."He says
Of course, our brothers and the gang were the first to get their slices, each coming up with plates ready. Each of them came up with their dates or soon-to-be dates. Horror was surprised that he didn't get a skinny slice and tried to swap it with Paps but under his gaze combined with Farmer and Nighty, he gave up and accepted the slice he was given. I chuckle and soon everyone had their slices. I sit with Nighty, enjoying the delicious taste of the cake. I smirk, seeing Nighty get cake icing on his face.
"What?"He asks, noticing my gaze and smirk
I lean in, kissing his cheek to get rid of the icing.
"It'S lAtEr, nIghTy.~ YoU lOoK wOndErfUl aS aLwAyS. I aM sO gLaD tO seE yOu hAppY aNd eNjoYiNg yOurSeLf ToDaY."I tell him
His face burns a bright purple.
"Shut up!"He snaps, glancing away so I don't see his blushing mess of a face.
"We'Re mArRiEd nOw, nIgHtY. YoU'rE gOiNg tO hAvE tO deAl wItH mY aFfEcTiOn aNd cOmpLiMeNtS jUst As mUcH aS I PuT uP wItH yOuRs."I chuckle
His shoulders slump and he leans against me.
"I....I like the sound of that..."He says quietly
"PfFt, yOu'Re aDoRaBlE nIgHtY."I say
"Mmmm...."He grumbles, trying to protest the truth
I shake my head, softly wrapping my arms around him and rubbing my hand on his shoulder. He snuggled into my touch, resting his head on my shoulder. I smile, feeding him the rest of his slice on a fork. Then I hear the ringing of a glass. I see Killer standing and tapping a glass with his fork, as if sending a signal. He looks serious for once today instead of joking around. Paps chuckles beside me and I glance at him.
"ThEy hAvE oNe lAsT sUrpRiS3 fOr yOu bOtH."He says
Horror, Dust, and Cross join Killer, whispering and discussing something. Then they walk over to our table with big smiles. Cross reaches into the side of his suit, pulling a folder out and sliding it over to us. Cross and Horror each set a box on the folder. Killer sets bows on each of the boxes.
"What are you scheming now?"Nighty asks
"A vacation for you both to enjoy yourselves. Inside the folder you will find tickets to events, pamphlets and advertisements to guide you around as well as reservations at a hotel in an AU where nobody knows about any of us. Each of us tried to find things that you'd like, Horror hunting down the best food places and marking them in the guides which I'm sure surprised nobody. In addition to the gifts from Horror and Cross that they haven't told me about."Killer explains
"Yeah cuz you'd just tell them before we get to surprise them and then it wouldn't be a surprise. Or you'd lose it."Dust says
"No I wouldn't."Killer says
"You lost the ring."Dust sighs
Horror elbows both of them, shutting them up with a glare.
"Right. We wanted you to have some time together to enjoy yourselves! A break from the chaos! And-"Killer says
"Translation, a break from Killer."Dust snickers
Horror elbows Dust, shutting him up.
"Ahem! I already left suitcases in your rooms for you!"Killer says
"We will handle things while you are gone having fun! Surprise!"Cross says
I smile, seeing how proud of themselves they all look.
"ThAnK yOu gUyS. ThIs iS wOnDeRfUL."I say, which only seems to make them happier.
They each nod and head back to their table.
"Horror, stay for a minute."Nighty says
Horror stops in his tracks, walking back to us. He looks at Nighty curiously.
"Yes, Dad?"He asks
"You're in charge. Please make sure nothing serious happens like Killer burning the kitchen down again."Nighty says
Horror gazes at him in surprise, his red eye twinkling at being trusted with this responsibility. Then he nods, looking determined instead.
"Got it. I wont let you down, Dad."He says, then marches back to his seat like a soldier on a mission
I glance at Nighty, seeing him smile. I smile wider, knowing that this is the first time that Nighty has ever handed the reins of looking after the gang to someone else. Especially the first time he has willingly done so as well. I smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek, making him a blushing mess again. I hear chuckling and glance to Paps.
"YoU bOtH sEeM tO hAve gRowN uSeD tO eNtErInG dAd mOde wiTh tHeM. It's aDoRaBlE."Paps says
"It's hard not to with them."Nighty says, placing his hand on mine.
I feel him gently squeeze it and smile at him, feeling my soul soaring with joy.
This is the start of something wonderful...
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