Chapter 20: A Place for Paps
A few days later, Error's POV
What am I witnessing...?
"PaPs WhEn We pLaNnED tO SPeNd tHe dAy tOgEtHEr, tHiS iSn'T wHaT I hAd iN miNd."I say as he beats a poor anamoly tied up in strings worse than any pinata at a birthday party.
Paps found the employer of the hitmen, some random anomaly that thought they were tough enough to take out the AU destroyer apparently. And my brother may be having too much fun beating him up.
"FiNe."He sighs, releasing the poor fool
Only to open a portal under him to drop him into a random dumpster.
He casually wipes himself off and sits beside me with a big smile. We proceed to craft together, I make puppets while he works on a scrapbook. We talk and laugh for a while, everything seeming calm. But then I noticed a change in Paps and a change in his smile. A thought seemed to have caught his attention that made him drift from our conversation or the page he is working on.
"PaPs? Ar3 y0u aLr1gHt?"I ask
He nods.
"WhAt d0 y0u hAv3 pLaNn3d f0r tHe fUtUr3?"He asks
I pause, feeling my face burn. I certainly have plans....Or ideas at the very least..
"OnLy g0oD tHiNgS."I say
"Do3s tHaT iNcLuD3 Mor3 oF y0ur gAnG fAmiLy?"He asks
I nod.
"MaYbE..."I say
"OkAy..."He says, sounding saddened
"PaPs? ArE yOu aLrIgHt?"I ask
"I aM juSt quEsTiOnInG wHaT pLaCe oR pUrPoSe iN yOuR fUtUrE....We wErE aPaRt f0r s0 l0nG bEcAuSe oF fAtE AnD i SeE tHaT yOu aRe s0 hApPy wItH tHe fAmiLy tHaT y0u fOuNd, ThEy aRe eVeN bEtTeR tHaN pRoTeCtInG yOu. ThEy'Ve hAd mOrE eXpEriEnc3 wiTh mAkInG yOu hApPy aT hIgHs oR lOwS wHiLe w3 wErE aPaRt. I c0uLd tElL tHe mOmeNt I sAw tHem, weLl, aSiDe fr0m KiLlEr wHo g0t oN thE wRONg foOt bUt SHoWeD hIs gOoD iNtEnTiOnS...."He tells me, bowing his head
"PaPs...WhAt d0 y0u m3a-?"I begin
"I sAw y0u tHaT b3aCh dAy w1tH tH3m. y0u l0oKeD a0 haPpY wiTh tHem...y0u hAd aLl tHaT y0u n3eDeD wiTh tHeM...S0 i w0nDeReD iF i'D jUst g3t iN y0uR wAy oR iF y0u n3eD m3 iN y0uR liF3. WhAt w0uLd mY plAcE b3 iF y0u'r3 aLr3aDy haPpY w1tHoUt m3...i diDn't eXp3ct y0u t0 f1nD m3 beHiNd tHe b0x3s..."He sighs
I lean against him, setting my things aside. He looks at me in surprise.
"NoW hOw crAzY wOuLd i HaVe To bE t0 n0t wAnt yOu In mY liFe? I hAd n0 wAy t0 kNoW ThAt y0u wErE oKaY oR vIcE vErSa wiTh FaTe'S tRiCkS. AnD yOu aRe aN aWeSOmE bRoThEr. YoU hUntEd dOwN tHoSe tHrEaTs aNd hANdlEd tHeM! YOu aRe mY bRoThEr aNd n0 mAtTeR wHat mY nEeDs aRe, I wAnT y0u iN mY liFe aNd i l0v3 yOu. Y0u mAkE mY liFe bEtTeR aNd tHe fAcT tHaT wE ar3 taLkInG aBoUt tHiS sHoWs tHat yOu diDn'T n0tiCe hOw spEciAl y0u ar3 iN mY l1fE 0r oUr gAnG'S liF3. NoW tHaT wOn'T cHaNgE nO mAtTeR hOw bIg tHiS fAmiLy gRoWs."I explain to him
"WaIt...iT mIgHt gRoW?"He asks
"NeVeR kNoW wHeN mEmBeRs MaY j0iN. BuT tHaT's nOt tHe p0inT. ThE pOiNt iS tHaT y0u wiLl aLwAyS haVe a PlaCe iN mY liFe, PaPs."I say, hugging him
He smiles at me.
"ThANk yOu, bRotHeR. ThAt iS rEaLlY rEaSsUrInG."He says
"I aM jUsT sUrPrIsEd tHaT y0u fElT tHiS wAy giVeN hOw eVeRyOne loVeS yoU. ThEy'Re n0t jUsT mY fAmiLy bUt yOuRs."I say
"OnLy bEcAuSe tHeY lOvE yOu bROThEr. AnD yOu aDoPtEd tHreE OF tHeM."He says
I shake my head.
"ThEY rEaLlY s3e y0u aS faMiLy, PaPs. HoRrOr eVeN cAlLs yOu uNcLe-"
"WaIt hE dOEs?"He exclaims
"YeAh bUt yOu eItHEr diDn'T wEaR yOuR heAdpHonEs oR hE kEPT iT tO hImSeLf, uNSuRe hOw'D yOu FeEl aBoUt iT. He rEaLlY aPpReCiaTeS yOu cOmFortInG hIm wiTh hIs nIghTmaReS oR bOndINg oVeR cOoKinG. He rEaLlY l0oKs uP t0 yOu. AnD f0r thAt tO cOme fr0m HoRroR tHaT mEaNs a l0t t0 hIm aFtEr wHat hIs aU pUt hIm thRoUgH. HeCk dUsT EvEn aGrEeS wItH iT, wHiCh iS aLsO bIg t0 cOmE fRoM hIm."I say
I see his eye twinkle and he never looked so happy.
"YoU r3aLlY dIdn'T nOtiCe? ThEy gEt eCsTaTiC wHeNeVeR yOu c0m3 oVeR."I ask
He shakes his head.
"i g0t aN iDeA."I say, taking out my phone.
I simply send a text to Horror and open a portal. Within seconds he comes through with Dust and Killer dragged by the wrists. The three tackle Paps to the floor in a hug and I chuckle, seeing them snuggle and makes me smile. He smiles happily as his "nephews" shower him with love.
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