Chapter 15: Understanding and Phases
Error's POV two hours later
"SoO, d0 y0u wAnT t0 r3tUrN tO yOuR aU yEt?"I ask
A sqeak and shake of the head tells me no as we dig into the meal shared between us. I ordered a meal with sides of what he wanted and with the size difference, just that is enough for him. I smile at him, seeing him still wrapped in the cloth and refusing to let my finger go. He digs into a macaron that I had on the side of my grilled cheese and fries meal. I smile, enjoying his company.
He takes out his tiny phone and shrieks, his tentacles sharpening after a few minutes of scrolling. He glances to me and points to the screen. I lean my head down and see a post made by Cipher, showing Nighty in OuterTale still surrounded by other versions of me with two more versions on top of him. Both female with one skeleton and the other human, both showering him in kisses. It is captioned:"Uh, Boss? Aren't you supposed to be one a date?"
I pull the post up on my phonem seeing the comments and see Cipher comment that it was meant to be a DM to Nighty, not a public post. But even so, the comments were piling up as so were the views. Killer and Horror comment things along the lines of:"DAD/MA! NO! What are you doing?" Killer adding in the detail of "Welp, he's dead. We're going to have a single parent soon."
Quit freaking out! I am sure that there is a reasonable explanation for this! It's not like he is cheating! He wouldn't cheat!
Not a moment after that thought crosses my mind, my phone rings with a call from 404.
Oh great...
"ErRoR! WhAt tHe hElL iS tHaT bOyfriEnD oF yOuRS uP tO? Is tHaT rEaLlY hIm oR iS CiPheR mIsTaKeN?"He snaps
"It'S hIm. JuSt cAlM dOwN-"I say
"CaLm dOwN? CALM DOWN?! YoU'Ve bEeN dAtIng f0r oVeR tWo yEaRs nOw! WhAT cOuLd hE pOsSIbLy NEeD a d0z3n oF yOu FoR? I aM g0iNg t0 kiLl h1M!"He shouts
"TheRe 1s n0 n3eD tO kiLl hIm. I aM sUrE tHaT tH3r3 iS a r3aSoNaBl3 eXpLaNaT1oN. AnD gIvEn hOw lOng wE hAvE bEeN tOgEtHeR, I kNoW t0 tRuSt h1m."I say
"If y0u sAy s0."He groans, hanging up
I sigh, shaking my head and setting my phone aside. I feel little tentacles squeeze my finger gently, seeing him look up at me. I smile at him and continue to eat my food. I set my crown on the table, dusting the snow off of it and he curiously peeks through it before glancing up at me again.
"He gAvE m3 iT t0 sYmBoliz3 tHaT i aM hIs bY wEar1nG iT."I say
He nods, seeming to take note of this idea with a twinkle in his eye. Then he tilts his head and points to me, then the crown and to his head.
"A cRoWn oR sYmBoL f0r hiM? I d0n't hAv3 oN3 f0r h1m s1nc3 i kn0w iT aNd d0n't ne3d a syMboL t0 kNoW tHaT h3 iS m1nE."I say
His affection is enough proof for me.
He nods, squeaking about something with a chuckle.
I spend the next few minutes examining random code screens that inform me about my surroundings. Then I shut them to take a sip from my newly refilled cup of hot coco, as does the tiny version of Nightmare through his cup's straw.
"Glitchy?!"I hear a voice shout.
I glance out the window to see Nighty standing outside, looking in through the glass in shock. I shake my head at his messy appearance, his face and tentacles covered in strings or marks from kisses. Specifically lipstick marks and his clothes are a disheveled mess. I glance to Bitty Nightmare, who continues to sip away. I see that from his angle outside that the cups look like 1 that we both are sipping from. And I have my crown off, something he rarely sees me do in public. Within seconds he is beside our table looking shocked at me.
"Glitchy, I thought we had a date arranged at a diner with us, not this pipsqueak."He says, making his smaller self growl at him
"GoT t1r3d oF wAiTiNg 0n y0u aNd geTtiNg y0ur v0icEma1L. HmMm, tHrEe hOuRs s1nCe oUr aGrEeD tiMe aNd y0u sHoW uP liKe tHiS. WaS iT fUn wItH tHeM?"I tell him
"What are you talking about..? And why aren't you wearing the crown?"He asks
Tiny tentacles turn into a large hand that slaps him across the face, his smaller self glaring at him.
"I sAw y0u eNjOyiNg y0urSeLf wiTh th0s3 oThEr eRr0rS aNd eV3n iF i d1dn'T, CiPh3r mAd3 iT kNoWn aS wElL aS h0w y0u sHoWeD uP hErE. n0w, I sAvEd y0u fr0M 404 s0 i tHiNk y0u cAn g1v3 m3 aN eXpLanAt1oN."I say
He takes out his phone and tenses.
"Shit you did call...I thought of calling...I thought I did..."He mumbles
"BuT y0u diDn'T. NoT eVeN wHeN y0u wErE t0Ld t0 rEsChEduLe."A voice says
"Ugh! I thought I lost you bunch!"Nighty snaps as the group enters the cafe.
"NoPe. You'Re sTuCk wiTh uS f0r a dAy, r3m3mBeR? GoT r3d sTr1nGs t0 pr0v3 iT."The voice says as one steps forward
"Ah, Emp1r3. N1c3 t0 se3 y0u."I say
"You know each other?"Nighty asks in surprise
I hear a squeal and see a bitty version of myself swing over to the bitty version of Nighty, both hugging each other. Empire and I nod.
"ErRoR, i ap0log1z3 f0r y0uR b0yFr1eNd's f0oLiShnEsS aNd h0w tHis mAy hAv3 l0oKeD. It wAsn'T c0mPleTeLy iN hiS c0nTr0L. We wErE pUt iN a tEsT bY cHaNc3 t0 s3e h0w a gr0uP oF uS w0uLd rEaCt t0 oNlY oNe oF h1m f0r a dAy. He wAs t0Ld tHr3e t1m3s bY cHaNc3 t0 cAlL aNd reSchEdul3 aNy pLaNs h3 hAd oR t0 t3Ll oTheRs aBoUt h1s siTuAt1oN, bUt h3 diD n0t liStEn. i tRiEd t0 k3eP tHe oThErAS oFf oF h1m bUt y0u s3e h0w tHat w0rKed oUt. I c0uLd h3aR y0uR pHon3 r1nG aNd t0Ld h1M t0 aNsWeR, bUt h3 diSmiSsEd tHaT aS w3Ll. Y0u cAn sEe wHy i aM iN cHaRg3 oF tHe emPiRe's sChEduLiNg."He explains to me
I sigh, shaking my head.
"Glitchy...I..."Nighty begins.
"ToLd y0u n0t t0 iGn0rE tHiS.Th3r3 wAs eVeN a br3aK beFor3 pHaSe tHrEe wHeRe y0U c0uLd'Ve t0Ld h1m."Empire says
I feel a hand touch mine gently. I glance up, seeing his messy face.
"I kNeW tHeRe hAd t0 b3 s0m3tHiNg g0iNg oN. HeH, aNd tHe oThErS aCtEd aS iF y0u ch3aTeD 0n m3! NeXt t1m3 cAlL aNd d0n't w0rRy m3 l1kE tHaT."I tell him
He nods, seeming relieved.
"What do you mean about the others?"He asks
"ChEcK ciPh3r's pr0f1Le."I say, then feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Now that everyone's aware of the plan, time for Phase Four."Chance says
Then I get teleported to a completely different place onto a soft sofa. I glance around, confused on what phase four means. Then I see the room fill with different versions of Nighty. I check the time, seeing that it is 7:35PM.
Oh...Lovely...Guess I got the "night shift" of the experiment.
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