Chapter 29
As mid-semester approached, the students of the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) branch eagerly awaited the announcement of their results. However, this time, the process faced an unexpected delay. Unbeknownst to the students, the professors had been attending an intensive training session aimed at enhancing their teaching methodologies and intellectual knowledge which delayed the process of answer sheet checking. Due to the rigorous training schedule, the compilation and posting of the mid-semester results were pushed back.
Finally, after the prolonged wait, the much-anticipated day arrived. The notice board outside the ECE department was adorned with neatly printed sheets containing the mid-semester results. Students hurried to the notice board, their hearts pounding with anticipation.
" will I face my parents? I got my first backlog already," Susmit, a classmate of Arvika murmured to himself and started checking the result of his best friend, Aditya, who was currently snoring like a pig inside the premises of his hostel dorm. A selfish desire stirred within Susmit's heart. He found himself wishing, almost spitefully, that his best friend would also face a setback, just to share a sense of solidarity in their shared struggle.
"Marenge to saath marenge, backlog lagenge to saath lagenge" : This was the most momentous rule of the best friends inside the four-walls of every boys hostel incubated in the realm of an engineering institute unlike the girls hostel.
("If you die, even I will die; if there is a backlog, we will have a backlog together")
"Yayyy, even he had a backlog. Chalo ab dil ko tasalli mili," Susmit whispered to himself and turned away towards his hostel room, ready to share the ecstatic news of having a 'Hum-saath-saatb-hain-backlog' to his best friend.
(Well now my heart is at peace)
Arvika chuckled at her classmate's behavior and moved forward to check her marks when she noticed how Vinay was almost fastened to the notice board as if he was a part of the board.
Was he trying to kiss the notice board too? A funny thought clouded her mind and she chuckled again at the stupidity of it. Unlike the rest of the students who were unnerving for the results of their Toofani-stunt-of-studying-one-night-before-the-exam, she was pretty composed and unwound meanwhile her best friend Kavya was inside her dorm, praying to Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of Knowledge, for above average marks and no backlogs.
A lot of students were crowded near the notice board until the CR arrived. CR: The Class Representative, who handles everything inside a classroom, from organizing Mass-bunk to coaxing the professors for a short lecture, they manage everything.
Chandrika was the CR of ECE, First year and she was another admirer of Dev. His charm and charisma captured her attention so much that she couldn't help but develop a significant crush on him. And that was why she contested the elections for being the CR because being a CR brought a lot of fame and attention and she knew this could be a stepping-stone towards developing a friendship with the student President, that is, Mr. Dev.
"Excuse me guys. Let me take a picture of our marks. I will post it in our group chat. It is wasteful to jam-pack here and I can....uff my foot...." Chandrika almost shrieked when Vinay clumsily put his foot on her foot. She pushed him away using her elbow and gritted menacingly, "Look where your feet are placed, you dimwitted scoundrel".
"Sorry, sorry....I didn't mean to," Vinay whispered beseechingly and moved back when he again bumped into Arvika. "Easy Vinay," Arvika held his shoulders and steadied him. She suspected that he was in a plight so didn't say anything harsher. His body language was quite petrified and delicate today. After mumbling a small thanks, he stood far behind from the class CR as well as Arvika.
'Chandrika hai ya Chandaal ye ladki!' he mused and sighed at his class CR.
(Is this girl Chandrika or Chandal) (Chandal means a cruel woman!)
The crowd almost backed away at the CR's punitive one-sided altercation with their classmate from the notice board except for a few students who didn't have the advantage of having a smartphone including Arvika. She could've taken the smartphone of Kavya for which the latter even pleaded but Arvika embraced her preference for traditional methods. She had eagerly awaited the unveiling on the notice board, cherishing the anticipation like an old school girl, relishing the idea of seeing her hard-earned grades displayed in the familiar setting of the college corridor.
Once the CR had shared the PDF of their mid-semesters' subject-wise marks, the students rushed towards their classroom to grab a seat for their hindquarters, fearing the palpable results that could render them motionless.
With a few students still near the notice board, Arvika's eyes scanned the list for her name. When she spotted it, her heart skipped a beat. To her delight and surprise, she had notched decent marks in all the subjects and she had scored the highest marks in Ray Optics, a subject she feared for its complexity and challenging concepts. It was that subject which had left her sleepless for many nights. She subdued her excitement and after dialing Kavya's number from her keypad phone, she skimmed for Kavya and mechanically, told the respective marks to her.
"What? Bhagwan Kasam kha? 35 out of 40 in Digital Electronics? Really? And what about Calculus? 32? Well! Saraswati Mata finally listened to me. I cannot believe my ears. You're my lucky charm too, my Boo. I didn't have the courage to check my marks in the WhatsApp group. Yeah, I am coming, I am coming to the classroom. I need to visit a temple today, yayyyy!" Arvika chuckled at Kavya's antics and her overexcitement. She knew how panicky Kavya had always been when it came to academics for she always underestimated herself as well as her capabilities.
(Swear on God?)
"Yes, come to the class. Don't miss the lecture now because you're already on the professor's radar for being an absentee," Arvika whispered, backing away from the crowd when she noticed Vinay's poor-stricken state. "Come fast. Bye," she disconnected the call and approached Vinay cautiously.
Clearing her throat, she asked softly, "Vinay is everything alright?".
At the unexpected query, Vinay looked up from his phone and with wobbling lips, he replied, "I got a backlog in Ray Optics. I don't know how I will face my parents. They've so much faith in me....".
"Hey hey...don't cry."
Despite her empathetic nature, Arvika felt a wave of panic engulf her; she had never been comfortable consoling boys, her lack of experience and apprehension against interacting with men leaving her feeling unsure of how to comfort Vinay. Yet, despite her own reservations, Arvika knew she had to set them aside, and provide solace to the crying boy in front of her. She already felt sorry for him for the chastisement he had to endure which she saw in the video inside the confinement of the library a few days back.
Before she could've said a few words of solicitude to him, Kavya arrived by her side and crushed her in one of her infamous bone-crushing hugs. '"Let me breathe at least, you idiot," in a muffled voice, Arvika said and finally Kavya drew out from the hug. The latter chortled at the former's state and then her eyes landed on Vinay. Somehow knowing Kavya's nature, Arvika held her wrist and drew her towards a more secluded area from where Vinay stood.
"Don't say anything harsh to him, Kavya. He already has a backlog. I was going to console ...."
"Console? That jerk? Are you out of your mind? Did you forget what he tried to do in Mussoorie?" Kavya hissed at her best friend, shooting daggers at the crestfallen boy. Arvika sighed and whispered pleadingly, "He apologized to me yaar. He was apologetic for his behavior. Let's not extend this matter anymore. I am already feeling sorry for the punishments he had to endure because of that incident. Let's just forget it...."
(Yaar- Buddy/Dude/Bro)
"Hmm. I don't know yaar. I've known you for many years. You had a resentment towards Dev Bhai for so long and now things are starting to improve between you two because he happens to be our senior. I just cannot digest the fact that you're willing to forgive Vinay so easily?" with a puzzled expression, Kavya whisper-yelled rhetorically and Arvika had to pull her towards their lecture-hall as she noticed that their Digital electronics' professor was also going to enter the lecture-hall anytime now.
Taking their usual seat at the second row and whispering a few hi/hellos to their other classmates, Arvika turned her attention towards Kavya and sighed for the umpteenth time. "Kavya, right now, I really don't want to hold grudges against anyone. He's our classmate and he was sorry for whatever stunt he pulled that day. I know how sorry and sincere he was when he apologized to me. Also, he has a backlog now, how shattering it would be for him. He's already suffering a mini-heart attack because of that. Please just be a little humane and let's forget it." She whispered and took out the register for digital electronics along with some pens and a ruler.
Kavya nodded in understanding and she turned her head back and saw Vinay settling on the second last row. He surely looked like he had a mini-heart attack. With an understanding smile, she whispered, "Wow, the queen is finally changing for good". Arvika chuckled inaudibly and replied, "The Queen has to change because now she's in a Co-Ed and she needs to be a little tolerable to these incidents. Boys make worse comments than that. I certainly cannot have a weak heart here, can I?".
"Yes, yes my Lady! Bravo! Now tell me how are you going to treat Dev Bhai?" Kavya asked teasingly, taking out her own register for the particular subject while taking a blue-inked pen from Arvika's assorted pens' collection as she had forgotten her own pouch at the hostel.
"Good morning sir," the whole class greeted the professor in a sing-song manner, the credit of which goes to the benevolent marking that the professor had bestowed the class with. No doubt the students had managed to get the best scores in his subject and they were really content that at least DE would help them manage to get a decent CGPA for this semester.
"What treat?" Arvika whispered and settled down on her seat along with the other students at the curt nod of their professor.
"You got the highest in Ray Optics, the subject in which he had helped you proof a formula and then later solve a numerical on an eraser? Itni jaldi memory se erase ho gaya?" Kavya chuckled but immediately brought a halt to her hee-hawing when she saw the glares of her professor.
(Already erased from memory, so quickly?)
"Shut up and focus now before Mr. Chauhan throws us out of the class," tucking her hair strands behind her ear as if setting them, Arvika mumbled in a warning tone and concentrated on the roll-call.
"Hmm,,,," Kavya hummed and even she directed her attention towards Mr. Chauhan's meticulous attendance-taking process, highlighting its significance within the classroom dynamic, putting an end to Dev and his hypothetical treat to be proffered by Arvika.
Dusk had already befallen and the black was going to paint the night inky and after having a rigorous rounds of GDs, multiple interviews, Dev found himself utterly consumed with the thoughts of his whirlwind of activity over the past week, juggling the demands of a lengthy placement drive for his favorite company while simultaneously grappling with an unexpected internal struggle. As he navigated through countless rounds of interviews and assessments, his mind was also preoccupied with maintaining inner tranquility with Arvika. Even the smallest form of unintentional enticement from her side was creating havoc in him. He needed to restrain himself, and especially his lower body whenever he was near her, otherwise, he could make a fool of himself if his body continued to react like that.
Dev, along with some of his other brilliant classmates of ECE as well as few other final-year students from other circuital branches were settled inside the computer lab, anticipating the next and the final round of this week-long academic marathon. This crucial interview represented not just another step in his career journey, but a potential gateway to a coveted opportunity: the chance to work with Intel, the creator of microprocessors. It was his dream company and he knew that he had to excel in it for this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for him. He had burned the midnight oil for this company, he had to bag this opportunity.
"How many job offers do you have right now?" Raghav, a CSE final year student who was also a good ally of Dev, asked him out of the blue and the latter had to bring a stop to his train of thoughts, consisting of a multitude of ideas and emotions. Composing himself, Dev uttered, "Qualcomm only".
Surprise clouding his features, Raghav just looked at Dev as if he had two horns. "Why only one? You're a brilliant student? I have 3-4 offer letters right now with varying packages!".
Dev shook his head and replied nonchalantly, "Well, I only participated in other interviews so as not to break the rule of our placement cell. Due to the college's strict rule prohibiting students from skipping more than two placement drives, I was compelled to attend interviews even if I wasn't interested in the company. I only targeted the chip-making companies and till now, only Qualcomm and Intel have graced our college's premises, so yeah".
Raghav sniggered at the reply and patted Dev on his back, "Brilliant! But you could've grabbed greater opportunities from many marvelous companies man! At least you'd have many offer letters to boast about!"
Dev managed to force a smile at his ally's words and inwardly thought about the reasons why he did what he did! His aim was to avoid being selected in companies other than his dream companies and thereby save a spot for other deserving students. Dev reminisced about employing a strategy of intentionally underperforming during interviews. Whether by appearing overly confident to the point of arrogance or feigning incompetence. Despite the moral ambiguity of his actions, Dev believed it was a necessary sacrifice to ensure fairness in the placement process.
If he was not going to work in a company that's not on his dream companies' list, then what would he do with their offer letters? Probably dehydrate them in the sun for making collegiate pickles of those offer letters?
Dev shook his head and rustled out, "Haha. No man. I don't need 'offer letters' to boast about my brilliance. It's better to focus on what we WANT in life and not how many we want in life. Chalo, I need to go. All the best". After getting the signal from one of the placement cell's members, he stood up from his chair and moved towards the chambers of the interviewers, leaving Raghav in utter awkwardness and foolhardiness.
"Yeah, whatever. Arrogant bastard," Raghav swore inaudibly and decided to keep mum till his turn as he needed to calm down his nerves for Dev had aggravated his ego as well as challenged his adeptness, indirectly.
"And that's why he is our student President and you're just a student," Risha, who too was sitting inside the lab rustled out haughtily and rolled her eyes at Raghav, almost making an impression as if she was the one and only charming girlfriend of Dev. After Risha's witty comment, the final year students chuckled and eagerly awaited their turn for the final interview.
Rohan's face beamed with excitement as he entered their favorite stop, the college cafeteria where Kavya awaited him with eager anticipation. Dusk had fallen and only a handful of students were scattered around the cafeteria. On seeing Rohan, she stood up from the comfortable chair and embraced him as they were meeting after a long break. With a wide grin, he exclaimed, "Kavya, I have good news for you!," taking a seat on the chair adjacent to hers.
Kavya's visage crimsoned and she asked him with her eyes, anticipating the much-awaited news.
"You won't believe it! I've been selected as a Graduate Engineer Trainee at Tata Motors!"
Kavya's eyes widened in delight as she reached out to squeeze Rohan's hand and unknowingly, her eyes dampened with the happy news. "Oh my goodness, Rohan! Tata Motors! Really? It is one of the best automobile companies out there. I'm so proud of you! Finally you made it, my Bunny!"
Rohan's chest swelled with pride at Kavya's enthusiastic response and he hugged her excitedly. "Thank you, Baby! It still feels surreal to me. I can't wait to start this new chapter of my career. In 8th semester, I'd be a trainee and then if I perform well, I'll be selected for full-time." Kavya nodded joyously and stood up to order for some sweets: the occasion was grandeur enough to feed sweets to everyone she knew of.
As they savored the moment together with some pastries and Kaju Katli and other day-to-day whereabouts, Kavya couldn't contain her own excitement any longer. "And guess what, Bunny? I received my mid-semester marks today, and they're actually pretty decent!"
(Sweet made up of Cashew Nuts)
Rohan's eyes lit up with pride and admiration. "That's amazing news, Baby! I always knew you had it in you. Keep working hard because the first year is the best opportunity to have a decent CGPA".
As Rohan and Kavya reveled in their joyous moment, Dev approached the table with a wide grin, exuding confidence and charm. "Hey, guys! What's the celebration all about?" he inquired, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He had just got free from the tedious process of the interviews, but his demeanor was nonetheless energetic and enthralling. Just before entering the cafeteria, Rohan had swiftly tapped out a message to Dev, informing him of their location and proposing a meet-up in the cafeteria.
Kavya couldn't contain her excitement as she shared the news. "Bhai, Rohan just got selected as a Graduate Engineer Trainee at Tata Motors!"
Dev's face lit up with genuine happiness for his best friend. "That's incredible, Man! Congratulations! I knew you'd nail it. After all, you're my best friend!" Rohan stood up from his chair for a manly hug that the duo shared every time a happy news was there.
Rohan beamed with gratitude, thanking Dev for his saccharine words. "Thanks, Man. Sab teri kripa hai saale!" With a teasing smile, he punched Dev in his stomach, earning a punch as a return gift on his bum. Kavya chortled at the scene and the trio settled down after ordering some of their favorites as they all were famished.
(It's all because of you, thanks to you, brother!)
As Dev joined Rohan and Kavya at the table, a few girls in the cafeteria couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring his dapper appearance. Attuned to the attention, Dev flashed some of the knowns a formal smile before turning his attention back to his friends, ready to celebrate their successes together.
Dev couldn't help but feel a surge of contentment himself. So much happy news for today! Just earlier that day, he had aced his own interview and was confident of his selection. Dressed sharply in his formals, he exuded an air of confidence and professionalism that caught the attention of those around him. But amidst the bustling atmosphere of the cafeteria, Dev's curiosity piqued, prompting him to inquire about Arvika.
While twirling the noodles around the chopsticks, Dev began, his tone casual, "Where is Arvika? I haven't seen her around lately."
Kavya paused mid-bite, winked at Rohan and with a lopsided grin, contemplating Dev's question thoughtfully before she replied, "Oh, Arvika? She's been busy tutoring some students who didn't do too well in the mid-semester exams. She's in the hostel common room helping them out." Kavya couldn't help but grin at the reminiscent of the last incident that had transpired between Dev and Arvika. She could see a crimson hue painting Dev's chop just when he had asked about his ladylove.
Dev nodded in understanding, scratching the back of his neck. "Ah, I see. That's really thoughtful of her. I'll have to catch up with her later then."
Rohan couldn't resist teasing Dev at Arvika's tutoring sessions. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he playfully remarked, "Dev, imagine how lovely Arvika would look tutoring your future children someday."
Dev's cheeks flushed crimson as he stifled a nervous chuckle, feeling slightly flustered by Rohan's jest. "Come on, Rohan, don't start with that again," he replied, attempting to brush off the teasing with a good-natured laugh.
Kavya chortled and almost choked at her boyfriend's tickling remark.
Rohan grinned, clearly enjoying Dev's reaction. "I'm just saying, Dev. With Arvika's dedication and your intellect, those future kids of yours would be top of the class for sure!"
Despite his embarrassment, Dev couldn't help but join in the laughter, appreciating Rohan's light-hearted banter. Deep down, though, he couldn't deny the flutter of nerves that Rohan's teasing stirred within him, a reminder of the undeniable attraction he felt towards Arvika.
'One day for sure' Dev promised himself and a beautiful smile adorned his face.
In the midst of their conversation, a sudden realization struck Kavya like a bolt of lightning – Vinay, one of the students Arvika was tutoring, came to mind. A wave of nervousness washed over her as she hesitantly broached the topic with Dev and Rohan.
"Guys," Kavya began, her voice tinged with unease, "I just remembered that Vinay is also one of the students Arvika is tutoring."
Dev's brows furrowed, and his expression darkened as he exchanged concerned glances with Rohan. The mere mention of Vinay's name elicited a visceral reaction from both of them, stirring up feelings of resentment towards the young man who harbored unrequited feelings for Arvika.
Dev clenched his fists, his frustration palpable. "I can't stand that guy," he muttered through gritted teeth. "He's been trying to get Arvika's attention for months, despite knowing she's not interested. And now this backlog thing would give him more opportunity to be near her. And why is she not angry at him?"
Rohan nodded in agreement, a steely resolve hardening his features. "You're right, Dev. Vinay's behavior towards Arvika has always rubbed me the wrong way. It's disrespectful and uncalled for."
Kavya nervously glanced at Dev's angry visage before muttering, "Actually, I tried in the morning to stop her from befriending him, knowing your reaction on it but she just said that she felt sorry for him and it'd be a humane thing if she could just help in his studies along with the other students. She had scored one of the highest marks and that's why even our professors have requested her to help them to at least clear their backlogs. Some other toppers are asked to do the same".
After absorbing the news, a sense of unease and jealousy gnawed at Dev. It felt as if Arvika was devoting all her time and attention to helping others, almost as if she were getting paid for it. The thought of her spending time with Vinay instead of him stirred up a tumult of emotions within him.
Desperate to have Arvika by his side, Dev toyed with the idea of interrupting her tutoring session and bringing her to the cafeteria. However, he knew all too well how fiercely independent Arvika was and how angry she would become if he disrupted her work.
Turning to Kavya with a threatening look in his eyes, Dev quietly asked, "Kavya, do you think you could call Arvika and ask her to join us here in the cafeteria?."
Before Kavya could reply, their conversation halted tersely when they witnessed Arvika climbing up the stairs, accompanied by Vinay who wore a grin wider than the Cheshire cat's. As Dev watched Arvika and Vinay ascend the stairs together, a surge of anger coursed through him like a raging inferno. His jaw clenched tightly, and his fists trembled with pent-up fury. The mere sight of Vinay beside Arvika ignited a primal instinct within Dev, urging him to lash out and confront the intruder who dared encroach on his territory.
With a menacing tone, Dev muttered under his breath, "I swear, if that guy doesn't back off, I'll..."
Kavya and Rohan exchanged concerned glances, sensing the volatile energy radiating from Dev. The atmosphere around them turned tense, the air thick with the unspoken threat of impending confrontation. Dev's anger was palpable, and his clenched fists spoke volumes about the intensity of his emotions.
"He needs to go back to the hellhole from where he came".
With a sudden jolt, Dev stood up abruptly from his chair, causing it to crash loudly to the ground. The sharp sound echoed through the cafeteria, drawing the attention of nearby students. Kavya and Rohan exchanged worried glances towards each other, noticing the predator-like menace on Dev's visage.
As he fixed his gaze on Vinay, his expression darkened, and his posture exuded an aura of menace. Every muscle in his body tensed with restrained fury, and his clenched fists trembled with barely contained rage. It was as if he were shooting daggers at Vinay with his piercing stare, silently warning him to stay away from Arvika.
Arvika's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Dev's eyes ablaze with a fierce, concentrated fury, all directed at Vinay, her newfound friend. The shock of witnessing such intense emotion from Dev, someone she had always known to be composed and level-headed, sent a chill down her spine.
Arvika had intended to express her gratitude to Dev for helping her achieve the highest marks in Ray Optics. However, as she witnessed the intense anger emanating from him, a sense of unease washed over her. What was once a gesture of appreciation now seemed overshadowed by the overwhelming urge to distance herself from the menacing aura surrounding him. The conflicting emotions left Arvika torn between her desire to thank him and the instinctive need to flee from the unsettling presence he now seemed to embody, casting a shadow over their previously amicable friendship.
'Ye shaanti ka prateek Devi Prasad Jwala Mukhi kaise ban gaya?' A sudden thought clouded her mind.
('How did this symbol of peace, Devi Prasad, become Jwala Mukhi?)
Dev's jaw clenched with determination as he pulled Vinay outside, away from the prying eyes of the cafeteria crowd. With a shrewd intensity in his gaze, he fixed Vinay with a stern look, his voice low but commanding.
"Listen, Vinay," Dev began, his tone brooking no argument, "I need you to stay away from Arvika. I've noticed your lingering looks and I won't tolerate any unwanted attention towards her."
Vinay's eyes widened in surprise at Dev's directness, he stuttered "Sir...but she was tuto.."
"Shut the fu*k up," Dev was close to choking him but with a determined fervor, he kept his hands abreast him. Gritting his teeth, he gnashed, "Find someone else who can tutor you. She's not your paid teacher to do that. And remember, if I see you near her, the punishment could be fatal, under...?". As Dev was delivering a stern warning to Vinay outside the cafeteria, his voice firm and commanding, Arvika's sudden appearance caught him off guard. Startled, he turned to face her, momentarily taken aback by her unexpected interruption.
"What's going on?" Arvika questioned, her brow furrowed in concern as she approached the pair. She had seen how violent he looked when he was eyeing Vinay as if he would chew him up alive!
Caught off balance, Dev quickly composed himself, his expression softening as he met Arvika's gaze. "It's nothing, Arvika. Just a small matter I needed to discuss with Vinay," he replied, his tone gentle yet guarded. Vinay nodded too when Dev's eyes darkened at him.
Arvika's eyes flickered between Dev and Vinay, sensing the tension lingering in the air. Even Kavya and Rohan were outside the cafeteria, ready to intervene if the matter escalated.
"But your eyes are telling a different story. Why are you hellbent on bullying him? Didn't you already punish him?" Arvika drew closer to the duo, and eyed the fake composed demeanour of Dev who was cursing incoherently.
Dev sighed and pleaded with Kavya with his eyes to gently guide her best friend back towards the cafeteria, eager to conceal the encounter from the eyes of Arvika. "Nothing of that sort. Actually, me and Rohan are currently living in the hostel due to late night interviews and all. So, we needed to settle some issues with Vinay, right Rohan?" Rohan who was not much far from them came forward and nodded his head, adding effect to the partially-made up story.
"Yes Arvika. These boys and their obsession with games. I am sure it's one of the Online altercation they have on online gaming. You remember PUBG? Right? These boys can kill for this PUBG-SUBG! Let's get inside. I have some exciting news for you," Kavya composed herself and smiled at her best friend offhandedly, coaxing her to listen to her this one time. Arvika nodded in understanding but the frightened look on Vinay's face was telling a different tale but he too started smiling at her in understanding and nodded his head.
She sighed and went inside the cafeteria. She herself was parched after tutoring some of the students. They were brilliant no doubt, but due to absence from the classroom due to some reason or the other, they got a backlog. But this was a great opportunity to mend her friendship with Vinay and even befriend some of her classmates who were a great company to be with.
Once sure that they were outside the reach of Arvika, Dev's grip on Vinay's arm tightened slightly, emphasizing the urgency of his words. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you. Keep your distance from Arvika, understand? Otherwise book a hospital bed in advance for yourself!"
Vinay swallowed hard, nodding once more in acquiescence, before hastily retreating from the corner, leaving Dev to simmer with a sense of satisfaction at having asserted his authority without causing a scene in the bustling cafeteria.
Rohan bemusedly commended, "Dev, gotta say, you were like a hawk swooping in on Vinay back there. Possessive much?"
Dev sighed and rolled his sleeves. His mood had turned sour and he needed to vent out his frustration, maybe he could go for a run after bidding bye to Arvika and Kavya. "I just wanted to make sure Arvika was okay, Rohan. You know how much she means to me and how I cannot stand any man with such intentions towards her."
"Oh, I know, I know. But seriously, mate, you were practically marking your territory. What if you two were actually together?".
Dev raised an eyebrow at the sudden question and asked, "What are you getting at, Rohan?".
Rohan grinned and sniggered, "I'm just saying, if you're this protective now, imagine what you'd be like if you were married. You'd probably have her on a leash."
Dev rolled his eyes at the exaggeration and cursed, "You rascal! Don't be ridiculous. I am not a narrow-minded patriarch".
"I'm just messing with you, Dev. But hey, it's kinda cute how much you care about her." Rohan laughed and together they embarked towards the cafeteria.
As they made their way towards the table, Dev finally noticed Arvika carefully and her now jubilant mood. A smile came automatically on his lips as he looked at her. She looked enthralling in a beige coloured Top with black jeans. Her soft tendrils were saying hi to him due to the speedy fan on the ceiling. He could even smell her faint fragrance of her baby powder: the smell which reminded him of home.
She was the place where he felt the most comfortable, the safest, and the most at peace. His sour mood had now ditched him as a pleasant emotion clawed him in its paws. Whenever he was with her, he felt like he had finally arrived home after a long journey. Being with Arvika felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter's day. She was his sanctuary, his refuge, and his home.
As Rohan and Dev settled into their chairs, Arvika beamed at Rohan, congratulating him on his recent placement. Then, turning to Dev with a curious gleam in her eyes, she inquired, "So, how did your interview with Intel go?!" Her genuine interest and warm smile encouraged Dev to share his experience, knowing that she was genuinely interested in his interview process.
Still savoring their meal of momos and noodles, their conversation filled with laughter and chattering, the familiar sound of incoming messages interrupted their banter. Checking their phones, they discovered news of an upcoming Bollywood glam night tailored for the freshers, scheduled in just two days.
Kavya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she read the message, her enthusiasm infectious. "Oh my goodness! Guys! A Bollywood glam night? How incredible! We absolutely have to go all out for this!"
Meanwhile, Arvika's reaction was markedly different; her usually vibrant demeanor turned somber as she absorbed the news. Despite her friends' enthusiasm, she couldn't shake off a sense of unease, unsure if she would feel comfortable at the event.
Author's Note:
Now, Bollywood Glam night is around the corner. What do you think will happen? Something juicy? Some romantic moments?
How was it? Now that I am regularly updating, please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter as it really helps to reach larger audience.
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